‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 6


Tuck and I stood apart from the crowd talking in bare whispers that the humans would not even get the sense of. I was surprised to run into him especially in Germany. The last time I had talked to him was about 200 years ago in southern New England.

I explained what had happened and he agreed to help me find Shadows and get Brian back. “I’m actually looking for Shadows myself,” Tuck explained quietly. His eyes traveled over the crowd, watching for any trouble.

“You are?” I was shocked to find that out, I never expected for Tuck to be looking for Shadows, hell I didn’t even know Tuck knew him. I was curious to find out why he was looking for him though.

Tuck nodded and turned when someone called his name. “Actually, I’m helping a friend of mine seek him out.” I understood why this person would get Tuck’s help, he was an excellent tracker, he could find anyone within any time frame—it was a passion of his you could say.

The person that came up was female; she had long brown hair and hazel eyes that I had seen before. Her facial features were something I had seen before, but she wasn’t someone I had seen before, I was sure of that. She was beautiful to say the least. As I watched her move to stand next to Tuck and I caught the familiar smell of her blood. She smelled exactly as Shadows, down to the last drop. She sent me a big smile and I knew why she was searching for Shadows.

“You’re his sister, aren’t you?” I bluntly asked—the resemblance was uncanny, especially smile. Though there was a difference, hers wasn’t so evil or sinister like her brothers.

“You can tell, can you?” I nodded at her and took her hand to shake when she outstretched it. “I’m Andri,” she introduced herself.

“I know it isn’t any of my business, but why are you searching for Shadows?” I questioned her.

“He left the pack, saying that he shunned him out. That’s not necessarily true, from what I’ve heard, he’s been up to no good, and he’s got to stop.”

I nodded and turned when I heard them announce my flight. “That’s my flight, contact me when you land?” I looked between Andri and Tuck and they both smirked. “What? What did I miss?”

“That’s out flight as well,” they explained.
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Sorry it's short, but I updated! xD
