Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Saturday, 24th of January, 2010

The music pulsed through the Riverside Night Club as people danced to the fast beating music that the DJ had put on. I danced with my best friend, Jared as his favourite song continued to play. Jared had his arms loosely wrapped around my lower back while my arms rested on his shoulders as I fondled with his hair. Jared was an attractive guy. He stood about six foot and had straight black hair that reached his collar, if not longer.
At the moment Jared had his hair spiked up at the back while his black fringe fell down onto his face covering his beautiful, silver eyes. Jared always wore a blank expression at school, him glaring at any student that walked by, even the seniors and teachers were nervous around him, but around his friends you couldn’t stop him from wearing that same, goofy smile.
Jared had an athletic body that came with the six pack and strong biceps. His lips had snakebites pierced into them, making them stand out more than they did before. Multicoloured wristbands covered both of his wrists as he wore a black T-shirt that had a grinning dinosaur on it with ‘I AM A HAPPY DINOSAUR’ written underneath it in the same coloured green. To match the shirt he wore plain black skinny jeans with a checkered black and white hoodie.
Jared had the hoodie unzipped with the sleeves pushed up his arms as far as they could go. On his feet he wore his new green converses along with a multicoloured, metallic belt that was too big for his small frame. Jared tugged on the belt loops of my white skinny jeans, tugging me closer to him making my smile grow larger.
“Alisa,” Jared groaned, blushing as he buried his face into my shoulder.
“Jared,” I said, stifling a giggle as I felt his boner against my stomach, “who turned you on?”
“The guy in the corner,” he mumbled against my neck as I glanced over at the corner where three attractive guys sat.
“Damn,” I replied as I looked the three of them over just as two more joined the group.
Guy number one had purple hair that seemed to cascade over his hazel eyes. His hair stopped about an inch past his collar, standing out from his black Alesana T-shirt. Matching his shirt he wore plain black skinny jeans along with black VANS and a simple white watch. He stood in the corner leaning against the white wall as he glanced around the room while his friends chattered friendly to themselves in the booth that was situated next to him.
Guy number one would have stood about six foot two and wore a blank expression that somewhat reminded me of Jared. His lips were also like Jared’s having two, lip ring piercing on his bottom lip but also having the cartilage on his nose pierced. Next to guy number one sat guy number two who had light brown hair that was mixed in with blonde and black making it have an attractive effect and reached around the same length as Jared’s. His eyes were a bright emerald green that looked absolutely amazing. I mean, I wouldn’t mind wearing those eyes on a ring.
He would’ve stood about five foot nine and was probably the shortest out of the group. He wore a black and grey horizontally stripped beanie along with faded black Nirvana shirt and dark blue boot cut jeans that seemed to hang low on his hips showing off his red boxers. On his feet he wore bright lime green VANS that seemed to match the faded writing on the Nirvana shirt.
In front of him sat guy number three who also had snakebites, but instead of rings he had studs. He also had black hair at the back and bright red hair at the front. The black of his hair was spiked up while the front fell down onto his face. His hair had been cut in a way that his fringe stopped at his eyebrows but reached his chin at the sides. Guy number three would’ve stood about five foot eleven and had the most dazzling blue eyes. Sort of like Alex Evans’s, but brighter.
His hair would’ve fell down about an inch past his shoulders just like guy number one. Guy number three wore a pair of rainbow, low-top converses that seemed to indicate that he was gay just like Jared. He wore light blue skinny jeans along with a bright orange shirt that read ‘This is an orange T-shirt’.
Guy number four sat beside guy number two and wore an amused grin on his face as his continued talking. He had black, shoulder-length hair that was also spiked up at the back while his bright blue eyes stood out from underneath his fringe. Guy number four wore new, baggy jeans along with a plain black shirt that had ‘Go Fudge Yourself’ written on it in white writing.
On guy number four’s feet he wore red high-top converses that didn’t seem to match anything he was wearing. Guy number four seemed to be around five foot one and was the second tallest in the group, guy number one being the tallest. In front of him sat the last guy, guy number five. Guy number five seemed to like kid shows due to the fact he wore a Perry the platypus cap on his head along with a black shirt that read ‘Where’s Perry?’. Along with that attire he wore baggy grey jeans and plain white low-top converses.
