Status: Next update soon! :)

When You Got a Good Thing

Eager To Sin

[Sadie's POV – Dec. 1st, 2010]
About two weeks had passed, Brian and I on and off having little moments where our hands would touch for a few seconds or we would be extremely close to each other and we would become flustered, turning away from each other. We'd fought the night that Brian signed the divorce papers from Michelle and I think he was still upset about it.

Matt and Val definitely noticed this, and they'd been trying to get us together since. They could tell we wanted to be together but we weren't sure how to go about it. Everyone kept making it awkward for us too. For some reason we couldn't just say to each other 'Do you want to go out?'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Brian's POV – 9:00 P.M.]
"Brian, grow some balls and ask her out." Zack told me, laughing as he did.

"No! And I do have balls! I just don't use them to my advantage like you." I spat back, and Zacky threw his sweatshirt at me. I batted it out of the way, just barely, and stepped toward him. I punched him playfully, him feigning hurt.

"C'mon Bri. Everyone knows you two like each other. And you two know that you like each other. Just ask her to go on a date and see where it goes."

"That's not the point Zack! I'm afraid!" I bit my lip and sat next to him on the couch.

"Synyster Gates…Afraid of something? Not even possible." Mike laughed from behind me, his hands spread on the back of the couch, looking down at me. Matt and Val were positioned together on the other couch, staring at me.

"Shut up. It's not funny." I pouted, sinking down into the couch.

"What are you afraid of Brian?" Val asked, leaning forward and out of Matt's arms. He grabbed for her and she sat back against him, glancing up at him and smiling.

"I'm afraid of putting my trust in someone and then having my heart broken or being rejected. I can't take that again." Val sighed loudly and her tone sounded frustrated.

"Oh my god. Sadie wouldn't do that. She's not like that. I can tell. And maybe if you talked to her and got to know her a little more, you'd know that." Val stood, looked around at us all, then me, and then strode into the kitchen, growling as she went.

Just then, Sadie and Lena came through the front door, giggling loudly.

"You are so stupid. I cannot believe you." Lena told Sadie, taking her coat off.

"It's not my fault that he can't drive. I swear to god if that hitch is broken I'm gonna kill him." Sadie laughed and came over to the couch to sit. I wondered exactly what she was talking about. She attempted to push Zack away from me, making him chuckle when she couldn't.

"You're a chub. Move." She commanded, but he simply rooted himself to the cushion. Sadie climbed on his lap, kneeling on him. He yelped and jumped up, catching her.

"You're bony! Oww! There have a seat. Christ!" Zacky dropped her into the seat, earning giggling from both Sadie and Val, who'd observed the incident from the kitchen. Zacky, Mike and Matt cleared out of the living room, leaving Sadie and I alone.

Sadie turned to me and put her arms around my waist.

"You're warm."

"And you're freezing. Here…" I grabbed a blanket from the arm of the sofa, putting it over us. She buried her face in my chest and scooted as close as she could. I sighed, resting my cheek on the top of her head.

There was an audible group 'aww' from the kitchen.

"Shut up!" I yelled. Sadie laughed softly and I put my arms around her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Val's POV – 9:30 P.M.]
Sadie and Brian were extremely cute together. I understood why Brian didn't want to ask her out, but the chemistry was undeniable.

However, it's not like Sadie's past has been peachy. She's had her share of heartbreak. And abuse.

I had an idea. I wound my arm around Matthew's tattooed bicep.

"Mattie? Can we play a game?" I asked, sweetly. He chuckled and nodded.

"What kind of game, baby?"

"Mmm…I don't know. A fun game. A sexy game."

"A sexy game, huh?"

"Like spin the bottle? That can get pretty sexual. Especially when everyone is drunk off their ass." Zacky asked. I clapped my hands and yelled 'yes!'

"Oh ha-ha. Sadie hates that game." Lena said.

"Good. Brian does too." I said, smiling and wiggling my eyebrows at Zack. He got the hint and finished his beer.

"I've got the bottle." He shook it and grinned a most evil grin.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Sadie's POV – 10:00 P.M.]
Spin the bottle.

A childish game, which I hated every time my stupid friends wanted to play it, because I would always end up kissing the awkward "other" person that they brought to play. That's how it always went.

"Guys, seriously, I'm not playing. You can go fuck yourselves. I hate this game."

"Oh my god, you are such a party pooper!" Lena yelled, throwing a chip at me, from the bowl that was seated next to her.

