Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Hello, Beautiful

[Brian's POV – Dec. 2nd 2010, 7:17 A.M.]
I awoke to Sadie's head resting on my bare chest, her hand spread over my stomach. I pulled the covers atop her shoulders. She stirred slightly, and I held my breath for a few seconds, not wanting to wake her up.

It was nice to finally remember a night with a woman. And it was finally nice to be sober for a night. It was nice to dream about something other than Jimmy telling me that he missed me and me waking up crying. Ever since Jimmy's passing, I've felt that I've been reckless, drinking every night 'til I pass out, smoking more than I usually do, and just doing stupid shit. That's probably part of the reason Michelle is done with me.

If I wanted to even attempt to keep the relationship that was forming between Sadie and I, I needed to straighten my…everything…up.

She sighed, opening her eyes, and setting them on me. She rested her chin on my upper body.

"Hello, beautiful." My fingers slipped just under her cami, stopping at her lower back.

"Hi handsome." She said, making me chuckle a bit.

"We should probably get up."

"Yeah." She mumbled, slipping out from under the covers. I watched her grab my shirt from the floor and put it on.

"Hey…What am I going to wear?" I propped myself up on an elbow. She smiled and went to walk out of the room, without putting her jeans back on. My shirt covered her lower half to a little above her knees.

"Nothing." She giggled and left the room. I shook my head. I think I'm falling in love all over again.

Sadie poked her head back into the room.

"So much for taking it slow, huh?" She pointed out and then was gone again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Val's POV – Same Day, 8:20 A.M.]
I was happy for Brian. Happy for Sadie too. Brian had been distant and almost aggressive since Jimmy's passing. He was always in a bad mood it seemed, and it looked like there was no hope of him coming out of it. And Michelle…she made it worse.

Her and Brian had always been close. They were always like best friends, but after the funeral, she was horrible. She started getting pissed off about him always being on tour, which was hard to believe, because she'd always been fine with it and she knew Brian wasn't fucking around with fan girls on the road. He was true to her.

Too bad Michelle wasn't true to him. After she called him, and he'd signed the papers, I called her. She definitely had a good reason for getting the divorce. But the way she went about it was sneaky, and I'd told her I could've helped her, but she was stubborn and said no, she'd take care of it.

Brian strode into the kitchen, grabbing a water out of Lena's fridge and taking a sip. He sighed, smiling, and leaned against the refrigerator.

"Hi Bri. How was your night?" I was sitting at Lena's kitchen counter, on Matt's laptop. I was going through stuff on Tumblr. It was funny that Matt had a Tumblr, and no one could tell who he was. Guess that's a good thing though. Everyone would be hounding him.

"It was really good, for once. It's been a long time since I've felt the way I did last night."

"Really? And how's that?"

"I felt like I was in love again. And you know I haven't felt that way with Michelle since Jimmy died."

"Brian I'm glad to hear that. I still feel horrible about Michelle. She shouldn't have acted the way she did."

"Whatever. I honestly don't give a shit anymore. If she doesn't love me its her problem." He waved it off and leaned on the kitchen counter.

"Maybe Sadie will be better for you then. Scratch that. She will be better for you." I said, just as she was marching into the kitchen. She was wearing Brian's shirt and a pair of bright green sweatpants.

A roll of toilet paper followed her, hitting her in the back of the head.

"Motherfucker! Why are you throwing a roll of toilet paper?"

"Ha! That's what I think of you. And…Because I can." Lena yelled from the other room.

"And you know what!" Sadie said, turning back to Lena who had just walked in after her. "This is what I think of you!" She stuck her middle finger up. Lena ran past her into the kitchen.

"I'm gonna shank you!" Sadie was determined to capture the troublemaker. I took a quick glance at Brian who was barely able to stand from laughing. I couldn't help chuckle a bit.

Sadie snatched a fork out of one of the drawers.

"Dude! That's a little far!"

"Hey, you started this! You'll finish it, goddamn it!" Lena ducked behind Brian.

"EY! Don't use Brian as a shield!"

"Well I know you won't hurt him!"

"You're a smart cookie, you know that?" Sadie squinted, pointing the fork at Lena, and then placing it back on the counter. Lena breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well Bri....she's crazy enough for you." I told him, as Lena thumped up the stairs at a fast pace, Sadie chasing her, but stopping at the bottom stair.

"Took care of that." Sadie said matter-of-factly, walking back to the kitchen. Pinkly came bounding in from the other room, where Zacky and Johnny were playing video games. Sadie bounced around with the little dog for a few minutes and sang to her.

"Took care of that, yes we did Ms. Pinkly!" She exclaimed and ruffled the dog's hair on the top of her head and her back. She scooped the dog up and brought her over to Brian. Pinkly licked her cheek.

"Why, thank you." She said to the ball of fluff, before handing her to Brian.

"Pinkly likes her too." Brian and I both laughed, earning a puzzled look from Sadie.
♠ ♠ ♠
You guys....I love you. I hope you love this story! :D

This is filer....So. More development of Sadie and Brian's relationship and a little bit of Sadie and Lena freaking out on each other. Val is also in this one. This is filler I guess. Yay for fillers. Again....FILLER.