Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Watching Him Watch Me

[Sadie's POV - Nov. 11th 2010 8:52 A.M.]
"Holy shit, your house is huge." Syn said, as he climbed out of Lena's car. Zacky strolled over to the bus, to help Matt, Mike, and Johnny grab their bags. Val brought bags off the bus, followed by a loose Pinkly.

"Yup." Lena said, leading us all to the front door. She opened it slightly, my two dogs, Sam and Jake, came bounding out. Sam was a good boy and stayed within the proximity of the group, but I knew Jake would go for the street. I grabbed his collar before he could go any further.

"Ey, you little bastard. I don't think so!" I dragged him back into the house, all the while he was barking and trying to jump out of my grasp. Pinkly bounded after, hopping up and down. Once everyone was in and the front door was shut, I let go of Jake's collar and he pounced on Pinkly.

"Jake! You'll hurt her!" I swatted at my puppy, trying to get his attention, but he was too fascinated with the white ball of fluff that was pawing at his nose. She bowed and twirled, sprinting off after, followed by my black and white pup.

Jake's daddy, Sam walked over, a slight hitch in his step, and stuck his nose in my hand.

"Hiya boy." I kissed the top of his head and he sighed, wagging his tail as he trotted back to his bed that was situated next to the couch. The Avenged guys and Val looked around, seemingly amazed by the sheer enormity of Lena's house. I stared for a second at them and then turned in time to see Lena's kitties Blueberry and Muffin perched upon the top of the sofa. And yes, the names were done on purpose.

Blueberry meowed and put her paw up, begging for someone to pet her.

"Oh, hello kitty. You're very cute." Val said as she ran her hand over Blueberry's blueish-grey tabby patterned coat. Little Muffin was an orange tabby and she was jealous, so she flipped claws at Blueberry. Val laughed and withdrew her hand from Blueberry's back.

"They always do that. Muffin has to be a bitch if you don't pet her first she gets mad." I told her. Valary gave a chuckle and rubbed Muffin's head.

"What a jealous kitty." She replied to the tabby's purrs, the cat throwing herself down on the top of the couch, crawling closer to Val.

Now, Lena's house is huge. Just to give you an idea of how big it really is...she's got about four bedrooms, all with full bathrooms. She has a huge-ass kitchen that is fit for a king and the living room is connected so that you can watch the seventy-inch TV while you cook. She has a dining room and another sitting room on the other side of the house. Then you go down to the basement. She's got the studio in the basement. You could practice, rehearse, record, whatever a band wanted, or needed to do.

"Alright, So who wants an actual bed?" Lena asked, the guys glancing from one to another. She explained about the bedrooms, one of them was hers, and she'd offered mine up to whoever wanted it. What a bitch, right? She also told the guys that two of the three couches in the first floor rooms folded out into beds.

"Well, Syn should have one because he fell on his back and it still hurts." Matt explained. "And then Vallie and I want one, obviously. And Mike will want one. So Zacky and Johnny gets couches." No one protested Matt's suggestion.

"Sounds good to me." Zacky said, clapping his hands together. "I'll be closer to the fridge if I get a couch. I like to have a midnight snack sometimes."

"We have that in common." I said, throwing my phone and iPod on my chair. The iPod hit the edge and bounced off. There were a few gasps and one 'Ooh' that I could hear.

"Silly iPod. You're inanimate, you cannot jump." I sighed, picking the iPod off the ground. Zacky snorted at my comment, causing me to giggle.

"You're funny Sadie." He shot that cute Zacky Vee smile at me.

"Well, I do try." Lena cleared her throat.

"Okay, well, if you guys follow me upstairs, I'll show you to your rooms." Lena commented, motioning to the winding staircase, Syn, Matt, and Mike following her up. I took Johnny and Zacky to their respective spots, Johnny taking up residence on the couch in the sitting room that had the fifty-inch TV and Zacky taking the fold-out part of the sectional in the living room. The one with the seventy-inch TV.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Once they were all settled, Lena went straight for the kitchen, deciding to cook something. I could only guess what she was making. She'd done four years at Johnson & Wales University for Culinary, and she was trying to open up a restaurant in the near-future, however, her parents decided that now it was time she began paying for her own things. You can bet she had a hissy fit about that one.

