Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Of Love And Loss

[Sadie's POV – Dec 5th, 2010 11:22 A.M.]
"Hi Matt. What are you up to?" I inquired of the tattooed man sitting at Lena's kitchen counter, laptop open.

"Just checking our flight status."

"What?" I stared at him in horror. It was December and they would be going back to California soon. I had forgotten about that completely.

"Yeah, we're flying back to Huntington Beach on the tenth. Why what's wrong?" He laid a large hand on my shoulder.

"Brian didn't tell me you were leaving on the tenth. He told me you guys were going back, but not this soon."

"Maybe he was going to surprise you?" He shrugged and I let out a whimper.

"Matt! What am I supposed to do?"

"Uh…come with us? You'll get to meet the rest of the family."

"I really do not think I'm ready for that. I barely know you guys. And I have my job out here and my horses."

"Ah, you will be fine! Everyone is extremely nice and they will be so supportive of you and Brian being together. I'm sure you can get someone to take care of your horses for a little while, can't you?" A sidelong glance, my eyes filled with worry, told him everything he needed to know.

"This is bothering you quite a bit, huh?" He grinned a little, his dimples showing.

"It's getting progressively worse the more I think about it." I said, leaning against him and dropping my gaze to the floor. Matt put his giant arm around my shoulders.

"Nah, you have nothing to worry about. Everyone is gonna be happy for you and Bri. And it'll be the holidays! It's fun in Huntington during the holidays. Lots of parties."

"That's not it though. Actually…I'm excited to meet everyone, but my job and the horses. That's going to take major effort to figure out." I broke from his embrace and walked behind the counter, to the opposite side.

I put my hands on the counter, fingers spread on the granite top. Resting my left leg, I leaned into the counter, which was cold to the touch.

"No. I have to figure it all out myself, as hard as that is."

"Well, you know Brian loves you. I'm sure he can help you."

"He can't say that he loves me yet. It's too soon." Matt nodded, either agreeing with me or understanding that I thought it was too soon.

"It's not too soon. Not to me." A low voice came from the dining room. Brian walked into view, a lazy drag to his step. He looked absolutely drained.

"I know I said I don't want to rush this. That I want to take it slow. But I can't. I'm falling for you faster than ever, and I love you. I can't stop thinking about you. Hell, you're the only thing I think about. I haven't had a fucking cigarette in three days. I haven't been drunk since I met you."

"That's a good thing man!" We heard Johnny yell from the couch. Brian sighed in disgust with his band mate and ambled to me.

"I know I just got divorced and it's all happening so fast. I can't explain it. If I hear one more thing about Michelle, I'm gonna go nuts. She doesn't love me anymore, you do." I was so shocked by his comment that I stumbled back a step, just out of his reach. I placed a hand on the counter for support. His brow furrowed and he bit his lip.

"Don't you?" He asked.

I had no idea what to say so I said the first thing that came to me.

"More than that bitch that's for damn sure…oh..." Matt nearly fell out of his chair laughing, and Johnny came sprinting over to join in the conversation.

"Brian, I'm sorry, you caught me off guard. I mean…I don't know what I mean."

"I'm pouring my heart out for you Sadie. In front of these two lunatics, nonetheless, and…I just…I need you right now…baby…I need someone to be there for me. Someone I can talk to and tell everything to. I don't have that anymore. I haven't had that since Jimmy…" His voice cracked as he trailed off and gazed out the glass door. Matt and Johnny ceased their antics, their faces becoming serious. Brian closed his eyes, a single tear rolling down his cheek. I touched his arm gently, causing him to bring his attention back. He opened his eyes and stared into mine directly. The chocolaty orbs were full of sorrow and longing.

"Brian." I whispered, wrapping my arms around him. He let his head drop onto my shoulder, taking me into a tight hug. Rubbing his back gently, I allowed myself to say the words I'd been waiting to.

"I love you Brian. I really do."
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to TwistedScars for the comment! :)

So in this chapter we finally get somewhere with Brian and Sadie....emotionally...and Brian really lets it all out. Very emo Brian in this chapter hahaa. It yanked on my heart a little writing the end of the chapter. Matt and Sadie chat about if she's going to go back to Huntington Beach with the guys! Plot unveiling slowly!!

But please enjoy!