Beast and The Harlot


The beginning of the tour was amazing for the band and Tammy, She was having fun rocking out every night to different bands and listening to her brother, friends and boyfriend. However Zacky had been flirting with fans, which Jimmy had told Tammy time and time again it comes with the gig. Tammy normally would have shrugged it off but this time was different. It had only been maybe 6 weeks into the tour, and a fan who had been nearly stocking the band had finally got her chance to meet the guys.
“ You don’t have any idea how much I’ve wanted to meet you guys, you are amazing.” The fan rushed, to say as Matt and Johnny sighed her cd and shirt she had just bought, passing them to Brian and Jimmy who also signed.
“ thanks, that means a lot.” And “ Glad to meet you.” Where said time and again to the fan but when the shirt and cd got to Zacky the girl smirked alittle.
“ Could I also get a hug and a kiss? You’re my favorite out of the band.” She said in a seducing tone. Zacky smiled and nodded not wanting to be rude to the fan and leaned over the table and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, which the girl turned so it was a full kiss on the lips.
Tammy turned the corner and saw her boyfriend and some Bandslut kissing. That was it the last straw. She threw the food she had gotten him on the ground and walked back to the bus and started packing, she was done with the flirting the fans, him.
Zacky pulled away from the girl quickly as she moved and he kissed her on the lips. “ I’m sorry I have a girlfriend.” He said to the girl and handed her, her now signed things. He looked at the guys who lightly chuckled at him. They continued to sign things for their loyal fans until Jimmy looked up and sighed seeing Tammy walking back from the tour bus with a bag in her hand. He looked at Zacky then ran over to stop her.
“ what the hell Tam? Where you going?” Jimmy said lightly putting his hand on her shoulder and stopping her from walking any farther.
“ I’m leaving Jimbo.”
“ Why?”
“I’m done.”
“Done? Done with what?” he said turning her so he could see the hurt written all over his little sisters face.
“ With all of it, the flirting with fans, the kissing and the hugging.” She said now trying to hold back tears.
“ Tammy,” Jimmy sighed lightly.” It just kinda happens, we have to flirt alittle.” He said sticking up for Zacky. “ I mean we have a lot of fans who are girls and want up, you gotta give-“ Tammy glared at him alittle to not finish that sentence.
Zacky watched Jimmy as he looked at him and ran over to someone who was carrying a bag at first he didn’t regonize the person. When he saw Jimmy talk to the person trying to stop them from walking away he realized it was his blonde haired girlfriend, he looked at the guys, shrugged alittle the ran over to Tammy and Jimmy.
“ What’s wrong babe?” he said lightly as he got over and saw Tammy roll her eyes. “ Should I know what I did then?”
Jimmy looked between Tammy and Zacky.” I’ll let you two talk this out Tam.” He said then lightly hugged his sister and walked back over to the table with the other guys.
Tammy looked at Zacky for a long moment before she sighed.” I’m done with this.” She said lightly trying to walk away again. Zacky following her closely.
“ Done with what? The Tour?” she just shook her head. “ then what? Give me something? I have no idea what you’d be ‘done’ with.” He said quietly.
“everything, the tour,the fans, the girls, the flirting. “ she said harshly, she didn’t know why but it annoyed her that Zacky was talking to her.
“ the flirting?” he said trying to figure out what Tammy was talking about.
“ Yes Zackary the flirting you and every slut with fake tits and a mini skirt.” She said turning around and facing him.
“ I only flirt with the fans who flirt with me.” He said innocently.
“ and you kissed the ones who what then?” She asked harshly again. She knew she was kinda being a nutcase but she had the right to call him out on that kiss.
“ What are you talking about I only kiss fans on the cheek if they ask for a kiss. Tammy.” He said now starting to get angry she was accusing him of cheating or whatever she was accusing him of.
“bullshit Zack. I just saw you kiss a slut not more then 5 mins ago.” She said now yelling she didn’t care who heard their fight. “ and it’s not the only slut you’ve kissed while on tour.”
“ Her?! I went to kiss her on the cheek and she turned so I kissed her on the lips that means nothing Tammy!” he said yelling back at her.
They argued for nearly an hour until they were nearly at eachother’s throats.
“ I swear to fucking God Tammy get out of my face.” Zacky said his jaw locked. He was pissed and hurt about all the things she had said to him, they had moved from the middle of the venue to backstage to have alittle more privacy, Zacky actually had to throw Tammy over his shoulder to get her to go backstage.
Tammy smirked as she pushed more of his buttons ”Or what? What are you going to do to me?” she said nearly taunting him this time.
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Dun dun dun! Thanks to everyone who's still reading. Sorry it's been awhile extreme writters block..
Next Chapter will be fun/ intresting to write.
please comment i need to know if this story totally sucks or not