Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Monday, 8th of March, 2010

I lay on my bed, curled up underneath the covers as I watched my alarm clock, the time slowly increasing. Every second felt like a minute, every minute felt like an hour, every hour felt like a day and I’m when it came to it, I’m sure every day would feel like a month. Jared had knocked on my door several times already, but I refused to let him in. I knew I had called him over here and at the moment I don’t know why I did.
Jared couldn’t help me find my Aiden, no one could, not even myself. His family now hates me and I’m sure they think I was the one who planned all of this. I mean I know I have a bad reputation but do they really think I’d go around handing him around to paedophiles and murderers? Yeah, I know who has him but, I don’t where he would be held and I don’t know how he was kidnapped without anyone noticing. I missed him as if I hadn’t seen him for years. I missed him like I missed my brother.
I let out a sigh before sitting up, drawing my eyes away from the clock that read eleven. I didn’t sleep last night, it was practically impossible. My only thoughts were on Aiden, Coal and him. He was the one that caused this mess and he really needed to get his nose out of everyone business. He really needed to grow a conscience and soul. He really needed to start doing humane things.
Why did he start doing this now? He had a whole fifteen years to start again, but he chose now, what is so special about now? Although, at the moment that was the least of my worries, I was more concerned on Aiden and Coal’s condition. I was hoping they hadn’t been murdered or tortured, although by the sound of it Coal was just a slave rather than someone he’d be murdering, but even at that thought, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the fact Coal had risked his semi-amount of freedom for me, just to get into contact with me. Coal went against his rules just to talk to me and because of that he could be severely hurt.
I hope the both of them are alright, I hope Aiden is alive and healthy. Aiden, my sweet, shy Aiden, what pain have I caused you? Why were you dragged into this mess? Why? It’s most likely because he wants to cause me more pain than he already has, probably because years ago my brother and Ma refused to let him take me under his wing, instead Coal gave up a normal life to be his slave until he died. He had promised as long as Coal followed every rule that he gave him, he wouldn’t touch a hair on my body and Coal hadn’t, until now.
Suddenly everything became clear, this was my fault. If I didn’t reply to Coal’s letter Coal wouldn’t have been caught. If I hadn’t gotten close to Aiden then he wouldn’t even be under his horrible eyes. He’d be with his family, most likely studying for the test that was coming up or even working on an assignment that was due soon. I ruined Aiden’s life, destroyed it like he destroyed mine.
“Alisa,” Ma called, her voice having worry and concern strung throughout it.
“What?” I hollered back, turning my head to face the closed door.
“Officer Crowling and Officer Kent are here to see you,” she yelled back.
Biting my lip, I quickly crawled out of my bed and left my room, stopping when I saw Jared sleeping next to my door, curled up into a tight ball. Letting out a sigh I crouched next to his sleeping figure, nudging him lightly making him groan and squint up at me. When he noticed it was me he shot up into a sitting position, tackling me into a hug.
“Are you alright? Wait, don’t answer that,” Jared said, his arms wrapped tightly around my frame.
“Alisa,” Ma yelled again worry evident in her voice.
“I’m coming Ma!” I yelled back, Jared wincing from my loud voice. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright, come on, let’s not keep Marcy waiting,” Jared said, obviously clueless to the fact the cops were here.
I nodded numbly before getting up, dragging Jared with me before wandering towards the kitchen where Ma, Brookelle and another man stood. The man stood around six foot and wore the police uniform that matched Brookelle’s. The man had dark brown hair that made his blue eyes stand out. The man would’ve been in his mid-twenties and had stubble covering his chin.
Brookelle had red around her eyes, obvious to the fact that she had been crying. She wore a thin layer of make-up as she stared at me, her eyes filled with hatred. Her bottom lip quivered as she continued to stare, obviously trying to intimidate me. I bowed my head shamefully, a tear leaking out of my eye making Jared pull me towards him.
Jared wrapped his warm arms around my waist, resting his chin on top of my head. While I just sobbed into his chest letting Jared rubbed soothing circles on my back. I took in multiple amounts of deep breaths before swallowing back my tears and slowly turning around to face Brookelle who just looked at me with what looked like disbelief.
“Alisa,” Brookelle seethed, glaring at me, “this is my partner Officer Kent. I assume you know why we’re here.”
