Dark Insanity

Chapter Six:Raven

Elda and I were waiting at the old bus stop, trying to pass of as normal teens who didn't just commit a crime.However, we both knew that we were gonna be on the run. We talked for a little bit, not really having a conversation, just to keep from worrying. After a while, we stood there, waiting for a bus, when five police cars blew past us, siren wailing full blast. I turned to Elda, who turned pale as a ghost. She looked at me, with wide eyes.

"I hope that damn bus comes soon." she muttered.

"I do, too."

We listened for the sirens blaze up to the asylum, cringing at the thought of getting caught.I did not want to go back there, I would rather be dead. They were cruel to us, beating us,whipping us, and of course, I shuddered at the thought, keeping us in a dark room with nothing to eat or drink. Suddenly,out of the blue, and old ragged truck came chugging pass, stopping where Elda and I was. In the little pickup truck, there was a a older gentleman, with a balding hair and a mustache. He leaned forward, rolling down the window to talk.

"Hello there!" he called out, rubbing his large belly.

"Hi." we said simultaneously.

He looked around,"Where are y'all goin'?"

"A bus stop that will take us out of the city," I answered, being wary of this man.

If there's one thing that I learned at the asylum, you don't trust anyone. Never. Well, Elda was the exception. We had been friends since the beginning. She was like a sister to me, and I wanted to protect her as much as I could.

"Do you guys want a ride? This bus line has been discontinued since eighty-three."

I looked at Elda,smiling slightly, blushing. Whoops. Well, at least I've learned something. Elda nodded at his offer, heading up to the back of the old truck. Flinging my worldly belongings into the back, I climbed in after her, sitting with my back to the cab. Elda was sitting on the side of the truck, careful to dispose of the bloody rag.

"On we go,ladies.Muahahaha!"

I looked at this gentleman, he was crazy, but in a good way, I smiled, we were safe for now, in the presence of this guy. I leaned back, closing my eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun.

It was a day like this, Elda and I snuck out into the courtyard to the garden. We tiptoed quietly, even though we didn't have to, Elda knocked out the dumb nurses, so we could be loud. I guess it was just the fact we were at the asylum. We went into the luscious garden, picked enough strawberries for everyone kept here. So, Elda and I distributed two strawberries each to the people there. Finally making our rounds, we found that we had enough just for us, and so we devoured them, never have tasted them in a long time.

'If only things were like this every day,' I thought,smiling,'well, now they will be like that.Forever.'