Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Tuesday, 9th of March, 2010

I could feel the chains tightly bounding my wrists and ankles together, the chains weren’t cool but they weren’t warm either, they were neutral. My wrists and ankles were sore as I kept my eyes shut, hearing only a small sound of rustling around me. I could feel my hair dangling next to my face, my blue locks clumped up from the blood. My head was pulsing as I could feel gravity putting its force onto me, trying to push me away from the ceiling.
I wasn’t going to bother with escaping, I knew who had me captured and I knew that there would be more people on his side than just him. So I just let myself hang there with my eyes squeezed shut as I let only good, happy memories flow into my brain. Some were from when I was only a few years old, others were from this year. As I let the memories in I knew there were certain memories I was trying to keep out of my mind besides the sad, unhappy ones. They were the ones that included Aiden and Coal. Although what happened to Coal had happened many, many years ago, it was still an open wound to me.
I let out a grunt as I tried to change my position to something more comfortable, but that was slightly impossible. Being chained to the ceiling had problems, couldn’t he had at least used rope? I mean at least that is more comfortable than what chains are. I let out a defeated sigh before giving up, letting my muscles relax. I had to stop fighting against this, I didn’t know how long I was going to be attached to the ceiling but I knew it could be months, so struggling would only make things worse.
If I struggled it would hurt my wrists and ankles, but mainly my wrists. It would eventually tear the skin making my wrists fragile and making it harder for me to escape, so the best way would be just sitting here until I came up with a plan. I had realised a plan wouldn’t be easy with these chains. I could only hope that there was some sort of rope attaching these chains to the roof, but I doubted it.
I knew he knew me well, I knew he had been watching me longer than what he had said, most likely a month every year just to get an idea on my personality and what had changed. I knew he had been surprised when I started dating Ruby, it probably threw him off on my sexual orientation, but like he cared much about that. I think he would’ve been more interested in trying to get me, maybe he had even tried before... who knows, I know I didn’t have a clue.
I arched my back upwards a bit, trying to stretch my spinal cord. I could feel it getting tense from being dangled from the roof for so long. I had no clue what day it was but I was hoping that I hadn’t been here long, that way I have more of a chance. The longer I’m here the less amount of hope I have.
Growing irritated, I squirmed for a bit longer before just giving up and letting my back drop back to its original position, a crack echoing throughout wherever I was. A sigh in satisfaction left my mouth before a groan in irritation was heard. I furrowed my eyebrows curiously, waiting again for another noise and after several minutes another one came, this time a bit louder.
The groan was obvious, and I knew exactly who the voice belonged to. Trying to open my eyes was the next task and truthfully it was harder than what I expected it to be. Sleep was trapped in the corner of my eyes, some of it stapling the corner of my eyes shut. It took me a couple of tries before I actually got my eyes open enough to look around the dark room.
The room was large, but empty having nothing in the room. The walls were cement just like the floor, them both stained with what looked like dried up blood. The room reeked of death and the windows were bolted shut, letting absolutely no light come in. The only light that came in was from the small, glass window on the iron door, letting who ever walked by access to see inside the room. Beside the door I could see someone standing there with a stern expression. His arms were crossed over his chest as I could see an amused twinkle in his eyes.
Closely looking over him I recognised him as Christian. His hair was tussled as he wore a clean black polo shirt along with a pair of baggy blue denim jeans that covered some old looking sneakers. I could tell he was looking at me and I knew that he knew that I was looking back at him. My eyes went from curiosity straight to a pissed off glare.
“Why Christian... why are you working for that fucking asshole?” I hissed, pulling against the chains.
“Because he offered me something that I couldn’t turn down,” Christian replied smugly, his eyes glancing over to the wall that was next to me before moving back to me.
I paid no attention to his eyes as I stared at him, waiting for the answer to the question that was echoing in my mind, the question in sync with my beating heart. I could tell he was happy about my response as he stared back at me. A smile had formed onto his face as he quickly glanced down at his watch. Having enough, I finally asked the question.
“What offer?” I hissed.
“Revenge on Aiden Crowling, Jared Vassalless and Alisa Moore,” he replied, grinning like a fool.
“Where is Aiden?” I growled as someone pushed the door open.
“Complete unobservant as usual,” a male voice said, making me look over at the man that now stood next to Christian.
I gritted my teeth together at the familiar man that stood next to Christian, the man that planned this whole thing. My mood had passed furious when he walked into the room, it taking absolutely everything not to go off at the man. My hands were balled up into fists as I looked over his body.
