Status: Done



I was walking down the street. My eyes are blinded by the bright lights. My friends and I stumble over the side walk, bottles of liquor in our hands. My friends all share what they have, but me I’m just a little too selfish. I ran into my enemy, Sidney Crosby. We were a couple years ago when he wasn’t a selfish bastard. The camera’s flashed around us. Even though I hated him he still had this effect on me. He brought butterflies to my stomach. Just like he used to, before he became a famous Hockey player. But it didn’t matter if he was famous or not he was still Sidney. The camera’s flashed again, but I enjoyed the brightness. He looked at me, really looked at me for the first time in years. I just look away. “Lucy!” He yelled. “I’m sorry.” He said. I slapped him and ran away. Drinking away the pain in the process.

Bright lights and butterflies
I take my place tonight
Bright lights and butterflies
We drink to my demise
I've got this selfish grace
A lavish taste for a brightly lit place
Infamous and famous
They are one and the same
So we drink tonight to my impending fame

Sidney unfortunately found me. He knocked and knocked on my door. For hours and hours, that’s all he did. I finally got up and answered the door. Sidney came right in closing the door behind him. “Lucy, I don’t get it. I apologized a million and one times. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean any of it.” Sidney said. There was a silence. “Sidney you’re just so selfish. You want everything and when you get it you don’t know how to share.” I yelled at him. “I’m not selfish, Lucy!” He yelled back. “Yeah you just keep thinking that Sidney. Taking the credit for winning the cup when the team won it. You were always selfish, you bastard. You and your cockiness, I can’t stand it. You can’t stand it when you can’t have it all. You’re like everyone else in the world.” I yelled. I walked back into my room. I heard the door slam close. Thank god, I hope I never see him again.

You might deny it, but you're tied to your desires
And you're selfish
Yeah, you're selfish just like everyone else
You might deny it, but you're tied to your desires
And you're selfish
Yeah, you're selfish just like everyone else

I knew Sidney wouldn’t stop bugging me, but I’ve got the perfect disguise. I’ve got a rep that Sidney can’t even touch. The bright lights flashed my name. I was on the top and it never felt better. For getting myself here I took the credit. It was all me and everyone knew it, even if they didn’t want to say it. I’m a rock n roll honey now, and I love it. I’ve got the good looks, the voice, and impeccable charm.

I found the perfect disguise
Impossible charisma
The bright lights are shining in your eyes
Rock 'n' roll, honey
And impossible charisma

“Lucy.” My friend Drama called. “What happened to you? You just took all the credit. Why would you do something like that?” He asked. “I took all the credit because I did it all. No one else, not you or anybody.” I said. “You’re just selfish, Lucy.” He said. “And now you’ve got what you want, all you desired. I guess it’s tough luck for the people who actually got you here. You’re a selfish bitch.” Drama said walking away. I couldn’t take this. Me selfish? I just give credit where credit is due, and that’s to me. Why does no one understand that? I walked into the bar around the corner and drank. Sidney was there as drunk as ever. I wobbled over to him and took at seat next to him. “Here bartender two beers.” Sidney asked slightly slurring his words. Me selfish, no Sidney is selfish and I’m nothing like him. I sat and drank with him all night not once saying a word.

You might deny it, but you're tied to your desires
And you're selfish
Yeah, you're selfish just like everyone else
You might deny it, but you're tied to your desires
And you're selfish
Yeah, you're selfish

So drink up

Yeah so drink up

Yeah so drink up

I was outside walking through the park. I ran into Sidney. He looked amazing at night. His beautiful eyes sparkled off the moonlight. The nighttime was playing with my mind. Sidney took my hand and we ran around all night. We were having fun for the first time in years. I was so happy again, and sober for the moment. The bright lights shined on us. Something took over me. I started to be selfish once again.

I am taken by the nighttime
I'm taken by the moonshine, moonshine
I am taken by the nighttime
I'm taken by the bright lights, bright lights

Sidney was bragging again how he did everything. How I hate his selfishness. He always get’s what he desires and keeps a hold of it. That’s why we broke up he just wanted everything to himself. Then I started bragging about how it was me who did everything. Now we’re right back to where we left off. We both couldn’t take this anymore. I grabbed some whiskey and poured a glass. Sidney did the same. Drinking was the only way to drown out the pain I guess.

You might deny it, but you're tied to your desires
And you're selfish
Yeah, you're selfish just like everyone else
You might deny it, but you're tied to your desires
And you're selfish
Yeah, you're selfish

So drink up

Yeah, you're selfish just like everyone else

Yeah you’re selfish

So drink up

Sidney and I are sitting in his condo, on opposite sides of the room. He looks at me and smiles. I get those stupid butterflies again. I smiled. Sidney might be selfish but he’s mine. I always thought we had nothing in common, but we do. We’re both selfish, and we’re not afraid to admit it anymore. Sidney Crosby is all mine, no one else can have him. And if that makes me selfish then so be it, but I’m not giving him up. I’m his selfish rock n roll honey and he’s my selfish bastard.
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Song is Selfish by This Providence