Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

The Pain's Too Much

She sank down in the corner, hoping he would quit.

But he didn't. He kept it up.

He bent to her level and slapped her square across the face. Tears fell from her eyes and a bruise was already beginning to form. He grabbed her arm in a rough manner and dragged her across the room to the bed.

"Cheat on me again and I'll do more than beat you next time, you fucking whore."

"I never cheated on you!" She screamed, only hoping someone would hear the distress in her voice. This time he hit her a bit harder, throwing her on the ground.

"You slut! Don't fuckin' talk back to me! Ever!" He laid a swift kick into her ribs, earning a loud yelp from her.

With that….he left.

She lay still on the floor, sobbing and shaking, pain shooting through all of her extremities.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Sadie's POV – 2:02 A.M.]
I startled awake with a scream, sweat, tears, or both pouring down my face. I felt hands around my waist and warm breath on my neck.

"Get off me! Don't touch me!" I backed toward the headboard, not realizing who's hands those were.

"Sadie? It's me. It's Brian. It's okay. Sadie-baby..."

I flung myself at him, into his arms, placing my face against his bare chest. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

"It's okay. Just a bad dream. You're safe here." He kissed the top of my head and ran fingers through my hair, trying to calm me down.

"No Brian I'm not safe. It's not okay."

"Yes you are. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." His arms were wrapped around me protectively and I trembled slightly.

"You're shaking! What the hell did you dream about?"

[Brian's POV]
She quivered in my arms, more so than before. She pulled away slightly, her eyes flashed nervously. Her heart fluttered fast and she still heaved gently. Whatever this was…it had seriously frightened her.

"Please tell me."

"Stop it Brian. I told you I don't want to talk about it." Her tone was harsh, like I've never heard before and she climbed off the bed. She strode to the bathroom.

I swallowed hard and silently crept to her side. She looked in the mirror at herself, then at me.

"I hate this." Her voice was barely audible. I wound fingers around her upper arms and kissed her shoulder. She was still shivering.

"Please tell me what's wrong. I can't help you if you don't tell me."

"Stop." The word turned into a faint whimper and she leaned into the sink.

I needed to know. I loved her and I couldn't stand to see her afraid and in pain like this. But…I wasn't going to prod at it anymore tonight.

"I'm sorry. I…don't…want to fight. I won't bring it up again until you're ready to tell me. I swear." I moved long, red strands of silky hair from her neck and placed a gentle peck where her pulse still raced. She inhaled heavily, the breath out becoming a sigh.

"I can't. I want to tell you but I just….can't." Her stance was wobbly and she leaned against me for support, quickly wiping tears again.

"Okay…okay…Sadie. It's fine. Shh…just…calm down…" I lead her back to the bed and drew her close under the sheets. I waited until she fell asleep again before allowing myself to relax and shut my eyes.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[8:48 A.M.]
I woke, slightly startled, as Sadie wasn't in my arms. I took a pair of sweatpants from a drawer and slipped them on. Ambling down the stairs, the smell of bacon drifted up under my nose.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" I spotted him sitting at the island in the kitchen, before I saw Sadie at the stove.

"It's Zack's birthday. I'm to retrieve you and hand your girlfriend to the females."

"You make it sound like you're in Covert Ops, Dad." I walked over to Sadie and placed my hands on her hips.

"Eggs and Bacon. Yum." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"I suck at pancakes so…and your dad said he wasn't helping." She laughed and placed the bacon on a plate. I brought my lips to her ear.

"Are you okay?" She nodded and placed a plate of eggs in front of my dad. He ate nearly half before saying anything.

"Damn girl! These are better than his mother's!" He chuckled softly and Sadie smiled.

"My dad officially loves you. So when does his party start again? I wasn't really briefed on anything." I sat down and Sadie placed a plate in front of me, admiring me as I ate. He was right. The eggs were definitely better than my mom's. Not the bacon though.

"Around two. The ladies are going shopping before. Us boys are setting up." My father explained.

"Zack is helping set up?"

