Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Just Have To Wait

[Matt's POV – Nov. 17th, 2010 5:00 P.M.]
"Hey, you think Bri and Sadie had sex?" I asked, jokingly of course.

"Ugh, Matt, No!" Val said, raising her voice and, snapping Zacky out of the trance he'd been in since Brian and Sadie had gone upstairs. He'd been watching this shitty horror movie that was on tv and he had the remote clutched in his hand, making sure no one else could change the channel.

"Brian wouldn't do that dude. I know he wouldn't. He's not even officially divorced yet." Zacky pointed out.

"Yeah that's true, but, still, he'd do it just to get back at Michelle." Johnny butted in.

"Johnny! Shut Up!" Zack and I yelled in unison.

"If Brian was gonna do something to get back at Michelle, it'd be bigger than fucking another chick." I said, attempting to steal the remote from Zack. He pulled it away and over his head, only to lose grip it on, the object falling behind the couch. I jumped over the back and snatched it before he could get up.

"Sadie's not just another chick, Matt. She's important. Have you seen the way he stares at her?" Val asked, following us two fools with her eyes.

"Fuck! Please don't change it! There's like twenty minutes left!"

"Zack, this movie is shit. But…I guess I can leave it if it'll be over in twenty." I said, smiling, and throwing the remote back to him.

"Yes you rock Matt, Now guys, shush." Zack said, going back to the movie.

I walked back to the kitchen, and opened the fridge, looking for something to snack on. Johnny ran up behind me, and stole the Nutella from a shelf.

"Hey shitface, what if I wanted that?" I asked, yanking on his shirt. He made a face and continued on his way.

"Yo, Mike, we need to do somethin' 'bout that kid. He's got such a 'tude."

"Fame's gettin' to 'im. I'm tellin' ya." Mike replied, both of us chuckling. Every time one of us has a major attitude or something like that, Mike and I say that the fame is getting to them. It's just our little inside joke.

I investigated Lena's fridge for a few minutes, finding roast beef, turkey, cheese, and mustard to put on a sandwich. I examined the bread that was in her cupboard, only finding whole wheat. I was hoping for a roll or bun of some sort, but that would have to do.

Val came up to the counter, as I laid out the ingredients to my sandwich. She sat down across from me.

"What do you think Bri and Sadie talked about?"

"I don't know. Brian and I haven't really been talking." I squirted some mustard on the pieces of bread, laying the cheese over it.

"Why not?"

"Don't know. I think its cause it's getting close to the anniversary of Jimmy's passing. You know he gets in his moods."

"Oh. Right. So how much longer are we going to be here? I wanted to get home early this year to get the place ready for my mom and dad."

"Urm, not much longer. I'm hoping maybe Sadie and Brian will become more attached and we can bring her back with him for Christmas. I talked to Michelle. It really is over. She's totally serious. I don't want Bri to be alone for the holidays and for the anniversary." I shifted, putting some meat on the sandwich and then smushing the pieces together, licking off some of the mustard that had attempted to escape from within.

"I know what you mean..." Val commented, stealing my sandwich for a second to take a bite, then giving it back.

"Don't ever ask me to make you a sandwich. You're perfectly capable." I laughed as she walked back to sit on the couch.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Sadie's POV – Same Day 5:20 P.M.]
Brian and I had fallen asleep in each other's arms for a while, when Johnny decided to come and wake us up.

"Bitches! Get up!" He yelled, catapulting himself onto the bed. He landed on Brian's legs and the Gnome's elbow jabbed me in the side.

"Ow! Motherfucker! Johnny! I have internal bleeding now!" I screamed, rising from the covers. Brian grabbed his shirt and pushed the poor guy off the bed, landing with a loud thud. While I didn't appreciate an elbow to the ribs, I still felt bad that Johnny had been thrown on the floor. But, I guess that's how boys play.

"Well that sucks for you then." Johnny said, jumping up and running out of the room. I got a whiff of Nutella.

"Johnny, stop eating Nutella. It's all I can smell when I'm around you!" I shifted, Brian's arm still draped over my waist. I looked back at him.

"Sorry." He said, withdrawing his arm. I caught it before he could pull it away completely. "It's okay Brian."

He brought his other hand around my waist.

"Is this okay too?" He asked, sliding closer. His skin was so warm as it made contact with mine. I felt his breath on my neck as he leaned in, his lips just inches from mine. I was going to kiss Synyster Gates. Again.