“You have no right to call me that, call me Officer Crowling,” Brook—Officer Crowling interrupted.
I let out a sigh and nodded numbly, there was no point in arguing. I didn’t need to push myself further onto her hate list, although that thought seems impossible. I mean how could I get put up in a higher place on her hate list, I’m positive I’m at the top. I mean she thinks I purposely got her son kidnapped.
“I’m sorry. Um, Officer Crowling but I didn’t do it. I didn’t purposely get him kidnapped,” I mumbled, looking up at her.
She grunted in response before glancing over at her partner and then looking at Ma. Officer Crowling looked furious, her eyes were narrowed and even though they were glassed over she still looked amazing. Her mouth was in a tight line as she glared at the floor obviously pissed off.
“Miss Moore, could we please take this conversation somewhere else?” Officer Kent asked, obviously feeling the tension.
“Sure, we can sit in the dining room,” Ma said before turning on her heel and walking away towards our dining room table, everyone following behind her.
I sat down on one of the chairs, Jared automatically sitting next to me while Officer Kent and Officer Crowling sat across from us. Officer Kent seemed to fidget nervously while Officer Crowling just continued to glare at me, obviously pissed off.
“Now, Alisa, could we please have the letter that you told us about,” Officer Crowling said through gritted teeth.
“Sure,” I said, about to get up but Jared pushed me back down, shaking his head.
“I’ll get it,” Jared murmured, smiling softly at me before walking out of the room.
“Thanks,” I mumbled, knowing he couldn’t hear me.
“We need to ask you a few questions,” Officer Kent said as he pulled a notebook out of his pocket making me divert my attention towards him. “Could you please explain your day yesterday?”
“Um, okay, well I woke up at around nine and really did nothing until twelve, when A-Aiden arrived. He took me out to a park and then we played around there until about two-thirty before getting something to eat. Halfway through eating h-he said he n-needed to go to the toilet,” I said, trying to hold back the tears that continued to blur my vision just as Jared walked back into the room, the note in his hand. “After half an hour I-I was worried, so I went to look for him around t-the toilets but a man told me that no o-one was in the bathroom but I wasn’t sure so I looked and t-that’s where I-I found the note,” I said, no longer able to hold the tears as they started to roll down my pink cheeks.
Sobs shook my body as the tears continued to fall, like a waterfall on my face. Jared quickly handed over the letter, Officer Crowling snatching it out of his hands, watching him as he raced over to me to wrap his arms around my sobbing figure. I looked up at Officer Crowling just in time to see her roll her eyes before unfolding the paper and reading over it. I watched as her face got even more furious until she threw the letter onto the table, away from her rubber glove covered hands.
“Who is him,” Officer Crowling hissed, rising to her feet with narrowed eyes.
“His name i-is Ryan, Ryan Peters,” I said through the tears.
“And what relation do you have with him?” Officer Kent asked, speaking before Officer Crowling had a chance.
“Bro—Officer Crowling would assume the worst if I told you,” I mumbled, the tears continuing to stream down my cheeks.
“I already know you did it purposely, so what do you have to hide you little kidnapper. I bet you sent him off to some random fucking paedophile and now because of you he’s getting raped. I bet you think that we won’t be able to catch on but you know what? We are already onto you. We already know it was you and we won’t stop until we have evidence proving that it was you, you stupid whining bitch—”
“Brookelle, that is quite enough!” Officer Kent interrupted gruffly, “I know your son is missing but you don’t need to take it out on someone who is obviously missing him just as much as you. Now either you act like an officer or you can go home and I’ll call someone else in to back me up on this case.”
“Ugh, sorry Charles,” Officer Crowling hissed through gritted teeth.
More questions were asked during that session, the questions took up about two hours before they finished. The questions continued to be similar to the ones that were already asked, some questions being asked again five minutes later, most likely to make sure that I’m telling the truth. After the whole questioning thing they moved onto investigating to house.
Officer Crowling made sure to check everything at least three times before moving onto a different item. Everything had to be checked properly. Every room had been visited and photos were taken while Ma, Jared and I sat in the dining room anxiously. Ma had a warm coffee between her hands while Jared and I had a glass of water each. Jared’s glass was almost empty while mine hadn’t been touched, condensation obvious on the outside of the glass.
