‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 21

Brian's POV

Zacky(Shadows) laid in bed sleeping hopefully as I roamed the house. All I could find were a whole bunch of dead ends and doors. Every door kept leading me to an empty room. It seemed this house had no end to it as I kept searching.

Shadows really didn't want me to escape even if I thought that was really him. But it had to be some way for me to get out of here. Even the greatest witches have a loop hole.

My stomach was in pain too. It's like something inside of me was squirming around and tugging at my insides. At first it just made me nausea's, then it started hurting more and more.

"What the fuck did Shadows do to me?" I said as I kept roaming around, then I heard a loud bang from outside. It sounded like someone was banging on a gate.I looked out of one of the very small windows and saw three people trying to tear down the gate with no avail.

i could make out that it was 2 males and 1 female, but I couldn't see their faces. I didn't know if I should break the window and start yelling at them to help me or just keep letting them try. I decided that hey maybe they could help even though I'm kinda stuck in here. So I busted the window and started yelling like I was dying.

"Help! Please get me out of here! Please before he comes back! please!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I knew I was probably waking Shadows up, but hey when help is possibly on the other side of a gate you would do the same.

They stopped and looked for a second then one of them ran head first into the gate breaking it down with inhuman strength.


I knew he would come for me eventually.

While I was watching all of this happen I didn't hear the door open and Shadows coming into the room. I didn't think of it until I turned around then was back handed into unconsciousness.

Damn! Zacky was so close but yet so far away.
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So yeah this seems a little cheesy to me, but I still like it
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