Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Glad To Be Going Home

[Sadie's POV – Dec. 10th 4:49 A.M.]
I'd been laying in bed for while, probably since three because I woke up to go to the bathroom and never fell back asleep. Brian's arm was draped over my stomach and he groaned, catching me by surprise. I jumped, waking him by accident.

"Shit…what time is it?" He lifted his head, his eyes still closed.

"Time to get up. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up. You like, moaned or something really loud and startled me." Brian put his head back down on the pillow, facing me and opening his eyes halfway.

"Oh…sorry. Ugh, god, it's fucking cold." He stated, his voice raspy, pulling covers up over his shoulders.

"Do you want me to get you up again when I'm all ready?" I asked him, rubbing his arm. He had major goose bumps.

"Yeah…Make sure Matt is up? He'll get everyone else up. We have to leave by six."

"Sure. I'll be back." I kissed him softly on the cheek and tip-toed out of the room, allowing him a few extra minutes of sleep.

I made my way down the hall to the bathroom, finding Matt in just sweatpants, brushing his teeth. I examined his upper body, muscles finely toned like that of a racehorse. I admired the tattoos, the ones I could see. My favorite was the death bat that was inked across his abs. He rinsed with mouthwash as I squeezed past his ass, which was sticking out and blocking the doorway.

"Matt, you have a big bum." He let out a low chuckle and pushed his butt towards me. "You like it."

"Eww. Get it off me." I commanded, slapping his side. The past few weeks, I'd become close to Matt, like a sister to a brother. He was like a big brother to me. I felt like he would always be there to protect me, or he'd come running to my rescue if I was in trouble.

"Bri told me to tell you to get everyone else up." I threw the toothpaste cap at him, as I spread a pea sized portion on my toothbrush. It hit his stomach and dropped to the ground.

"Ah, I knew he would. Why are you up so damn early?" He picked up the cap and chucked it onto the counter. He gathered his and Val's toiletries as I finished up with my teeth.

"I just couldn't fall back asleep."

"Oh. Well, I'll go get everyone up. You just worry about Brian for now. Val can get the other guys. She'll whip their asses into shape." He said, and I nodded, laughing in my mind but not out loud. I was beginning to feel sleepy again. He left the bathroom, going quickly back to his room.

I put my items in a small bag, leaving Brian to get his. When I went back in to the room, Brian was sprawled out across the bed, covers half on his half naked body. Climbing onto the bed, I hooked a finger under the elastic band of his boxers, pulled up and released it. It snapped hard on his skin, startling him up.

"What was that for?!" He rose, rubbing the spot under the waistband.

"Get up Gates." I smirked. Brian grabbed at my hips and pushed me into the sheets.

"Bad girl! I'm gonna punish you." He proceeded to tickle me, causing me to wiggle and squirm under his body.

"Fuck Bri! Stop!" I said through laughter, being barely able to breath.

"Fuck? You mean you want me to fuck you?" He ground his hips into mine, and I let out a small moan. He laughed and captured my lips for a kiss. Reaching up, I ran my hand over the tattoo on his chest. Brian glanced down at me, his brown eyes seeming sad, and lost for a few seconds. He smiled when they caught my odd colored ones.

"I love you Sadie." He whispered, and I said the same back, softly kissing him on the cheek.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Not fifteen minutes later, we were all ready, and loading bags onto the bus. I hugged Lena and Brent, said goodbye, then followed Brian onto the bus, leaving Lena in tears and Brent quite morose looking.

I opened the window and yelled out to them.

"Guys don't be sad! You can still call and text me!" I ripped a page out of my sketchbook and crumpled it up, chucking it out the window and then shutting it. I was hoping they would read it and understand the stupid picture I'd scribbled.

As we drove to the airport, I began to feel a sense of emptiness. Whether it was because Brent and Lena weren't there or I didn't have Sam and Jake with me, I wasn't sure, but regardless I felt something was missing. Maybe it was something else completely.

I closed my eyes and let my head fall back against the back of the couch. I'd put my iPod on to drown out Johnny, Mike, Matt, and Zack screaming at each other in the back of the bus. Val had been sitting across from me at the table, Matt's laptop open, with an annoyed look on her face. Pinkly lay beside her, listening to the fighting. Apparently Mike and Johnny were cheating at Call Of Duty. I didn't play much so I didn't know how you could cheat, therefore I didn't want to listen to it.

I was leaving my home with total strangers. At least it felt like that. Even though I'd gotten to know a little bit, I still felt a little weird.

Drowning in thought, I pressed the 'next' button and on came 'So Far Away' from Avenged's newest album. That opening chord was strummed, and I knew I couldn't change it. I tortured myself constantly. I know I didn't know Jimmy, but I felt their pain. And it made me think of Storm too.

I felt it every single time it was quiet. They'd done a beautiful job of making depressing music that would make me cry every time I listened to it.

Sniffling, a single tear ran down my cheek, as the song came to the end, the guitar solo blaring in my ears. It was like…Brian was crying….with his guitar.

Becoming aware of hands on my hips, I paused the song and opened my eyes. Brian was bent over me, those pensive brown eyes examining me. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips and wiped the tears from my cheeks. He removed the headphones from my ears, placing the iPod on the table. Brian guided my body on top of his and we laid silent for a few seconds on the couch. Val closed the laptop and went to (I assume) yell at the other boys. Pinkly dashed after her, not wanting to miss anything.

"Why are you crying, Sadie?" Brian asked, brushing my bangs out of my eyes. His tone and touch were tender and made me smile slightly.

"I don't even know. It's just…" I took in a breath and positioned my head and a hand on his chest. Moving my other hand, I tangled my fingers with his own.

"You don't want to leave home. And you're scared because you don't know what to expect when you get back to Cali with us. You miss your dogs and your horses and your friends. And you feel like you don't fit in because you didn't know Jimmy." He ran his fingers through my hair, calming me immensely.

"What the fuck, am I that transparent?" I whined into his chest and he chuckled.

"No baby. I'm not stupid. I'd be feeling the same way."

"Ugh…Brian…I'm sorry...I feel bad now. I don't want to be mopey throughout Christmas." He lifted my chin with two of those slender fingers and stared straight into my eyes.

"You won't be. You're gonna meet a bunch of people and we're gonna spend a lot of time together. You're gonna be happy, trust me. You'll forget about what you're missing." He placed his lips on mine lightly.

"Only because of you." I whispered. We laid silent again, enjoying the now quiet air on the bus. Val had calmed the beasts, finally. I listened to Brian's heartbeat, thumping gently in his chest. I felt him take a deep breath.

"I am so glad to be going home. I need some California weather and my house right now. Wait till you see the house, baby, you'll love it."

"I'm sure I will." I said morosely. Brian propped us up against the side of the couch.

"Aw. Baby. C'mon."

"I still have things to tell you, remember? It drives me insane just touching on the subject sometimes."

"I know. And you can take your time telling me. I'm still going to be here for you, just like you're here for me. I don't think I would even be able to think about the holidays if you hadn't come along."
♠ ♠ ♠
56 readers, 13 subbers, 7 comments, thank you again to TwistedScars for your comment, Much love to you guys! <3

Here's Sadie saying goodbye to people (minus Rei because he's a bitch and decided not to be there xD and Lottie just couldn't lol) and they're on the tour bus which is being returned to wherever it goes and they're going to the airport? It worked in my mind bare with me please. Enjoy please!

A7X (c) themselves
Call of Duty (c) itself or whoever owns it
'So Far Away' (c) A7X
Sadie, Brent, Lena, Storm (c) me