Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Give All My Secrets To You

[Sadie's POV – Dec. 10th 2010 2:30 P.M.]
Flying is not something I'm too keen on. Not my favorite thing in the world. But if it gets me to where Brian wants to be, then I guess I can deal with it. I mean, I'm not terribly afraid of being up in the air, it just gets me nervous is all.

After nearly eight hours of traveling I was exhausted, as evident by me falling asleep on the car ride to Vengeance Manor.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Brian's POV – 2:35 P.M.]
Sadie's head rested comfortably on my shoulder as Zack drove us back to his mini-mansion.

"Zack…she's so tired." I said, bringing my arm around her shoulders.

"I know. Oh hey you know what tomorrow is right?" Zack was smiling through the rearview mirror. Of course I knew.

"Your birthday Zee Vee. And do you know when Sadie's is?" I asked as Sadie moved and moaned softly in her sleep. The bright sun crept into the car and shone on her beautiful face.

"No…when? She didn't tell me. Is it this month? When is it?"

"If you'd fuckin' let me talk and stop asking questions I could tell you."

Zack was getting on my nerves a little lately. He'd been hanging around Sadie a lot and he has a girlfriend. I'm not saying he can't be friends with her but it makes it a little awkward when he's so….touchy-feely with her. They hug and hang off of each other and sit close to one another. I think Zack is falling for my girlfriend.

Or…maybe I'm just the jealous type.

"Sorry Bri…I just…She's like my best friend, y'know? I mean, besides you and the other guys, she's the only other girl who comes close to getting me, y'know?"

"Zack we need to get you help with the y'know thing."

"I know." We both chuckled and Zack stopped the car at my house. "But you know what I mean?"

"Yeah I get it Zack." I affirmed and realized where we were.

"Your stop brosicle." Zack said, turning in the seat. In recognized my black Mercedes right away and then another car. A truck. Jason Berry's truck. Why was Jason here?

"You drive fast Vengeance. I thought we were going to your place?"

"I know. I figured you'd rather be at your house. Besides, Michelle should be gone now. I don't know why JB is here though. Probably raiding your fridge. Now get out man. Go fuck like rabbits and re-christen the house. We've been away for way too fuckin' long." He laughed obnoxiously and I nudged Sadie awake. We had been away for too long.

She groaned. "Where are we?"

"We're home baby. We need to get your bags and bring them into the house." She sat up off of my shoulder and yawned. She surveyed the scenery as we abandoned the back seat.

"Ugh. California is gorgeous. Almost as gorgeous as you." She turned to me and took my lips in a kiss that I wasn't expecting. It was spontaneous and passionate. Her mood was already turning more pleasant. It's definitely the California weather.

Zack grabbed a few of Sadie's bags and helped us to the door with them and mine. I unlocked the door and could hear Jason Berry speaking.

"I'm gonna take these out to the truck Michelle." As he and my ex-wife came into view I observed them kissing. Michelle was the first to notice me and gasped, pushing Jason away.

"Brian! What are you doing home so early?" I looked at her, puzzled as to why she'd pushed Jason away.

"Michelle. We're divorced. I live here. I don't know why you pushed Jason away. I have no problem with you two being together."

"Oh…I thought you might….be…mad at me. For being with your friend." She said, making me sigh.

"Michelle I don't care. We…" I motioned to her and I. "Are not together anymore. You can be with whoever you want. That's not my decision. If you want Skeezebag Berry over here that's fine with me." Jason slapped me playfully and must've noticed Sadie at that point.

"Who's the chick, Asswipe?" He asked, giving her a once over and nodding.

"Why? Do you approve? Not that I need your goddamn approval, Shit-face." I smiled and looked over at Sadie, whose eyes were wide but had a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Okay boys enough." Michelle said and walked toward Sadie. She smiled. "They're so immature."

They both laughed. I had no hard feelings or malice toward Michelle anymore. I didn't care what she did with her life now because we weren't attached to each other. I was attached to Sadie. Sort of.

"Sadie this is Michelle. She's my ex…"

"I know Brian. And that's Jason Berry. I got it. I am a fan, remember?" Her comment made me smirk. She was a huge fan of the band. How dare I forget, right?

Michelle held a hand out and Sadie shook it, Michelle introducing herself. She was just a little taller than Sadie and I glanced over at Zack who I think was surprised at how well the two of them were getting along. I'd figured a cat fight might ensue, which is why I was hoping Michelle wouldn't be here when we arrived.

