‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 22


I watched in awe as Vengeance broke down the barrier upon seeing someone hanging out the window. He ran across the yard in what would be a blur to human eyes—he climbed up the wall, into the open window were a crash sounded straight afterward.

I turned to Andri who nodded and we both raced into the house, the door no barrier to our strength. We climbed the stairs and heard the noises of battle from down the hallway. When we entered, a man was thrown on the floor unconscious and I could only guess that it was Vengeance’s other half—Synyster.

Zacky was fighting though—against him was a large, bulky man, who was quickly changing forms. I knew the other man who I highly suspected was Shadows would kill Zacky in his wolf form. I surged forward, tackling Shadows to the floor and pressing the changing points on his body.

He turned to growl at me, pointy teeth bared and I raised my fist until my eyes caught his. In the hazel swirls, I saw my future and I knew that I couldn’t kill Shadows—mainly because he was my life mate.

Shadows stopped struggling beneath me, and his eyes went blank, and I heard Andri behind me mutter, “Oh God.”

I stepped off of him and backed away, terrified that such a horrible thing could possibly be my life mate. Shadows teeth turned into human teeth again and he just stared at me.

Behind him, I saw Zacky crouch low, and extended his fangs and jumped forward right before I instantly moved myself before Shadows, growling at Zacky.

Zacky moved back, anger clear in his eyes as he planted himself on the floor. “What the fuck, Tuck?!” he yelled, “Let me kill him!”

I shook my head, and raised my hands. “You can’t do that.”

Zacky narrowed his green eyes at me. “Why not?” he questioned.

I sighed, looking back at a shocked Shadows who was unaware that his sister was behind him. “Because he’s my life mate.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Uhh, surprise?

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