Wait, I thought to myself, he's technically still married. Closing my eyes, I put my hand on his chest.

I couldn't let him cheat, even if she didn't love him anymore.

"Brian. No." I said quietly, and gently pushed him away. I slid off the bed and grabbed my sweatshirt, rushing out of the room and downstairs, no doubt leaving Brian flustered and pissed off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Sadie's POV – Same Day 11:40 P.M.]
After their show, I tried to find Brian in the mess of people. I finally saw Zacky near the backstage entrance.

"Zack!" I yelled, rushing toward him. About ten other girls that were gathered around him turned and glared right at me. Come to think of it, it was actually relatively quiet, so I must've yelled pretty loud.

"Hey Sadie. What's up?" He asked, as I snaked through the pack of girls. There were two huge security guards on either side of him. They both looked down at me.

"Um…well…Great show, first of all. I rather enjoyed Scream."

"Haha, I knew you would. I know it's one of your faves." He said, signing another girls Vengeance University shirt. She gave me a dirty look, but I shook it off.

"Um, do you know where Brian is? I couldn't find him."

A blond girl shoved yet another shirt in his face to sign.

"Yeah, he's on the bus. What happened with you two?" Zack asked, his gaze drawn up and directly at me, stopping the signing of the girl's shirt. I could feel all of their eyes on me.

"Can I tell you later?" I pleaded with him.

"Oh. Um. Yeah. Good idea. You'd better go on the bus then." Zack said, making it sound urgent, but at the same time smiling, giving me the ultimate satisfaction.

The guards let me through, Zacky giving me a half hug before I opened the door onto the bus.

All of those girls would probably kill me if they knew me.

I stepped up the stairs, finding Val sitting with Pinkly on the couch, Matt's laptop open.

"Hi Sadie." She said, not looking up.

"Ooh you're good Val. How'd you know it was me?" I asked, going to pet Pinkly, who put her paw up into my hand.

"Had a feeling. Brian's in the back."

"Eek. Thanks." I said, suddenly feeling sick. I walked to the very back of the bus, finding Brian on the fold out couch that they had. He looked up as I entered.

"What do you want?" He hissed. His expression was cold and unrelenting, making me feel even more horrible than I already did.

"I wanted to talk. If you don't want to that's fine." I said, turning around to go back.

"I do want to talk. I want to ask you what the fuck your problem is? You led me on." His voice was harsh, and he stood from the couch, coming toward me. I flinched, thinking he might hit me. I wouldn't think he would be like that, but you never know.

And because of my past, I knew what that felt like, and I didn't want Brian to be the one to make me feel like that again.

"You're still technically married." I pointed out.

"Fuck you. I signed the papers. Just now." I'd kept relatively calm until now. He wasn't fighting this battle too well.

"Well six hours ago you were still married! I didn't lead you on, you fucking asshole! I can't believe you would say that. Don't you realize that I have feelings for you!?"

"I have feelings for you too! I want to go out with you and then you fucking push me away! You're so confusing!" He sighed and set his foot down, glaring hard at me.

"You're just pissed off because now you have no one. You're fuckin' alone! Michelle left you and you don't know why! You don't even care! You just want to move on to the next best thing!" I screamed at him. He took a step back. And I realized what I'd said. I felt the tears rushing to the surface. I felt like shit for saying that.

"Brian. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just…. I don't know why…I'm sorry."

Brian looked down, biting his lip. He stepped closer to me, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me into a hug.

"Sadie. I'm sorry. I started this. I never should've said what I said, because you're right." He mumbled into my shoulder. I ran my hands up to rest at the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry too Bri. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that.."

"I give you props though. No girl I know, except Val, has had the balls to yell at me like that." He laughed a bit, as did I.

"Brian?" I looked up at him. I wanted to tell him that I liked him. No, that I loved him. But, I didn't know if he felt the exact same way.



"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'll tell you some other time." I would get around to professing my love to him at a later date. After I've seen that he loves me back, that is.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks so very much to Baby.Blue.Eyes and I_am_original for their comments! I appreciate it so much! <3

There will be another update on 5/4/11 because I will not be able to be on, on 5/3/11 as I am finally going to my first Avenged concert. I am so excited! And I get to see Three Days Grace too! They are a very close second in my favorites. (You can guess who my first fave is)

Anyway, back to the story. Um, this was an exciting chapter. Yes. That is all. Enjoy though!