‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 5

Brian's POV

Teal, orange, and green swam around me as I fell into a blissful but disturbing dream. I felt everything and nothing at the same time. Different colors swirled around me almost taunting me as I kept falling. I only saw colors nothing else.

Everything felt good but bad at the same time, like the most agonizing pain mixed with the most pleasurable sex you could imagine.

Horrible yet exciting.

Bright but dark.

Happiness and despair mix into one feeling.

Soon enough the blissful pain left me and I stopped falling. I was being cradle by two giant hands. One cold and one hot. Both neither freezing or burning me. All I could see around were those two hands. They cradle me like I was their child. Holding me like I needed to be held.

Like how Zacky would hold me when I was scared or too scared to admit I was scared.

I felt protected yet disturbed by the feeling. It's like I knew there was evil larking under the two arms flesh waiting for me to totally give in.




Everything suddenly became cloudy as I thought about these things. I got the felling that I was falling again but this time into a black abyss. No feelings, no colors, no sounds just darkness.

In my mind I panicked. I tried to thrash out at anything that could save me. Nothing changed except that there was a dim light that I was falling away from. I kept thrashing around hoping the light would get bigger. Lucky for me it did.

As the light got bigger and bigger i heard my name being called faintly, like the person was whispering in my ear. As I was pulled out of the darkness I saw were I was.

Still with Shadows.

So everything that happened wasn't a dream. Everything was real. I was really back with Shadows, but where was Zacky this time?

"Hey sweetie, I'm glad your finally awake. We have so much planned since your back for good this time." He said with that infamous smirk on his face.

"What the fuck do you have planned?" I said just going along with what he was saying.

"Well first I'm going to bond you to me so there will never be any complication between us." He said then lifted me off of the bed in bridal position. I didn't register anything else he said after that first sentence. Everything in reality was now a unrecognizable blur of time and space.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay not my best chapter but it's longerr I hope it wasn't to bad.
But if it was just comment and tell me how bad I did xD
Love you all please comment and subscribe please
