Beast and The Harlot

I’m a bloody mess inside.

The day went mostly uneventful for Tammy and Zacky. Tammy, who’s beach date was sadly canceled by Audrey who had to suddenly had to go to work, and Zacky, who had the a day off for the first time since summer started it seemed like. They weren’t talking to each other, unless Zacky tried to apologize to her for the millionth time.
Zacky sighed as he looked at the clock it was finally time to head to band practice, he looked over at Tammy who was reading. “ Hey, I’m heading over to M’s house if you want to come with me,” she just made a grunt noise. “ Babe?” He said sitting next to her. “ You gonna come with me to Matt’s house?”
Tammy looked up at him, sighed then lightly shaking her head.
Zacky nodded slowly she was still mad at him and he knew that she needed some space to calm down.” Alright, well you know where Jimbo and me are if you want to hang out. I love you.” He said before grabbing his keys and headed to his car to go to Matt’s house.

The minutes turned into hours, the hours turned into days and the days turned into weeks, and Tammy hadn’t heard from Zacky. Jimmy told her that he was fine, that he was staying at Matt’s house for a few days.
“ No Jimmy, a few days is like 3 or 4 days, not 2 fucking weeks.” She said slamming the dishes in the kitchen around, she knew it was ridiculous to get mad at Jimmy for Zacky not being there, or for being angry that he wasn’t there in general. But she had became selfish seeing him everyday, and it hurt when he didn’t even call to hang out. She just wanted him there. She picked up the house phone and started to dial Matt’s number.
“Whoa what are you doing?” Jimmy asked grabbing the phone while she had a great grip on it.
“Calling Matt is that a crime now?” she asked pulling the phone to her making Jimmy let go of the phone he sighed.
“ Fine, just- nevermind.” He said turning towards his room.” Just come talk to me when you’re off the phone alright?” he said then shut his room, he hated when Zacky and his youngest sister fought, they were a great match. He actually didn’t mind if Tammy dated Zack, just as long as he didn’t have to hear the fights or the sickening details about their sex life. Tammy sighed and nodded listening to the ringing of the phone.
The ringing
And ringing
And ringing… until a light female voice answered the phone.
“ Hello?” she said with a tired voice.
“ Hey Val, can I talk to-“
“ Hang on- It’s for you. –“ no she doesn’t want to talk to me-You know I really could care less, take the damn phone Zack.
“ Hello?” A sweet low voice asked.
“ Zacky..” Tammy said sighing happily, she smiled, when she heard him and Val argue, but to just hear his voice… sent her to heaven. “ I’m- how are you?” she asked.
“ Good, look Babe, I’m sorry for the fight, I’ll be back in a few days, I- I gotta go, Matt needs my help with some lyrics, and you know work and stuff.” He said distantly. He was lying to her.
“ Oh yeah okay I’ll talk to you later then? Call me when you get home from work okay? I love-“
“ Yeah I will.” He said cutting her off and hung up the phone. Tammy looked at the phone tears threating to run down her face, she threw the phone at the wall and ran into Jimmy’s room trowing her arms around him.
‘ Great,” he thought.’ Now I’m going to comfort a crying Tammy and will have to kick Zack’s ass. Not what I wanted to on a Saturday night.”
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Much Much love to the 5 subscribers and 19 readers! <3. leave me some comments and tell me what you think.. i need reviews... please and thank you.