Guy number five had black hair just like guy number four, but instead of leaving it just black he had white streaks running through the sides of his fringe and would’ve stood around five foot eleven just like guy number three. After a small moment Jared pulled back with the blush obvious on his cheeks as his looked down at his feet as his teeth played with his right snakebite.
“Which one do you like?” I asked, curious to know the answer.
“The one standing up,” he muttered as he cheeks turned a darker shade of red as he looked back up at me.
“Well, talk to him,” I hissed.
“But,” he said wide eyed as he glanced down at his ‘problem’.
“Go to the bathroom and deal with it, I’m going to find Rayan and Gabby. I’m sure by now they’re making out against a wall somewhere.”
“Fine, I’ll meet you in our booth when you find them,” he sighed as he turned around and pushed himself through the crowd.
Letting out a groan I rubbed my eyes before heading the opposite way towards the corner I had seen them in earlier and sure enough they were there, still making out. Gabby was pressed up against the wall as her hands were resting on his chest underneath his shirt. Rayan on the other had had one hand placed on her hip while the other resting on top of her boob which he continued to fondle with making a moan erupt from Gabby’s mouth.
Gabby had bleach blonde hair that had been layered and straightened before being put into two low ponytails. Gabby wore no make-up other than a thin layer of eye liner that seemed to make her blue eyes look more beautiful than ever. Gabby stood about five foot six about a foot shorter than Rayan. She wore a beautiful black dress that seemed to reach halfway down her thigh, showing off her wonderful legs.
The dress was a one shoulder strapped dress and where it met up at the side had a large flower pattern that seemed to show off more of her tanned skin. Around her stomach was a hem line where ruffles of fabric started to fall making the dress look absolutely amazing. To match the dress she wore white sequin covered flats that had the tip and heel black. In her ears she wore a pair of pink rose stud earrings that seemed to match her thick rimmed, pink glasses.
Rayan on the other hand looked pretty much like Jared due to the fact they were twins, the only things they didn’t have in common was personality, lip rings and height. Rayan was the nicer twin and Jared was the less social twin. At the moment Rayan wore a Black Veil Brides shirt along with new baggy blue jeans and checkered VANS.
“Really, guys, can’t you refrain yourselves for just a few hours,” I shouted over the music. They pulled away abruptly as Gabby blushed and removed her hands from underneath Rayan’s shirt just as Rayan backed away from Gabby. “Come on, we’ve got to meet Jared at our booth. He has a crush,” I said, waggling my eyebrows.
“My brother has the hots for someone? Fucking, finally,” Rayan said with a grin as he tugged Gabby lightly to our booth as I wandered aimlessly behind, glancing quickly over at guy number one’s table once again.
When we made it to the table Jared was fiddling nervously with a pen as he stared ahead in a daydream. Rolling my eyes I nudged him a bit making him glance up at me in surprise.
“Don’t want your friend getting excited again now do we?” I said with a smirk as I climbed over his blushing figure.
“So I heard my bro has a crush, who is this lucky guy?” Rayan asked, as he wrapped an arm around Gabby placing a kiss on her flustered cheek.
“Look down to the booth three away from ours, the guy standing up,” I replied, stealing the pen away from Jared.
“Oh, he is hot, I love his hair,” Gabby replied, looking him over.
“Hey!” Rayan complained with a pout as he looked over at Gabby.
“Don’t worry, you’re hotter,” Gabby said, kissing him on the nose.
“Sweet,” Rayan smirked, pulling Gabby closer to him.
“You guys can go. I have an idea since Mister over here won’t do anything.”
“Alrighty, I’m still coming over to your place after this, right?” Gabby asked, as she was getting pulled away.
“Yup,” I yelled over the music before climbing over the table to get to the other side.
“You can go around tables you know,” Jared said with a raised eye brow.
“I know, but your fat ass was in the way,” I replied shooting a wink in his direction making him roll his eyes.
Focusing my eyes on guy number one I waited until no one stood in his direct path before flicking the pen in his direction.
“Fuck yes,” I whispered to myself as I hit him right in the centre of his forehead making him glance in annoyance in my direction.
