‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream



I smirked as I looked around the club, my eyes looking for that one person that I would be able to lure away to feed. Brian, my sexy Brian was on the other side of the room, already leading someone out of the building, blood lust clear in his eyes.

We were in Germany, and had been for three months after leaving Canada. We thanked the old vampire and took the first plane over here that we could afford. We tried to leave no trace of us, and we succeeded—it was almost as if we had never been in the continent across the ocean.

I chuckled to myself, that little fact would piss Shadows beyond redemption. The fucker deserved it, after all he put us through—nothing would ever satisfy me when it came to my vengeance on Shadows, I was Vengeance after all.

My eyes, traveled over the body of the young woman walking towards me—to her I looked no older that twenty-seven, I never grew any older. In her eyes, I was the perfect candidate for a quick hook-up.

Raising the glass to my lips and swallowing the dark liquid in the cup, I met her green eyes over the rim. The dangerous aura I gave off allured both men and women—a factor in being a vampire.

I didn’t say anything to her, my eyes just met hers and walked slowly towards the buildings exit. The reflection in the dark glass told me she was following, not paying attention to anything around her.

Once outside the door, the cold air hit my face, along with it, came the smell of blood. The smell took over my body and I kept walking towards the back of the club, knowing that Brian would be finishing up with his prey. That’s what we were, predators, humans our prey—we excelled at the game they didn’t even know they were playing.

Brian walked out from the alley, licking the red substance that stained his lips. He shot me a smirk, winking as he and the woman walked away—unknown to me, Brian liked older women, while I preyed on the younger ones.

I didn’t take long to start feeding—a kiss here, a nibble there, and a few licks, my teeth sank into the warm flesh. I nearly moaned in ecstasy, the blood flowed freely into my awaiting mouth—I let the taste stay on my tongue before swallowing. I was surprised, the girl wasn’t even that drunk, and she was closer to soberness than anything else.

I pulled away before I made her too weak to walk, or even get home. I waited a minute to make sure if she could make it—she gave me a lazy smile and it looked like she was just a little drunk. We walked back to the club, me walking behind her just in case something happened.

Stepping inside, another young female ran up to the one I just walked in with and looked at me lustfully. I licked my lips, meeting her dark eyes and walked away, looking for Brian.

I found him against the bar, his eyes roaming around the room for any potential threats. He peeked at me from the corner of his eyes and I gave him a slight nod, letting him know that I was done feeing for the night.

He gave me a sexy grin and curled his finger at me, ordering me to follow him. I bit my lip, I had satisfied one urge, now to go home and satisfy the other.
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Soooo it has started!
The sequel has officially begun!.

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