"Fuck you. If this were beer pong, I'd be playing. But no, fucking spin the bottle. You guys, just…ugh!" I hoped that I could make a big enough stink to get them to not make me play.

"Fine, you can go sit on the couch, and not be invited to this party." Johnny told me.

"Oh my god, what party?! I wasn't aware that we were having a party. I thought we were just hanging out!"

"You were misinformed." Zack said, chuckling to himself. Mike laughed and pointed to Zacky. "Good one."

"Whatever." I smiled, waving my hand and walking into the other room.

"There's still TV in here retards! I win!" I yelled back, flopping on the couch and turning the television on. I changed it from Fear Net to the movie channels to see if there was something decent on.

"Brian! You can be uninvited too! Leave!" I heard Val yell, resulting in Brian willingly running out of the the room to join me on the couch.

"Hi." He said, as he sat down, putting his arm up on the top of the couch.

"You got uninvited too?"


"Oh well. We'll have our own party in here."

"Yeah." He agreed, and then tried to steal the remote from me. Protecting it, I fell back against the cushions. He fell on top of me.

"This is…" He took the remote and placed it on the coffee table. "…Interesting."

I put my arms up and around him, as he adjusted his position, his legs on either side of mine.

"What now?" He asked, reaching down and brushing my bangs out of my face.

"Let's have sex." I said, giggling as I did.

"Ha-ha no." He frowned.

"I was kidding." I said, propping myself up on my elbows, so that my face was closer to his. There were only inches between us.

"I'm being serious. I want to take this slow."

"What do you mean this?"

"You know…us."

"I wasn't aware we were an us." I shifted as my elbows began to ache.

"Oh. I thought we were." He said, his gaze shifting down to my lips.

"We can be, if you want."

"I do want."

"You want what?"

"I want you." He added, before finally closing the distance and capturing my lips with his. I tried to pull his body closer to mine, but he resisted. He broke the kiss.

"Sweetheart, I am much stronger than you. The only way you'll get what you want is if you flip me over. And that isn't going to happen." He stated, a seductive smile making its way across his lips, his eyes half closed.

"Well, one day, maybe I'll figure out how to do that." I whispered, this time taking his lips for myself. I wanted him so bad, but he was right. We should take this slow.

"This is porn!" I heard Johnny yell from the entrance of the room, Brian breaking the kiss and turning his head. Matt, Val, Mike, Zack, and Lena were there as well.

"Wow, you guys, thanks for the privacy. Much appreciated." I remarked, the sarcasm dripping heavily.

"You're welcome!" Johnny shouted, turning back to go into the other room, with everyone following. Val was the last to leave and she gave me thumbs up and a big grin before she left.

"That was awkward." Brian said, his lips on mine once more. He moved, his hips lightly brushing mine, but still making me moan softly into his mouth.

"Sensitive much?" He whispered as he pulled away and kissed my neck. He trailed a single finger under the V of my shirt and over my collarbones. He pressed his lips gently on the protruding bone, earning a well-deserved whimper from me.

"God, you're gorgeous Sadie." His eyes drifted up to mine, the chocolate orbs boiling with lust.

"Brian." His name was no more than a strained whisper from my lips, as his hands slid under my shirt and brought it up over my head. I had a cami on under that and he slipped his hands under the fabric, running them over my stomach.

"Fuck, I want you so bad. You are fucking beautiful."

"Then take me." I moaned softly, Brian scooping me up bridal style, and carrying me up to his bedroom.

We heard triumphant cheering form downstairs, as Brian laid me on the bed. He smiled and shook his head.

"Ridiculous aren't they?" I nodded. He unbuckled his belt, slipping off his jeans, and then pulled mine off, throwing them on top of his. He climbed over me, hovering for a moment before kissing me again. He touched his lips gently to my temple before looking at me.

"You okay?" He asked quietly. My brow furrowed and I breathed out, heavily.

"I've never…um…" I glanced down his body, before bringing my eyes back to his. He smirked.

"It's fine. I'll be gentle. I promise."

Brian took his shirt off, and my mouth dropped opened. He laughed a little.

"Like what you see?" He asked, sliding my cami off.

"Of course I do." I pulled him down, pushing my lips on his hard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you I_am_original for your comment! :D

OOOHSEXYYTIEM...Just the beginning of some awkwardness and sexualness for you guys. It's not a full sex scene, it's mild. It's cutesy though. That's what a lot of this stuff between Brian and Sadie will probably be. Very cutesy.