Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Don't Let Go

[Sadie's POV - Nov. 17th, 2010 4:00 P.M.]
"So how did it go with Brian?" Val asked as we watched Pinkly attempt to play with my dogs from the back patio. Lena's patio was gigantic, and she had a full set of a table and four chairs (the outdoor kind), a grill, and a semi-in-ground pool connected to the western part of the deck.

"Good. Really good." I smiled at the thought. Brian had kissed me. And it was very unlike what I thought it would be. He was gentle, but he was also sort of awkward. Mixed feelings perhaps?

"You sound happy. What happened?" She drew her gaze away from the dogs, to me and grinned.

"Nothing we just talked." I felt my cheeks getting hotter.

"Oh! No you didn't! Tell me!" She folded her legs up under herself and gripped the arm of the chair.

"Well…we talked for a little after he hugged me and at a point, he leaned in and…kissed me."

Val gasped, covering her mouth as she did.

"Oh my fucking god." She said.

"Yeah, but then he was awkward about it, He said, I'm not sure why I did that, and then I got up and left. And then he was quiet at the mall and then…" I bit my lip.

"Tell me." She commanded.

"Well, he like…pushed me into the side of the car like he was gonna kiss me but didn't. And I pushed him away, saying that I didn't want it to go that fast. He said sorry, and he didn't either and he had a 'moment of weakness' and then…well…it bothered me that he did that…so I told him to try not to have another 'moment of weakness' too soon."

"Good for you hun. You don't let boys push you around. You wanna make him work for your love." She smiled at the last word. She was on the edge of her seat, waiting to hear more.

"Have you talked since?" She asked.

"Well, no, but…"

"No buts! Pinkly!" Val called the little dog, which came running at the sound of her name, followed by the other dogs. She scooped the white ball of fluff up and handed her to me.

"Take her to Brian. Go!" She shoved me forward, through the glass doors, which led into the kitchen. Johnny and Mike were standing side by side in the kitchen, fiddling with some of that Nutella stuff and bread. Lena was sitting at the counter reading, with Brent next to her on his laptop. Matt, Zacky and Brian were all parked on the couch, watching a movie that was heavy on the gore.

Val followed me in and sat across Matt's lap. He smirked and kissed her. Zacky made a face and Brian just looked pissed, but his expression softened once I sat down. I was between him and Zacky.

"Here, have a dog." I said, handing Pinkly over to Brian. He laughed and put the small animal on the other side between his thigh and the sofa. His shoulder was touching mine. He brought his arm up and over my head, to rest on the back of the couch. He let his hand drop down a bit, so that his fingers just grazed my shoulder. I looked at him and mouthed, "wow." He simply smiled and turned back to the movie.

I glanced around, seeing Matt and Val paying more attention to each other than the movie, and Zacky watching intently (the movie, not them), and then I looked at Brian. He was watching the movie, but I could tell he wasn't interested. His eyes told me he was depressed. He had a right to be. His wife just told him she wanted to divorce him. But, honestly, if it were me, I would be happy. If someone didn't want me anymore and decided to get rid of me, I'd gladly go. I wouldn't want that kind of relationship. But, again, I don't know how close they were.

I poked Brian's side lightly, catching his attention. I motioned toward the stairs. He got the hint and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Guys, I'm gonna go lay down upstairs." Brian said in a somber tone, standing and walking toward the winding staircase. Zacky leaned forward out of the couch.

"Is he okay? Well, obviously he's not, but…"

"He probably just wants to be left alone. I would want to be." I said, quietly. Val snapped her fingers at me.

"Get up there. Now. Go be with him." Her tone was stern and demanding. She pointed toward the staircase. "Now."

"Whoa." I heard from the kitchen. I turned to see both Mike and Johnny staring at Val in shock. Johnny dropped his spoonful of Nutella right on the counter, his mouth wide open.

"Clean that up!" Lena yelled, pointing frantically at the wad of chocolate-nutty-ness

"Oh my god, Val, chill out. I'm going." I laughed and booked it up the steps. I tiptoed to Brian's room, incase he was already asleep. That would be hard to believe though, because of all the commotion downstairs. I rounded the corner, the floor creaking a bit as I stepped into the room. Why the floor made any noise was beyond me, considering how new this house was.

"Sadie?" Brian asked, though he knew it was me. I sat on the edge of the bed, slipping my sweatshirt off. I had a tank top on under that, and it took only seconds for me to be cold again. Lena's house was always cold, but I hadn't noticed this until now.

Brian lifted the covers, so I could climb under with him.

"Never thought this would happen either, did you?" He asked softly. I shook my head, and curled up next to him. He had taken his shirt off and the heat that radiated off his body was welcoming and gave me goose bumps.

To be honest, I felt like a dirty whore at the moment. He hasn't even signed the papers yet, and I'm already trying to get in his pants. I haven't even known him that long and this is already happening.

But, Matt and Val want this. They want us together, or I assume they do, but I don't understand why. I don't think I'm the right girl for Synyster Gates.

"Are you warm enough?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah." I replied. He pulled my body as close as possible and I laid my head on his chest. I felt his heartbeat, steady and slow, his breathing the same. My heart was beating out of my chest though, because that's exactly what he did to me.

"Why do Matt and Val want us together so bad?"

"What?" He asked, and I leaned up on my elbows. He pulled the covers over my shoulders, making sure to keep me warm.

"Matt and Val. They like, want us together. Haven't they been trying to get you to talk to me and shit…stuff." He laughed as I covered my mouth.

"You don't need to act like a lady around me. I'm not exactly a gentleman myself." He paused a second and then spoke again.

"Matt and Val have barely talked to me. They've been leaving me alone. Well…since Michelle's phone call that is. Matt and I haven't been seeing eye to eye lately with some things."

"Does Val think you're mad at her? Because Michelle is her sister?" That was completely off subject, but it was a valid question. He shot me a puzzled glance, then fixed his eyes back on the ceiling.

"That might be a possibility. I mean, I'm not mad at her. I have nothing against Val. I'm actually sorry that she has to be related to such a lying, cheating, bitch." His comment surprised me so much so that I bolted upright. I turned to face him, my mouth wide open in shock.

"She cheated on you?" Brian simply laughed.

"Oh…I don't know. I mean she probably did. All the time I was away on tour and she thought I was cheating on her. Every time we go on tour she assumes I'm fucking fan girls after every show. Which I don't, contrary to popular belief."

"I never thought you did." I said quietly, lying back down against him.

"Well, that makes one. I appreciate that, Sadie." He ran his hand up and down my arm, slowly, as he spoke, which made me shiver. His hands were extremely warm against my ice cold skin. I draped my arm over his muscular chest, and scooted closer to him. He sighed.

"Don't let go this time. Please." He whispered, his voice begging and strained.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is a very cute chapter with Sadie and Brian again.
Oh and Sadie feels like a whore.
Just so you know.

Avenged (c) themselves
Sadie, Brent, Lena (c) Me
Nutella (c) whoever produces that stuff