‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 2


I woke up dazed and confused, my head hurt like a fucking bitch, and my eyesight was far from focused. The room was dark as my eyes started to adjust; no light was coming from the window—through the darkness I could start making shapes appearances.

My eyes widen slightly when I finally got a good look around—everything in the apartment was thrown carelessly, almost as if it had been robbed or everything was thrown in a fit of rage. I stood from the floor, my body felt sore from the impact of when I hit the ground.

My memory wasn’t too fuzzy; I clearly remembered falling asleep as Brian carried me home.

“Brian?” my voice carried out in the apartment. I got no reply—I took a step carefully forward, the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end point. No noise of any kind care from any direction—I peered into the small empty kitchen, that we never used and saw it empty.

I moved over to the bathroom and saw it empty too—a sigh escaped my plump lips, figuring that he went out for something. That didn’t explain the mess in the room—I entered the bathroom, taking a leak before standing in front of the mirror. I ran a hand through my hair and looked up, even in the dark I could see that something was on the mirror.

I hadn’t switched on the light; I didn’t need to with my vampire senses, giving me the ability to see in the dark. I couldn’t make out the words—I flipped the light switch, and let out a low menacing growl.

You’re not such a bitch when you’re asleep. I’ll give Syn a kiss for you, was written on the glass in small eligible words.

I knew who it was from, the only person that I despised with my whole being—Shadows. My fist flew forward, connecting with the mirror, causing it to shatter into pieces, and falling into the sink.

I looked down, my reflection staring back at me a thousand times. Anger was boiling in my blood, a ringing was in my ears, and my vision was slowly turning red. I couldn’t believe that Shadows couldn’t leave us alone for anything.

The little bitch had found us, and took what was mine. Now I had to go get it back, I wasn’t going to with a fight, and I wasn’t going to let Shadows walk away with his head on his shoulders.

I couldn’t just go out to the house to get him, I needed time, I needed to make a plan—most of all, I needed to find out how to destroy Shadows for good.

I growled at the mirror, the picture of Shadows with Brian in my head. I needed to start soon.

I didn’t bother changing, I didn’t take anything but the small amount of cash that Brian and I had. I had an idea of where to start, the old rumors clear in my head.

I headed to the section of the city where I knew was full of vampires, they were my key. They would give me the information on what I was looking for.

I walked into the bar, slamming the door open, and making everyone glance over at me. Several guys eyes, filled with lust at me, the angry vampire. An angry vampire could give the best sex you could dream of. I wasn’t there for the sex; I walked forward slowly, meeting each and every single person’s gaze.

If Shadows existed, a mix of so many mythical creatures, then there had to be another—that’s what I was looking for. I heard that only one of Shadows’ kind could destroy him, then I would find one of his kind, and kill Shadows, torture him to an inch of his life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Angry Zacky=Sexy ;)

I did change my username, I was known as nanagoesroar.

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