I ran my index finger over the condensation, listening as Ma and Jared talked to each other as if none of this was happening. I think they were just trying to give me space to think about what has happened but truthfully it was just making me more tense and stressed. I felt as if Officer Kent and Officer Crowling didn’t come out soon I would scream. I mean, I knew I had nothing to hide but there was still the chance that they could find something that they thought was suspicious. I mean what if they find something he planted. Oh, shit, I never thought about that. What if he planted something for them to find, something that could get me into big trouble, possibly sending me to jail... Not good...
I jumped a bit when I heard Officer Kent speak, his voice filled with apology.
“Miss Moore nothing we have found has proven you guilty, there is no evidence found other than several notes which we will be taking to use for investigation uses.”
“So does this mean my daughter is definitely innocent?” Ma asked, truly hoping.
“Most likely ma’am, we might need to come back for more information but for now all we need to do is take you to the park. We need you to show us exactly where everything happened, from your lunch to you looking for him. We also need you to inform us on the people that you remember and any cars,” Officer Kent informed while Officer Crowling just stood behind him with crossed arms.
Ma nodded glumly. I knew she knew I was innocent but I also knew she wished that I would’ve told her about Coal and him. I also knew that when I got home I was going to be receiving a lecture from Ma about being so stupid. Of course when she does make the lecture it will only make me feel guiltier and only make me blame myself even more.
I let out a dreadful sigh before agreeing glumly and following the adults out the door, Jared right beside me the whole time. Everyone quickly piled into the police car, neighbours peering through their closed blinds over at us, attempting to be secretive. I waved at one of the neighbours making their eyes go wide as they stumbled back, shutting the blinds quickly, and probably hoping that I didn’t see.
The ride was long since we had to visit every park around here. The only parks that had something in common with the one I went to with Aiden was the fact it had a playground and a swing set. That was as close as they got, after an hour we finally pulled up to the crowded park, mainly parents and kids were here. The parents watched their children as the kids interacted with the other children. I let out a sigh as this ‘fun’ place drew back the memories of last night.
I saw a glance happen between the two cops before they glanced over their shoulders to look at me, sighing in relief when I nodded. They quickly climbed out, waiting as the three of us followed as fast as we could. Parents seemed to keep their eyes on me and Jared, narrowing in disapproval, instantly thinking that we were in the wrong. A shook my head at the judgemental parents before lowering my head, absolutely refusing to let a single tear drop as I showed them what happen.
I showed them where we had lunch, I showed them and told them the times on when he left and when I finally went to look for him. I followed my tracks exactly, even when I needed to go into the bathroom, of course Officer Kent and Jared were the only ones that followed while Ma and Officer Crowling waited outside, Officer Crowling probably asking Ma questions that were completely irrelevant to her.
I even showed him how I walked out of the bathroom and how I collapsed to the floor. I followed exactly, as if I was re-living the day. I shook the cold feeling off before rising back up to my feet, capturing my bottom lip between both of my teeth as I chewed on it nervously. Officer Crowling and Officer Kent continued to write things into their notebooks until Officer Kent nodded in our direction before the both of them wandered off in a random direction, leaving Jared, Ma and I standing there awkwardly.
I watched the both of them as they went back over my tracks, studying everything. They even started to take photos and get people the go away from the crime scene. Some parents got so concerned that they actually took their kids home which sort of lead into a chain reaction sort of thing and in the end only a few people were still hanging around.
After a while my attention moved away from the two officers and more towards Aiden. My mind seemed to play over the good times that I had with him, like in the movies when they play the short slideshow of a couple together... yeah, similar to that, except in my head. Tears seemed to well up in my eyes before shaking my head.
I murmured a quick ‘I’ll be right back’ before jogging in the opposite direction. I didn’t know why I ran all I knew was that I did. I didn’t know why I wanted to be alone now but not before, all I knew was the fact that it was too late to turn back. The main reason was for the fact that by the time I had realised I had walked far too far away from the park it was too late.
I suddenly felt a heavy weight on the back of my head, enough to blur my vision and make me fall to the ground, a small groan echoing from my mouth as I felt the blood through my hair. My heart was instantly racing as adrenaline and shock was running through my veins but even though I had that, I couldn’t do much, mainly because the next thing I knew I was in a dark, material bag and being chucked into the back of a car.
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