Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Michelle's Secret

[Brian’s POV – January 10th, 2011 5:11 P.M.]
We were getting ready to go on tour again. And Sadie had decided she was coming along. Thank god. I still feel unstable. I feel like I’m going to do something stupid. I don’t know what, but I feel like it’ll happen. And if she’s not there, then it’s sure to.

Our New Year’s party was again, drinking and hanging out with the Family. That was how all of our parties usually went. It was a good release of tension though.

At the moment, we’d invited Arin to spend some time with us. He and Sadie were already getting along fine. I liked him a lot. He was a good kid, good work ethic too. When we practiced the set, he was patient with us, as it was hard for us to play some of the songs, like ‘Fiction’ and ‘So Far Away.’

“The more we play these songs, Matt, the closer I get to drinking myself into a fuckin’ coma.” I commented as we finished up ‘Danger Line.’

“Brian…we’re all..fuckin’…in pieces…or whatever…but we have to play these songs. Jimmy would want us to.”

“Yeah I know.” I sighed and placed my whiskey down beside the stool I was parked on. Arin sat patiently, waiting for directions. Matt and I had been arguing slightly the whole session, and it would’ve been better if Sadie had been here. I wouldn’t be arguing if she was here.

And that was when Michelle walked in. Sadie followed behind, and then Lacey.

“You girls have fun?” Valary asked as she came from bringing Matt and Zack more beer. Michelle looked like she had gained some weight since I’d last seen her. Well…since I saw her in July of 2010. We couldn’t even talk to each other anymore. We’d grow apart so much. But she was with Jason and I was with Sadie. We’d gotten over each other and it didn’t matter anymore. I still hadn’t gotten over Jimmy though. None of us had.

“Yeah we did. I actually bought some clothes. I can’t fit into my stupid jeans anymore.” Michelle said, placing her bags down and sitting. She looked exhausted.

“Michelle, are you okay?” Zacky asked, setting his guitar down. She glanced at Sadie, then Valary and bit her lip.

“Yeah fine. Just tired is all.”

“You sure? You haven’t been yourself.” Matt said, straightening on the stool he was on. Valary handed both guys their beers. Zack popped the cap off and raised an eyebrow at Michelle.

“Should we wait? I mean it’ll be another…month or two before everyone sees me again. I’ll be huge by then because I’m thin.” Michelle said to her sister and Val nodded. They both sent questioning stares toward Sadie, who was staring at her phone. It was vibrating, but she must’ve pushed ‘Ignore.’ She looked up at everyone staring at her.

“Guys! I hate it when you do that!” She giggled.

“Did you hear what Mish and I said?”

“Yup. I agree.” Sadie commented, glancing at her again-vibrating phone. This time she picked up.

“Yes.” She said and her mouth dropped open. She growled a little. “You idiot.”

“Question for you Matt.” Sadie stated.


“Do you need an extra ‘Roadie’?” She asked, placing her arm around her mid-section.

“We might, why? You know someone?”


“Oh yeah. If he wants the job, sure.” And then came Matt’s bellowing laugh. He would have someone to talk about sports (specifically basketball) with.

“Pack your shit.” Sadie said into the phone, ha-ha-ed and hung up.

“Okay, so we’re telling them now?” She asked Michelle, who nodded and stood.

“Um, okay. Well…You know Jason and I have been together since…November. So, um…you also know that we were in a rush to get married. Well…that was because…uh…I’m…”

“Spit it out ‘Chelle.” Val said, giggling along with Sadie.

“I’m pregnant. With…Jason’s baby.”

If I had been holding a beer, I would’ve dropped it. My mouth fell off its hinges, and hung there. The first thought that crossed my mind was ‘Whore’ but then I realized quickly that…that’s not fair of me to say that. We broke it off, and she found someone else. So did I. She wasn’t a whore. And neither was I.

“Whoa…that’s a loaded topic. Are you sure?” Matt asked quietly, looking worriedly at us guys.

“Yes. I went to the doctor and got checked out and all that. I’m about 3 months along now.”

“Shit, really?” Matt asked, going over to hug Michelle. “I’m really happy for ya ‘Chelle”

One by one, us guys congratulated Michelle and then it was left to me.

“Go give her a hug, lovebug.” Sadie said, laughing. I stepped over to Michelle and hugged her gingerly. I didn’t know much about pregnancies so…I didn’t want to hurt the baby or anything. I’m a real softy.

“Thank you Brian. This means a lot to me….how supportive all of you are, I mean.”

“So….you can’t come on tour then, can you?” Matt asked after taking his seat again, sipping on the beer that he and Val were sharing.

“No, actually I can. Probably up until thirty days before my due date. And I have to try and stay away from smokers…that’s hard though, obviously since three of you smoke.”

“Hey, I haven’t been smoking.” I said, glancing over at Sadie, who just seemed to be taking it all in. She just had a little smile on her face and her arms folded loosely across her chest..

“Sadie, what are you smiling about?” I asked, and everyone placed their gazes on her.

“Just you guys. I’m so glad I met all of you. You’re such a tight family. I just love you all.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and continues to read! I really appreciate it and love you guys very much!

New chapter
Michelle tells everyone (well...the boys) that she's pregnant with Jason's baby. xD
And this is the first practice before tour with Arin.