"Michelle do you want any help packing?" I asked, throwing my bags near the stairs. Sadie glanced around, taking in the look and feel of the house. I almost expected her to like it.

"Sadie can help me. She can bring her bags up to the bedroom. I have to grab a few more things." She said and my heart began beating faster. Sadie nodded and went to follow Michelle with her bags. She didn't turn back.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Sadie's POV – 3:06 P.M.]
I followed Michelle closely up the stairs and to the bedroom.

You might be thinking…isn't this awkward Sadie? Brian and Michelle had sex in this very bedroom and now you're in it with Michelle, his ex-wife.

Yes, extremely, but as it seems Michelle and Jason are together, it's a little less awkward.

Michelle stood at the dresser, gathering some jewelry and I put my bags against the foot of the bed and sat. The sheets were neatly made and the room in general was kept tidy. That had to be because of Michelle. Even at Lena's, Brian was just a bit more messy than I was used to. It's a guy thing though. There was a faint whiff of Marlboros throughout the house though.

"So. Where'd you meet Brian?" Michelle asked, breaking the silence.

"We met first at the concert hall they were performing at. My friend does backstage management for bands. Makes sure they have whatever they want. Matt though, knows my friend Brent from being on Warped Tour. I guess they met there and in recording studios a few times. I don't know the whole story."

"I see. So you're a Synyster Gates fan?" She put the jewelry she was holding in a small case.

"Um. A Brian Haner Jr. fan. Syn is just a stage name. I like him on stage yes, but I prefer to call him by his real name."

Michelle closed the case and sighed. She turned and sat next to me on the bed.

"I wish you well with Brian. Really…I do. It just…we…didn't work out."

"I know, I'm sorry. But you with Jason…that's interesting." She giggled and looked toward the dresser.

"It was…weird at first. But then…I don't know. Something clicked. It was just…there. We realized we loved each other. After all these years and we finally realized it."

"Good for you Michelle. I'm happy for you." I smiled at her and she stood again.

"Sadie…can I tell you something? You have to promised not to tell anyone though. Not yet at least. I'll hold you to complete confidence."

I stared at her, puzzled for a few seconds. My brow furrowed and I looked down and away. Why was she telling me what seemed to be such a big secret when she just met me?

"Please Sadie? I don't know who else to tell. I've told Valary and Jason. But that's it. They're both happy for me but…I don't know. I feel like Valary is mad at me or something. I need someone who won't judge me to tell this to. You seem like that kind of person. Am I right?" Michelle fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. I smiled.

"Of course Michelle. You can tell me. I promise I won't tell." She sat up and took one of my hands in hers. Her hands were freezing, which I thought odd for a Californian. Stereotyping I guess.

"Jason and I did something. And…we weren't planning on it, but it happened." As soon as the words left her mouth I understood.

"Oh Michelle! That's wonderful! But…you and Jason need to get married…like…now. Well…at least that's what I would do."

"Oh trust me. We have that all figured out. We're going to Vegas this weekend after Zack's birthday party. You're really happy for me?"

"Sure I am. It's amazing news for you and Jason." She embraced me and thanked me for understanding.

"The weird thing is…I thought about it with Brian and for some reason I just…didn't like the idea of it. With him. But with Jason…I'm totally fine with it."

"Maybe you feel like Jason would be better at it, with you, and for you."

"Yeah. Thank you again Sadie. You don't know how much it means to have you not judge me. Plenty of the fans just plain hate me. They'll probably start on you once they hear about you and Brian." She frowned and leaned back. I chuckled.

"Like I give a shit. I don't care what other people think of me. There are very few people in this world whose opinions of me I take seriously." She smiled.

"You're perfect for Brian then."
♠ ♠ ♠
66 Readers, 15 subbers, 8 comments, and thank you especially to bloodyvengeance for her comment! <3 Don't be a silent reader you guys, speak up if you like the story or if you have questions! I don't bite I promise :)

I think I've just taken this story in a whole different direction. This is changed from my idea that I originally had. So you have to wait until chapter 17 to meet Gena and possibly Lacey officially.

Anyway. Sadie meets Michelle and Jason Berry. And learns that Michelle has a HUGE secret that she's hiding from everyone. Sadie's mood is improved much. At heart, she loves California and has never been, so you can imagine how happy she is to finally be there.

And I realized I didn't mention Pinkly at all. Just assume she's there. She's just running around happy to be home anyway.

Please enjoy!!

A7X (c) themselves (I group Michelle and Jason in here because they're part of the 'Family')
Sadie, Brent, Lena (c) me