‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 7

Brian's POV

Shadows carried me down into the dungeon of the manor we were at now. There were candles lit on on the wall like you would see in a really creepy Dracula type movie. I could hear music in the background, it was in some language I don't know maybe German. It's funny how I lived in Germany and don't know how to speak any German, but back to the matter at hand.

Once we reached the bottom we step into a room that looked setup for a sacrifice. I knew it wasn't going to be a sacrifice but I really didn't want to do this either.

My mind must be really occupied since I'm not even trying to get away from him. He placed me down onto the mattress the was in the middle of the floor then moved away. I inspected the room to see if I could make a clean get away.

There were more drapes then needed all around the room. Candles were scattered all around in really tall holders with gothic style designs all over it. This room screamed I'm psycho but I already knew he was.

Shadows was in a corner lighting a few more candles that were different colors from the others and whisperings word under his breathe. I felt a cold breeze run down my back as he started to chants some foreign words.

"Esti al meu! Esti al meu! Esti al meu! Esti al Meu! ESTI AL MEU!" He yelled at the top of his lungs then I felt a searing pain go through my chest. I laid flat on the floor and let the pain run it's course. It felt like my chest was being ripped apart. Like every rib was being sliced through with a rusty knife. I clawed at my chest wishing the pain would go away, wishing that Zacky was there to hold me through all of this.

After a few minutes of that it finally stopped. I looked down at my chest to see scratch marks all over it. Tears actually rolled down my face as I realized what just happened. I was boned to Shadows no matter what I want.

I wouldn't have to love him to be in this bond, I don't even have to like him I just have to be there for it to go through.

I looked up to see him with a smile on his face. He looked so content with himself, the thing is that I didn't even care that he was happy for what he just did to me. I just wanted Zacky.

I cried even harder as I thought about him holding me the last time. God! I felt so weak right now, crying in front of shadows like the little bitch he made me into.

"No, don't cry baby. I promise you everything will get better for us from now on." He said and came over to comfort me. I didn't even shrug away. Since I couldn't have Zacky right now I settled for Shadows. He may have been the one that did this to me but right now I just needed to be held.
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Okay i don't like this to me it sucks and right now I have like no confidence for my writing this suck ass.
But hey comment and subscribe if you like.
Oh and that stuff he was saying was you are mine in Romanian
