‹ Prequel: Shutter House

Like Walking Into a Dream

Chapter 8


I was angry, beyond pissed—I saw red and wanted to lash out at anything and everything. Nothing could describe how bad I wanted to murder Shadows at that point. He had moved them! The old abandoned looking house was completely empty and they weren’t anywhere to be seen with no sign or anything!

I paced around Shadows old room, running my hands through my hair and cursing Shadows to hell under my breath.

Tuck had gone off to search the house as, Shadows sister, Andri looked questioningly around her brother’s room. Everything was in place as when they first dragged Brian and me in here—but now I could smell the slight scent of Brian—it was somewhat calming, but he wasn’t here so I could hug him and so I could know that he was there in the flesh.

“What the fuck are we going to do now?” I grumbled, walking back and forth over the carpet. “How the hell are we supposed to find them now? I have no idea where they are!”

I pulled at the end of my hair walking out of the room that I knew Brian and Shadows had spent time in. Though the smell of Brian was comforting in there, just knowing what Shadows did pissed me off even more.

I went in search for anything I could find—papers, notes, anything that could lead me in the direction I needed. I needed closure that I could eventually find Brian and get back to our normal lives—though how normal they would be after all of this I had no clue

I went through every room, including Christ’s and the Rev’s but came up empty. I ransacked the kitchen and the extra rooms but ended up with the same thing. I was getting frustrated—every moment I left Brian was a moment too long, who knew what Shadows was doing to him.

I stopped right in front of Shadows office door and I remembered the last time I was there—I wanted to get away from these psychos and here I was trying to find them—karma is a bitch.

I opened the door slightly, letting it swing forward before pushing it open and standing at the threshold. The room was dark, no light was coming in whatsoever and by the vibe it was giving, it held secrets.

I didn’t cross into the room, scared that Shadows might have done something to keep anyone from entering but Andri proved me wrong. “He didn’t do anything to it, it seems he just wanted to leave and didn’t put any protection on the house, otherwise we wouldn’t have made it inside.”

I nodded and stepped into the shady room and lighted up so we could see around. Everything seemed to be in its place—I honestly didn’t know where to start.

“Knowing my brother, he doesn’t cover his tracks perfectly. To the untrained eye it seems like he’s flawless but when it comes to someone who knows him, especially like I do, you know what to look for,” Andri explained, coming into the room and glancing around. “Now look for something that wasn’t here before and that will give us a clue.”

I peered around, trying to remember what was here and what wasn’t. I didn’t have a photographic memory, that was Brian—Fuck, this is going to take a while.
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Sorry for the wait, things have been getting a bit hectic and of course, it's summer.
I will try to update faster than I have been but I can only so much sorry. :/
