Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

She's Crazy

[Sadie's POV – Dec. 8th, 2010 12:04 PM]
I sat in Lena's basement studio, playing around with the guitars. Lena, Brent, and I had built up quite the collection. There was a whole wall for them. All different types too. Ernie Ball and Music Man basses, Fender, PRS, Schecter, Epiphone, Gibson, Ibanez, and a few other not well known brand names hung neatly on individual hooks. I picked out my favorite, the Schecter Synyster Custom, and sat in the revolving chair, facing the vocal booth, where Brent was singing in Spanglish.

"Me encanta cheeeeezburgers y fries! Me…uhh…" He sang, and then fell to the floor. All I could hear was maniacal laughter. I pushed the little button on a remote that allowed me to talk to him from outside the soundproof room.

"You okay in there Ricky Martin?" I said, a huge smile on my face.

"Hahaaa yes…I just…I gotta sing! And I just don't know what to sing! I wanna do like a cover of and awesome song…but make it our own style…ya know?"

"Just fool around…make random-ass noises and shit. Maybe you'll make some noise that we can use in a song and freak people out. That's always fun."

"You're a genius."

"Well…I do try."

Brent proceeded to make noises, some of them sounding like a dying cat, others like someone was stabbing him in the eyes. It was then that I heard the door open, close, and footsteps come down the stairs. I didn't look at who it was, because I had a pretty good idea from the scent that floated to my nose. I couldn't describe it, because it didn't smell like anything that I've ever smelled before…except for cologne. I just called it 'Brian smell' because that's what he always smelled like.

Three presences stood behind me, one I knew was Brian, the other Matt because he sniffled. Matt was coming down with a mild cold, just the sniffles and a cough. The other I was betting was Zack or Mike. But I wasn't going to turn around. I was too amused with Brent's antics.

"We should do a cover of…an…Avenged Sevenfold song." He laughed.

"Is that all you can think of?" I rolled my eyes and pretended to be annoyed.

"Hey…you're holding the guitar. Or we could do some rap song. Rap goes Metal. Yo-yo-yo!" He made a "gangsta motion" as he liked to call it, causing some laughs from behind me.

"Seriously though. Just play something and I'll sing over it…"

"I got it! You know the song 'I Like It'?"

"Yes…oh can I be Enrique?! Baby I like it! The way you move on the floor! Baby I like it! C'mon and gimme some more. Oh yes I like it! Screamin' like never before!" Brent suddenly breaking out into song was a frequent occurrence.



"Scream…" I played the beginning riff to the song. Brent sang the next part.

"You know I'll make you wanna scream?" I played the riff to the chorus and sang.

"You know I'll make you wanna run from me baby, but no it's too late you've wasted all your time!" I finished the line of lyrics and heard Zacky chuckling behind me.

"Sadie, you don't sound half bad!" Zacky commented as I turned in the swirly chair. Matt glanced questioningly at the guitar I held.

"Thanks Zack…um… okay?"

"You have Brian's guitar."

"Yeah…I bought one. I like the Seymour Duncans and the Floyd Rose." I tried to sound intelligent.

"She likes the Tremolo thingy too." Brent yelled, flipping through some of the music that we had left in the booth.

"That's what the Floyd Rose fucking is! You are supposed to know more about guitars than me."

"Yeah, but I don't fool around with Tremolos. Those things are bitches."

"I know. God damn locking system. I can't fuckin' put strings on the god damn thing. But, then again it doesn't ever go out of tune…so." I patted the body of the black and white striped guitar lovingly. Matt raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you having and affair with the guitar?" Zack asked, chuckling a bit to himself. I stared at him, placing a hand on the neck and sliding my finger along the strings. I caressed the wood as if it was the skin of a lover.

"I would fuck this guitar if I wasn't fucking the guy who plays it." I smirked, earning a hearty and booming outburst from Matt and a girly giggle from Zack. Brian simply smiled, eyes closed and shook his head.

Brent came out of the vocal booth, deciding he was sick of singing and took a light blue PRS off of the wall.

"Why are you touching Paolo." I stated. It was really a question, but I said it more like a statement. Brent glared at me and strummed a few chords.

"You strummed Paolo. You don't strum Paolo. Paolo only does hammer-ons and pull-offs." I said, trying to keep a straight face but failing, throwing my head back against the chair in silent laughter. Pretty sure Brent was crying. And now my boyfriend probably thought I was nutso.

"Well, Sadie we wanted to know if you had all your stuff packed. We have to leave really early Friday morning." Matt asked.

"Yeah its all ready. Except for Synnie. I have to put him and Vengie in their cases." I said pointing to the mirror like guitar on the wall.

"Oh…you know you don't have to bring them. I'll let you fool around with mine." Zack offered and then nudged Brian. "Yeah, you can play with mine too."

"That's what he said." Brent chimed in.

"I already do play with his." I stated, grinning and putting Synnie back up on the wall.

"Um…TMI girl. TMI." He made a face and went to walk back upstairs with Matt and Zack right behind him.

"You sure Brian? I promise I won't mess yours up." I said, putting my arms around his waist. He flicked my ponytail a few times before resting a hand on my cheek, kissing my forehead gently.

"What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't let you fool around with mine." Letting his lips drop to my neck, I felt him smile at the comment.

"So fucking wrong." I mumbled, burying my face in his chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to TwistedScars again<3 I love you guys. Keep reading and tell your friends! Please :D

Filler! I figured I'd give you this one after the bomb that I dropped on Sadie and Brian's relationship in the last chapter. This just shows you how silly Brent and Sadie are together. Also, you finally get to experience the basement studio in Lena's house. :D

Just a side note...I have a job now so I will of course try to update as much as possible, but updates my slide to once or twice a week. I have a bunch to type up and a bunch of school work so. Just bear with me, I'm trying! Junior year is hard. Gotta think about college, SATs, ACTs, and all that. Plus I'm still rehabbing my horse so....I have a lot of things to the A7X roadies...