‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 4


It was taking longer than expected, no one in Germany was willing to give me the information I was looking for. They weren’t being any help.

I sighed and ran my hand through my black hair. I let my green eyes wander over the airport as I waited for my flight to board. That night, I was flying back to the States to see if anyone there would be of any help.

The toll was waning on me from being away from Brian for so long—at least last time we had been in the same house. This time we were continents away from each other, our bond was growing weaker and I knew I had to get to him and get him back.

A scent caught my senses; it was different from human or even vampire blood. I had only smelled it once before and I had barely noticed it then. It had a mix of werewolf and vampire with another particular smell—the same scent that Shadows had.

I looked around panicked, someone was here that was exactly if not something similar to Shadows. I had finally found someone that could help. I stood from my seat, grabbing my bag and moving around idly trying to find the person.

The scent grew stronger and I ended up standing next to a guy with long hair and pale eyes. He turned to stare at me and I was surprised to recognize him, "Tuck?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, it's my shortest update ever! But we have kinda come to a writer's block, we will update soon! I promise! Stay with us here!

Sorry about the late update, I've had a busy few weeks, and the good thing? I saw Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine, and Three Days Grace in concert! Aside from almost getting squished to death on the floor during TDG, it was awesome, I saw Matt Tuck and the Avenged Guys in the flesh! They're sexier in person! Photos do them no justice xD.

I hope to see them again soon, I'm just waiting for Uproar to post the dates and stuff -.- Wish us luck!
