Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Comfort You

[Brian's POV - Nov. 16th, 2010 1:13 P.M.]
My phone vibrated in my pocket just as I'd sat on the couch next to Val and Matt. I made a 'one moment' motion and retreated to the hallway. The caller ID said 'Michelle' so I picked up right away, to avoid any suspicions or accusations.

"Hi Baby, what's up?" I put on a fake happy tone, hoping it would suffice for now until I decided to tell her that we were done.

"Brian...we have some things to talk about." She said, gravely.

"What's wrong, hon? You okay?"

"No, Brian. I'm not actually." Her voice cracked over the line and whether it was the phone or her beginning to cry I wasn't sure.

"Oh…um…what's wrong then?"

"Us…Brian…us." I stared at the wall, silent, bewildered. Did she really just say that? I cleared my throat before she spoke again.

"Brian….I think….I think I want a divorce. This isn't working. I can't do this anymore."

"What?" Was all I could muster. Though I was planning the same thing, it hit hard that she had been thinking it too.

"Yeah…I talked to our lawyer. I don't want anything. Just my stuff. I just want to be out of this marriage. I'm going to email you the divorce agreement. I have to go now Brian. I'm sorry." Michelle hung up, leaving my heart broken. My stomach dropped and I felt sick.

I touched the red button on my phone and rounded the corner, tears stinging my eyes.

"Who was that?" Valary asked, smiling.

"Michelle…" She heard the distress in my voice, and immediately stood to embrace me.

"What'd she say?" Matt asked, voice low, eyes questioning.

"She doesn't want me anymore. She said it can't work. She's had enough." Then I couldn't control it, and the tears escaped. Matt helped me to the couch, sitting me down.

[Sadie's POV - 1:20 P.M.]
"I can't even believe she would put this on me and now of all times." I heard Syn say, as I entered the living room. The tv's volume was low as Matt, Val, and Syn were talking. By the sound of it, it was important.

I leaned over the back of the couch. Matt smiled weakly and then looked back at Syn, whose eyes were puffy and red.

"Sadie, can I talk to you a sec?" Val asked. I nodded and she gave Matt a quick kiss on the cheek as she stood. They let their linked fingers slip out of each others. Val grabbed my hand and lead me out the hallway, just out of earshot of Matt and Syn.

"What happened, Val?" I asked in a demanding manner. She shushed me, so loud, that I flinched. Clearly she didn't want the guys to hear us.

"Michelle filed for divorce. She wants it done as soon as possible. She just called Bri about it. She's sending the email. Something like that. He's so upset." She explained in a hushed tone.

"Oh my god. Are you serious? What...why?"

"We don't know. She got really pissed about him being on the road all the time and called about it. She said she packed his stuff and he can pick it up when he wants. At least she doesn't want the dog."

"Oh there anything I can do?"

"We just have to be there for him. It's been a hard year, not having Jimmy and now this all of a sudden. we just need to ease him through everything." Val said quietly, turning to walk back into the living room. I stopped her.

"Can I hug him?" She laughed at my question. "You can try."

We strolled back in, Val flopping onto the couch next to Matt. I looked over at Syn for a minute, his head back against the top of the sofa, arms folded across his stomach. his eyes were closed, so I took the initiative and snuck up to him.

I sat next to him, and laid a hand on his shoulder.

In my mind, I was almost scared of what he might do. Would he get pissed at me? Or would he be happy? I was nervous as shit hands shaking and my heart racing. I felt...horrible though because I felt like I was trying to take advantage of him, even through this small gesture. He was in a delicate state, and he was the guy that I always made jokes about having sex with and shit like that, so I felt like...a whore.

And then he opened his eyes. Those gorgeous chocolate orbs, pure sadness reflecting off of them. I rubbed his shoulder soothingly, and he did something I didn't expect.

He brought his well muscled, tattooed arms up, embracing me tightly. He sniffled. I wound my hands around to rest at the back of his neck and scooted as close to him as I could.

When we pulled away from each other, our faces were just inches apart. I'd noticed Matt and Val had gone, leaving us alone. We were still bunched in each other's arms, my heart still pounding, and he felt it.

"What's wrong?" He asked, brushing my reddish bangs out of my eyes.

"I never thought in a million year, this would be happening." I motioned to us still tangled together.

"A lot of fans don't."

"And I'm nervous." I said, hoping he would get the hint as to why.

"I get it. It's okay." He said softly.

"I really am sorry, Syn." I hugged him once more, then crawled out of his arms to leave, but he grabbed my hand, pulling me back down to him.

"Sadie...thank you...and I'm sorry too."

"Why are you sorry?" I asked with a twinge of attitude. He inched toward me, placing his lips gently on mine. It shocked me at first, as I wasn't expecting it. Once we parted, I stared at him, completely puzzled.

"I really have no clue what just happened." He said, looking rather embarrassed.

"Well...did you...feel...anything?" I asked hesitantly. I stared into his chocolate brown eyes, searching for some shimmer of happiness.

"Yeah." He mumbled. As I rose from my seat, Syn grabbed my hand once more, linking our fingers.

"You know, you can call me Brian. It is my name, after all." He said, then let go of my hand. I smiled.

"Okay, Brian."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Brian's POV – 3:00 P.M.]
I had let Rei, Zack, and Sadie drag me out to the mall, figuring it might get my mind off of Michelle.

And it definitely did. It set my mind on her again. On Sadie. I couldn't stop staring at her. I was embarrassed about earlier, so I had kept my mouth shut for a good bit of the car ride. However, once we stepped foot in the mall, my game was on. Girls that walked by gave me the once over (and probably approval) with their eyes. I mean, I'm technically single again.

