‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 11

Brian's POV

I laid there wondering what Zack was doing. If he was looking for me. If he was worried about what was happening to me. I knew he did but I couldn't but let my mind wonder sometimes. I just wanted to be wrapped in his arms while he told me he loved me over and over again.

My wants were turning into a necessity.

I began to cry as I thought about my one true love. How could this have happened to us?

As I thought about all the stuff that happened in the past few months Shadows came into the room. He didn't lay down on the bed like I thought he was going he just stood there. I didn't turn to meet his stare, I just laid there and thought about Zacky. Then I heard a voice I thought I would never here again.

"Hey Syn." Zacky's voice said. I spun around to see if it was really him.

It was, but how? How did he find us and where is Shadows? I stopped thinking about those things and ran to my Zack. I hugged and squeezed the life out of him. I started to Cry even more.

"Where the hell have you been Zack? I've missed you so much!" I yelled into his ears then picked him up and spun him around.

"Don't worry about that just know that I'm here for you baby."He said but his sounded off, I didn't care to pay attention to that as I brought my lips down upon his.

"Babe I missed you so much, and I been so sad without you. Zacky?" I said putting him down and looking him straight in the eye.

"Yes Brian?"

"Make love to me, I know I have never done that before but I've missed so much." I said with so much joy that I could barely contain myself.

He led me over to the bed and laid me down. I could feel the passion flowing through both of us. I couldn't help but enjoy everything that was happening at this point,but I wish I would have paid more attention to everything that did happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes I know its short don't be mad I have a point behind it.
And I will get back to it as soon as possible
comment though
Oh and sorry no sex scene right now