A grin spread across my face as I waved happily, my grin widening when he bent down to pick up the ball point pen. Jared glanced wide eyed over his shoulder as he spotted guy number one stomping agitatedly over in our direction with the rest of the crew on his tail. The guys all looked serious, as their eyes were narrowed and no emotion was portrayed on their face.
“What did you do?” Jared groaned, placing his forehead onto the cold table top.
“I did nothing, why would you ask such a silly question?”
“Because I know you,” he hissed through gritted teeth as the guys finally reached our table.
“May I help you?” I asked with an innocent smile, staring up at his hazel eyes.
“Yeah, why’d you throw this at me?”
“I just wanted to know if you think my friend over here is hot or not, he’s been getting a lot of put downs lately.”
“Only from you,” Jared grumbled, as he lifted his face up from the table to glare at me.
I faked gasped before asking, “How could you say such a thing?” and sliding myself back over the table before wrapping my arms around his torso.
“Is that all you wanted?” Guy number one asked as he watched as Jared tried to pry me off of him.
“Yup,” I said with a grin as I let go of Jared and leaned forwards, placing my elbows onto the table while I rested my chin onto my open palms.
“You threw a pen at me just to ask if your friend here was hot,” he wondered placing the pen onto the table. “Yes, your friend is hot. Are you two dating?”
“Nah, I’m not a guy so he doesn’t find me attractive,” I replied, sniffling as I wiped away a fake tear before grinning while Jared glared unhappily at the table. “Would you like to sit down with us? I promise we don’t bite.”
The guys behind him chuckled slightly before nodding their heads in reply and sitting down. I moved onto the table while guy number one and two sat next to Jared and the other three sat in the other seat of the booth.
“I’m Alisa by the way and this is Jared,” I introduced with a grin as Jared buried his face into his hands, his plain expression making its way to his face.
“Ah, nice to meet you, I’m Ezra.” Guy number one said before pointing to guy number two beside him. “This is Gerard, and those three are Kaige, Kenneth and Jonathan but they prefer Gee, Kaige, Kenny and Jonny.”
“Nice to meet you guys,” I said with a grin while Jared pulled his face out of his palms, revealing his blank expression I really hated. “Ezra, could I talk to you alone for a while?” I asked, tipping my head to one side so my dyed neon blue hair moved out of my blue eyes.
“Sure,” he replied with a shrug as he jumped over Gee while I climbed off of the table and pulled my black Escape the Fate shirt further down.
Grabbing Ezra’s hand I pulled him lightly over an abandoned corner before looking back at the table where Rayan and Gabby had just showed up to.
“Okay, are you gay or bi?” I blurted before quickly covering my mouth and blushing. “Sorry,” I sighed, running a hand through my hair, “but it’s sort of important.”
“I’m bi, why?”
“Hey, that rhymed,” I said, with a grin, avoiding his question.
“Alisa, tell me.”
“Hmm, nope, you’ll have to find out yourself. By the way, how have I not seen you before?”
“You’ll have to find out yourself,” he said, using my words against me before walking back to our table.
“Asshole,” I muttered before a hand pulled me into the sea of people.
The rough hand was tight against my wrist as whoever it was pulling me into the dark closet, seemed to be fairly strong. The person switched on the light revealing my ex-girlfriend, Ruby. Ruby had bleach blonde hair that fell halfway down her back. Her hair had been straightened and layered as her eyes were thickly surrounded with a lot of bright coloured make-up.
Her usually pretty blue eyes seemed to blend in with the make-up, making her look a little less attractive than what she really was. She had a side fringe that use to cover her eyes but now was too short and only reached a bit past her eye brows. She wore large, dangling earrings that seemed to almost touch her shoulders. They were pretty I must admit but a bit over the top. The earrings were gold with purple jewels placed randomly throughout it, giving it an abstract sort of look.
She wore a really short dress that seemed to stop several inches down her thigh, easily almost revealing her ass, although if she bent over she would most definitely reveal her ass. The dress seemed to cover one shoulder and boob before reaching the bottom, the other side of the dress doing the same. While two thin strips of material seemed to run across her stomach.
What happened to the sweet, innocent Ruby I dated?
“Alisa,” I interrupted with a stern expression.
“Whatever, please come back to me. You know you want to, remember all of the good times we had?” she smirked, no doubt thinking back to when we had sex, yes, I wasn’t a virgin, and yes I lost my virginity to Ruby.