My heart still ached though. The fact that Michelle had the exact same idea as me hurt. It sounds self-absorbed, but to think she didn't want me anymore was hard to believe.

Sadie must've noticed that I was deep in thought. She touched my arm gently, gaining my attention.

"Brian? Are you alright?" She asked in a soft tone. Her dark bluish eyes were pleading, asking me to tell her what I was thinking, I'm sure.

"Fine." The staccato note of my voice told her otherwise and I could tell that she knew. She took my hand in hers, skin smooth against my calloused fingers.

"You're not." She affirmed, leaning into me. The closure of contact between us comforted me, and I put my arm around her waist, keeping her beside me. A few girls walking by gave us a look, and then turned to talk to each other.

We followed Zacky and Rei into PacSun, Sadie and I still holding onto each other. The employee looked up and smiled, setting her eyes on Sadie.

"Hey Sadie!" She said, flipping her light blond hair behind her back. She had bright green eyes and her figure was slim.

"Hi Rileigh, how are you?" Sadie pulled her body away slightly, my hand drifting to her lower back. She didn't react to my touch or the placement of my hand. Not that I was expecting her to but perhaps I had wanted her to. Maybe it just meant she was used to the feeling. In which case she'd have had a boyfriend before. She hadn't mentioned anything to any one of us guys or Valary about a significant other yet. My heart jumped at the thought that perchance, she didn't have one. My attention was brought back again to Rei's high-toned voice.

"Sadie come over here. I found some shirts you'd like."

"Alright, alright. Rileigh, I'll be back in a few. Maybe I'll buy something." Sadie gaves a thumbs up at her blond friend and turned to me.

"Better buy something, girlie." Rileigh commanded after us, laughing as we walked toward Rei and Zack. Rei held up a light purple cardigan as we strode over.

"I like it." Sadie said, taking it, feeling the material. "I like it a lot. I'd definitely wear it too. It's…casual. It's nice." She smiled and hung it over her arm.

Rei quickly picked out a pair of jeans for himself and a crisp looking red and black plaid shirt.

"What do you think of the shirt? I wanted something that Jason would like. He likes formal, but not too formal." Rei asked, a thumbs up coming from Zack. Sadie laughed and put a hand on Rei's shoulder.

"You worry too much, child. This is fine. I know Jason. He will love it. Now lemme see those jeans on you." Rei giggled and went back to the fitting room to slip on the jeans. When he came out Zack chuckled.

"Dude. I can't help it. If I were gay…I would totally ask you out. Turn around." Zack said, making a twirling motion with his finger. Rei turned, showing us his ass, wiggling it, then turning back to face us.

"You have such a nice ass!" Sadie exclaimed, enjoying a mutual laugh with the two boys. I only smiled, finding it funny, but my mind still weighed down by everything, making it less funny.

I wondered about the formality of the items they'd bought. They were pieces of clothing that would or could be worn out to dinner or on a date.

We went back to the check-out to pay, Rei first, then Sadie.

"Oh, hon. I love this. Had my eye on it, the blue one though, for a while." The girl, Rileigh commented, earning a grin from Sadie.

"Yeah. I need a few more…nice looking pieces in my wardrobe."

"Going on a date?" Rileigh asked, smirking at me as she put the cardigan in a bag. She handed it to Sadie, who shook her head and laughed. She handed her money to Rileigh, receiving a receipt in return.

"Yeah she is!" Zack blurted out, most likely knowing what happened with Michelle by now, per Matt or Val. Sadie gave Zack a 'Shut your mouth' glance and opened her mouth to explain to Rileigh, but the blond stopped her.

"Sadie, honey, I'm happy for you. This guy's gorgeous. And you look cute together!"

"Thanks Rii. See you some other time I guess? You should stop by the barn or Lena's." Sadie slung the bag over her shoulder and took my hand again. I welcomed this and leaned into her a little.

"I'll try. Being a manager is hard work y'know." Rileigh said, smiling and waving after us as we exited the store.

I realized I'd said all of one word since we left the house and as we walked back to the car, I decided that I finally wanted to talk. However, Zack beat me to it.

"So, Gates, now that you'll be single, we gotta get you a date. Not that there isn't a perfectly acceptable choice right here." Zack said, pointing to Sadie. She smacked him lightly, her cheeks turning a rosy color.

"Stop it Zack. Give him some time."

"He doesn't need time. He's fine!" Zack patted me on the back, before getting back into Rei's beat-up red Camry. Sadie turned to me before I opened the door.

"I'm sorry Brian. Take as much time as you need. Really…you don't need a girlfriend right away. You should take some time." She said softly, taking her hand out of mine. I took it back though, bringing it up to my lips, and gently kissing it.

"I don't want to." I stated, forcing her into the side of the car. I trapped her there for a second, my testosterone getting the better of me, making me want to kiss her. She placed her hand on my chest, pushing me back a step, snapping me back to my not-horny-self.

Her glare was questioning and she moved around to the other side of the car.

"I don't want it to go that fast Brian."

"I understand. I'm sorry. I don't either. Moment of weakness. Can you forgive me?" She shifted her weight to her one hip and brought her eyes up to meet mine.

"Yeah. I forgive you. Just…please…don't have another 'moment of weakness' in the near future. I'd like to think you're different than other guys."
♠ ♠ ♠
MAJOR PLOT POINT. This sets up everything for later chapters.
And we have Rei and Sadie shopping. Fun fun! I have some things for you guys too It's like they're in high school again!

Avenged (c) themselves
Rei, Sadie, Lena, Brent, Rileigh (c) me
PacSun and its clothing (c) itself