He had his normal shaggy, straight brown hair that reached about an inch above his shoulders. His brown eyes matching his hair as the stubble covering his face made him look younger than what he was. A smirk was on his face as he held a large, human size, black bag in his hands, a body obvious inside. On his body he wore a black button up shirt along with some black jeans and some black sneakers. The man stood around six foot three almost six foot four.
“What the fuck do you want?” I asked my voice as sharp as daggers.
“Well that certainly isn’t the way to speak to your father, now is it Alisa?” My father asked.
“You aren’t what I’d be going around calling my father,” I spat back.
“Now is that how you speak to someone who has your best friend, your boyfriend and yourself tied up?” he asked as he untied the bag and easily dumped an unconscious Jared onto the floor head first.
A gasp left my mouth as I looked down at Jared helplessly, my natural instinct wanting to help my best friend.
“Why?” I asked, shaking my head miserably.
“I was just helping out one of your friends,” he cooed, placing a hand onto Christians shoulder.
“Where’s Aiden? If you have laid one finger on him, I will make sure you get a torturous death.”
“If you took the effort to look at the wall beside you, you would’ve seen that Aiden is perfectly fine, plus, how could you possibly hurt me, you’re tied up,” my father said, a dark, amused chuckle leaving his lips.
I cautiously took my eyes away from my ‘father’ to look at the wall to see Aiden hanging there. He looked up at me with wide eyes, he lip trembling as the rope burn marks were obvious underneath the rope that bounded his arms and ankles together, luckily his jeans stopped the rope from hurting his legs.
“I don’t see how having him tied up is necessary. I mean if you were watching us properly you would know that Aiden can’t cause any harm,” I said, trying to convince my father as I watched him tie Jared up to the opposite wall.
“Ah, you see, I have watched you guys well because if I am correct he has you as a girlfriend and a cop as a Mother. Therefore his mother would have taught him a few things and so would’ve you, plus, you only want him to escape. You don’t care about yourself. You just want everyone you care about safe. Am I correct?” he asked, as he finished tying Jared up.
“Exactly, I just want the people I care about safe. So let them all go and I’ll be with you. I’ll be whatever you want me to be. Your daughter, your slave, your lover,” I replied, holding back the vomit on the last one.
“Tempting, but no. Why don’t I just keep all of you as slaves?” he asked before rolling his eyes and heading towards the door. “Christian your shift ends in fifteen minutes, Mackey should show up then.”
I watched my ‘father’s’ every move, watching him as he left the room, hoping that he would suddenly die for no reason then and there. I shook my head in disapproval before looking back at Aiden, concerned.
“How are you holding up?” I asked, worry easily detectable in my voice.
“Fine,” he mumbled, not looking up at me.
“Aiden, I am so, so sorry I caused this mess. I wish I could change how this has turned out, I wish that I would’ve never gotten close to you because if I didn’t then none of this would’ve happened. You would be with your parents, happy,” I murmured, upset with my own decisions.
“I don’t, I don’t wish any of those things. I love the fact that you got close to me. I love the fact that I now have friends and a girlfriend. I love the fact I have something to do other than being beaten up or doing school work. I love the fact that I love you. I don’t care how many faults you come with, I know if we stay positive then we will have a better chance of getting out of here. I know your dad is a bastard but your brother is really nice. I really like him,” Aiden said looking up at me with no trace of lying.
“That is the sweetest thing I think I’ve heard anyone say and if we weren’t in such a horrid situation I would hug you,” I mumbled in reply.
“Oh would you two shut the fuck up, you two are here to be tortured not to pronounce your love to each other,” Christian hissed.
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” I hissed back.
“Wow, that hurt,” Christian replied sarcastically as Mackey entered the room, Mackey dressed in the same attire as Christian. “Have fun,” Christian said before walking out of the room, closing the door to this abandoned warehouse as he left.
“Hi Mackey, how are you?” I asked, trying to act sweet.
“Why do you want to know?” Mackey hissed back, sceptical.
“I just want someone to be nice to me. Aiden is being awfully mean, he was saying mean things to me before after I told him I loved him,” I mumbled, making fake tears well up in my eyes.
“I’m not falling for it Alisa, Ryan told me how manipulative you can be,” Mackey said smirking at me.
“But I’m not trying t-to do anything. H-he broke up me!” I screamed, making the tears fall out of my eyes as I let sobs shake my body.
“I doubt it,” Mackey muttered.
