‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 16


I twisted and turned in the sheets of the motel room I was in. Andri and Tuck had gone out hunting once again, leaving me in the room under Andri’s instructions “To get some damn sleep”. That was easy for her to say—she was looking for her brother, not the love her life. I was looking for the most important person in my life and I wasn’t going to rest until I found him.

I sat up on the bed, and ran a hand through my hair, giving up on sleeping for the night. Insomnia was now a part of my life though it was taking its toll on me. I walked over to the restroom, stripping down after I turned on the faucet to the shower and let the steam fill the room. Once naked, I stepped into the shower and sighed when the hot water hit my back, relaxing the tense muscles of my shoulders and back.

I washed my hair out and lathered the small soap over my body, feeling cleaner by the second if not happier. I was reluctant to shut down the warm water, but did so anyways. I grabbed a clean white down from the counter and wrapped it tightly around my waist, opening the door to the bathroom and letting out all the collect steam.

The room was dark and I frowned, not remembering if I shut off the lamp light. My senses felt something out of the ordinary, my fangs out into the dim lighting that was caused by the bathroom. The four corners of the room were pitch black, the light only reflecting so far. Out of one corner, came a chuckle—all too familiar.

“If I didn’t have a thing for Syn, I would have definitely gone after you,” the voice laughed and suddenly a black figure came forward, knocking me on my back and out of consciousness.
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Sorry this is so short, and I know it sucks.

Leave lots of comments though?