Dark Insanity

Chapter 7:Elda

Here we where, almost home free. the sirens blared in the distance and i tried to get the images of those bodies out of my head.
I don't remember when it started, when i want to kill everything around me. I guess it may have been the anger. the sadness, and god knows what else.
At one point though, there was someone there besides Raven, who I wanted to protect.
He helped us, and I soon fell in love with him. Problem was, i never got the chance to thank him for all he had done for us.

One of the nurses advanced on me with a stun gun, and shocked me till everything felt numb, yet even then, i couldn't stop screaming in pain. Then footsteps echoed through the hallway, and i saw Raven and James standing in the doorway like beacons of light. I was shaking so badly I had trouble getting up, but the nurse didn't care and stunned me one more time before being knocked out by James.
Rae ran over to me, trying to keep me from blacking out, "Your going to be ok Elda. I promise"
I couldn't even shake my head to reassure her.
James helped me to my feet and started to lead us out of the room, when suddenly, a shot ran out.
For a moment, everything froze, and blood covered our clothes. But who's blood was it?
James then fell to the floor, and bullet lodged in his head. A bullet meant for me.
I don't even remember crying for him. I only remember when I murmured his name as he fell.

I snapped awake, with Rae's worried face lingering over mine, the truck darkened by the night sky.
"Were you having a nightmare?"
"A small one, that's all." I said, shaking like a leaf.
I didn't tell her it was about James, i didn't need to, because she could tell.
I gathered my strengh again and stared out the window, watching the night go by.
Then without warning, a shot rang out, and the truck flipped over. the windows breaking as we rolled almost three times before coming to a stop, and everything fading away,