“I-It’s true, I-I told him I loved him and that I-I needed his support at this moment but h-he just told me to fuck off and that he didn’t need these p-problems. H-he said that I had caused this mess a-and that I didn’t mean a thing to him. H-he said that he was only trying t-to show you, Christian and James t-that he could get me where y-you guys couldn’t,” I cried, hoping that I was being convincing.
“I’m not falling for it,” Mackey said.
“Fuck, how didn’t you fall for it?” I asked, irritated, letting the fake tears roll off of my face.
“Ryan told us that you’d try something like this and even if it looked one-hundred percent real not to bother with believing it,” Mackey replied.
“Damn it, why does he know me so well,” I groaned before looking down at Aiden. “Sorry by the way,” I apologised.
“It’s alright, you tried,” Aiden mumbled back as several knocks were heard at the door.
“Who is it?” Mackey yelled.
“Coal,” a raspy voice replied, making Mackey grin.
“Come in,” Mackey answered back, opening the door for him.
A man that looked around twenty-two walked in. He had shaggy black hair that looked similar to our ‘father’s’, except, Coal’s hair was black. Coal was looking thin as he only wore a pair of ripped jeans. He wore nothing covering his far too tiny chest, as his feet were bare as well. Covering his body were old and new cuts, even some scars as he held a full tray in his hands. Coal was named after his coal black eyes as he stood around six foot. Around his ankles and wrists were shackles, the rusted chains stopping him from escaping.
On the tray sat two stale looking rolls of bread, a warm bowl of Mac ‘n’ Cheese, and two popper sized bottles of water and a decent sized bottle of water. I stared at the tray before moving my eyes back up to my brother’s face, concern written on both his and my face.
He stared up at me while I continued to look back at him, shaking my head in disappointment. I wasn’t disappointed in Coal, if anything I was proud of Coal. I was proud to call him my brother. No, I was disappointed in our ‘father’, our stupid, fucking father.
“Finally, I’m starving,” Mackey said, taking the Mac ‘n’ Cheese and largest bottle of water off of the tray and sliding down the wall to eat him meal.
Coal nodded numbly to Mackey before moving towards Aiden. I watched as Coal hand fed Aiden, giving him a drink of water after every bite. Several minutes had passed before Coal moved underneath me, staring up at me in wonder, probably curious to how he was going to feed me.
“Master?” Coal asked, looking over at Mackey.
“What do you want?” Mackey hissed back in regards, not taking his eyes off of his food.
“S-sorry, but how do I feed Alisa?”
“I don’t know, go ask Ryan,” Mackey muttered back.
“Yes master,” Coal said, bowing before putting the food on the ground and running out of the room.
“You fucking asshole, at least show him some fucking respect,” I hissed.
“Why should I?” Mackey snapped back, glaring up at me.
“Why should you? You should because he’s the one serving you food. He’s the one helping you. He could easily poison your food without you knowing. You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if what you’re eating right now is poisoned. I bet it is, oh! Are you going to die in front of me? Because it’s be so cool if one of the people I hated died from my brother. In fact I think I’d be very proud of my brother,” I answered thoughtfully.
“Poisoned?” Mackey asked, ignoring what I had said about his death.
“Yeah, you know the stuff that either makes you really sick or kills you? Something easy to access, maybe rat poison, but that’d probably make you really sick. He’s most likely put something that’d kill you in there, maybe something difficult to get like snake or spider venom,” I said, trying to get to him head, so far, so good.
“I know what poisoning is!” Mackey yelled back, panicked as he rose to his feet, staring down at his meal.
“How much did you eat? If you ate a bite it probably wouldn’t affect you but if you ate more than half I’d be worrying,” I said, looking at him.
“I only have a few bites left, fuck!” Mackey screamed, throwing his food to the ground.
I snickered at him as clapping was heard. Only now that I paid attention to the fact that my father and Coal were standing by the door, Coal holding a wooden stool in his hands.
You’ve gotten better Alisa,” [i[Father praised before turning towards Mackey. “What the fuck did I tell you about her being manipulative? Why did you listen to her?” He hissed.
“I-I don’t know, I’m sorry Ryan. It won’t happen again,” Mackey said, lowering his gaze.
“It better not,” Father hissed back before turning to Coal, “clean it up, then feed her after than I want you to return to your cell,” he instructed before turning on his heel and stomping out of the room.
At that moment I realised how much effort it was going to take to escape, but I wasn’t going to give in. I was going to try until I got out or at least until Coal, Aiden and Jared got out.
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THANK YOU FOR READING! And also thank you to lil_angel666 for commenting. Sorry I forgot to mention you in the previous chapter.