The guys sat on the couches in the family room, huddled around the TV, passing the remote around and trying to find something decent to watch while they chilled out before the show. I'd taken notice to Synyster staring at me every chance he got, which caused my mind to settle on him.

I would wonder if he's looking at just my body though. I don't have the best body, though my friends seem to think otherwise. I could stand to tone up a little in the stomach area.

After I'd finally settled, my sketchbook across my lap in my chair, there was an obnoxious knock at the front door. No doubt who it was. I strode over, Jake and Pinkly following. I pushed my puppy back with my foot but didn't dare touch Pinkly as, again, Syn was watching me.

I opened it to find Rei, our extremely flamboyant guy-friend, dancing a very raunchy dance.

"Why, when I open the door after you've knocked, you have to try and strip." I said, closing my eyes. He pushed past me and sprinted into the kitchen.

"I'm practicing!" He yelled, hovering over Lena, who was attempting to make some sort of chicken dish. About this I was excited. Now that I knew what she was making I could really smell it. I closed the door, but not before glancing out to see that someone was in the passenger side of his car, which he'd named Shaefer.

"Rei, you realize that this has happened multiple times and it's not acceptable anymore." I said, trying to be as serious as I could. "I hope Shaefer doesn't get stolen. Who's sitting in there?"

"She won't, and it's my friend Jason. I told him I'd be back out in five." I observed the skinny, black haired, clearly Italian boy grab what he could find of food off the granite counter.

"Friend? Jason? Jason Alexei? Jason Alexei, the guy who's band was at Lupo's last weekend, and whom you hooked up with?" I teased, remembering now who he was talking about. Matt and Zacky stared in my direction, questioning stares at that, set on their faces.

"Yes, that Jason. Now, I will be back a bit later. We're going to the mall, as I need some items from Hot Topic and Spencer's." He stole a few strips of chicken and Lena threw paper towels at him and hissed like a cat. He scooted to the door, sticking his tongue out as he passed, and bumping his hip into mine. I rubbed at it and chucked my pencil at him.

"You need female lingerie that will not fit your junk from Hot Topic and some other kinky shit, handcuffs I assume, from Spencer's? You broke the other pair, didn't you?"

"Maybe..." And with that he sprinted out the door, accidentally slamming it behind him.

"Mother fucker!" Lena growled. Everyone watched as I plopped back into my chair.

"What?" I asked, a tinge of a 'tude. Johnny leaned forward and spoke.

" he gay?"

I smiled, shook my head, and said "Extremely." Johnny made an O with his mouth and fell back against the cushions. I suddenly felt claws digging into my feet and withdrew quickly. I glanced down to see Pinkly wagging her tail and looking up at me. I reached down, stroking her head gently.

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't see you there. You wanna come up here?" I asked, her replying with a bow and an attempt to climb up herself. I picked her up carefully and set her on my lap, my sketchbook taking the arm of the chair now. Pinkly crawled up, licking my nose and then settling on my lap.

"She likes you. I've never seen her take to someone so quickly." The voice startled me, but I recognized it as Synyster's. I'd forgotten that he was sitting on the end of the couch closest to my chair. And the couch and chair were closer than I remember. He smiled at me and reached over to run a finger over the small dog's head. I felt my cheeks becoming warmer and couldn't help grinning back at him.

I had to admit, he wasn't a bad looking guy. In fact, the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much more I like him than Zack.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a transition/filler chapter. I couldn't think of anything eventful, except for you meeting Rei, who's a freak, and I need filler to help develop characters.

Sadie, Lena, Rei, Blueberry, Muffin, Sam and Jake (c) me
A7X (c) themselves
Pinkly (c) Brian