“No, Ruby, understand that I’ve moved on. I don’t love you the same anymore, I love you like a friend. Like someone close to me, but not a girlfriend.”
“Aw, come one Alisa,” she said, before pushing me up against the wall, easily towering over my five foot four height with her five foot seven height. “Maybe a kiss would help,” she said, placing her lip gloss covered lips onto mine before I could fully understand what she said.
Quickly shoving her off, I wiped my lips angrily, my eyes flaring.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I yelled as she smirked, straightening herself up.
“Trying to fix our relationship babe, you know you still love me,” she spoke with a wink as she tried to move me against the wall again. I quickly shoved her back before I did anything I’d regret as I opened the closet door and walked swiftly away from it. “Aw, come on sweetie, you know you want to,” Ruby said, running up to me as she slammed me against the wall and pressed her lips against mine.
Pushing her away, I used my fist to collide with her cheek, making her stumble back as a groan made its way out of her mouth.
“Get the fuck away from me, don’t you fucking understand no!” I screamed, making some people around me glance over to where we stood.
She looked up with hurt in her eyes as they narrowed onto my face, her hands curling at her sides, forming into fists. Her face had changed from the smirk to an angry expression that seemed to radiate off of her, making me want to move away.
“Why can’t you see I just want to be with you again? Can’t you give me a second chance? I-I love you Alisa, please,” she begged, moving closer to swipe my hair out of my eyes.
“No, please don’t use that on me. Please, fuck, damn it! No! I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to use my weakness against me. We haven’t dated for two years Ruby, two fucking years! How the fuck can you love me when you have a new fucking girlfriend. Go fuck her!” I screamed, shoving her back, as tears fell out of my eyes.
Out of the corner of my eyes I noticed Jared, Gabby, Rayan, Ezra, Gee, Kaige, Kenny and Jonny standing there. Jared, Gabby and Rayan seemed to glare at Ruby with an angered expression while the rest just seemed to stare at us confused.
“Fine Allie, have it your way, but I will fuck you by the end of the year and that’s not just a threat but a promise,” Ruby smirked before pushing away from me and waving towards my friends before stalking away.
“That fucking bitch,” Gabby said, before coming closer and wrapping her arms around my body as I glared at the ground in annoyance.
“How much did you hear?” I asked Gabby as she pulled away from my arms.
“Since you punched her,” Jared replied wrapping his arms securely around my waist as he pulled me closer.
“Which was a good punch, but I think it needed more oomph to it,” Rayan said as he wrapped his arms around Gabby.
I chuckled shaking my head before looking over at the five guys that seemed to just stand there looking awkward.
“Ezra, the reason I wanted to know why you were bi earlier was simply related to why I threw a pen at you. Please do the maths,” I muttered with an eye roll.
“Oh so Jared likes Ezra? Well, look at that,” Kaige smirked watching as Jared scowled.
“Is that true Jared?” Ezra asked with a small smile touching his lips, it turning into a scowl when Jared didn’t respond.
“Jared, come on, answer the man,” Gabby whined wanting to know how this was going to turn out.
Jared let out a sigh as he buried his head into my shoulder and mumbled a yes that I could barely hear.
“What?” Ezra asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes,” he said again a bit louder but still muffled.
“Looks like Jonny was wrong when he said Ezra was never going to get a boyfriend, guess he owes me some money” Kaige said, his smirk growing while Jonny glared at the floor.
“Shut it guys, you’re embarrassing him. Jared, would you like to go out on a date with me this Friday to watch a movie and to get dinner?” Ezra asked politely watching as Jared pulled his head out of the crook of my neck.
“You would really go on a date with me?” Jared asked, with a hopeful glance.
“Yes, I would go on a date with you, because like I said before, you’re hot,” Ezra said winking while pulling at his hand, making him let go of me.
“Guys how about we go get drinks and leave these two alone?” I asked, tugging at Gabby’s wrist while the rest followed.
“Alisa, wait, you answered my question, now let me answer yours,” Ezra said with a smile, looking over at me. “I live a town over, along with the rest of the guys and mother dearest sent us to this town for the day since we got expelled from our last school and now we have to go to Riverside.”
“Ah, well I’ll see you later, have fun with Jared,” I replied with a wink in Jared’s direction.
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