"No no. Gena is taking him out. He has no clue what's going on. Your mother and McKenna are helping set up."

"So then wait. Val…and Lacey…are taking Sadie shopping?"

"Michelle's going too. Matt and Jason are assisting with the set up." I looked from my dad to Sadie. I wasn't sure why, but I was confused. Maybe it was the whole Michelle and Jason being together. I haven't gotten used to it yet. Don't get me wrong, I was certainly happy for them, but it was weird to see them together.

Sadie and I cleaned up the dishes and then quickly dressed. We would be taking the Mercedes over. Oh how I missed my car.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Sadie's POV – 10:00 A.M.]
We arrived in style (the shiny, black Mercedes) at Vengeance Manor. And boy, was it more beautiful than I expected. The lawn was mowed and it was obvious that Zack had recruited some excellent landscapers to care for the outside.

"Zack and Gena already left. Sadie c'mon. We should go now to get back in time." Val explained and took me by the arm. I spared Brian a quick kiss and an "I love you," before piling into what I assumed was Matt's Ford F-550. Of course Matt would have a truck. Unless it was Val's. I could believe that.

"Sadie that's Lacey, Lacey, Sadie. Now you've met, yay." Val said quickly, earning a giggle from her sister. Lacey and I exchanged smiles. We would be a pair. Shy and not very talkative, until you got to know us.

Lacey was average looking like me. She had dark brown hair and was short and thin. Pretty

Michelle turned and poked my knee.

"How was the first night in the house? Did Brian wake up screaming his head off?" I looked at her, puzzled and then replied.

"No, actually I did. Brian was having bad dreams, I assume?"

"Yeah. About Jimmy. But…you woke up like that? Why?" I felt tears, but fought them back. I bit my lip and looked out the window.

"I'd rather not talk about it." I said quietly, and she got the hint very clearly. She whispered 'sorry' and sat back.

"Alright girls. We have party supplies to get. And then I have to grab a present from Matt and I." Val pulled up at a small party store.

We obtained the necessary items. Plastic cups, plastic dinnerware, and a ridiculously large sign that said 'Happy Birthday'. We also picked up a cake from a local bakery. It was ornately decorated, the Vengeance University logo in icing on top and well-detailed green roses in bunches around the base.

Val drove us around a bit and then stopped at a liquor store. She ran in quickly and came out with a long, brown paper bag.

What do you get for a guy who's got nearly everything and likes to drink?

Very…expensive…wine. French Beaujolais to be exact. They had one bottle. Reserved for Val to pick up for Zack. Little did anyone know, I had my own special present for Zacky.

"I cannot wait to get into my bikini and tease Johnny." Lacey said, earning laughs from Val and Michelle.

"Maybe I should do the same with Matt. We're on a 'no sex' thing at the moment, because he can't fuckin' remember lyrics. The man cannot get them right."

"That is true facts right there. I'm standing backstage watching the guys and mouthing the lyrics to Seize The Day and he fucks them up. And I wanted to run out and scream at him like 'Those are not the fucking lyrics' Goddamn." Val and I both giggled and Michelle turned around to me.

"You have quite the mouth chickie." She smirked.

"So I've been told."
♠ ♠ ♠
70 Readers, 15 Subbers, 9 Comments.
I just really want to extend a special thank you to Baby.Blue.Eyes, I_am_original, TwistedScars, and bloodyvengeance for their comments. I really appreciate it! <3<3<3

Now you understand what Sadie's so upset about. It hurts her so much to talk about it though. Brian wants to know, but he doesn't want to poke at it too much because he can see what it does to her.

We meet Papa Gates, Lacey and Gena finally! Gena not officially though. That's in the next chapter.

A7X and 'Seize The Day' (c) themselves (Papa, his wife, McKenna, Matt, Jason, Lacey, Michelle, Val and Gena are included here because they're part of the "Family")
Sadie, mystery boyfriend (c) me
Brian's Sexy Mercedes (c) him
Vengeance University (c) Zacky Vee