Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Wednesday, 10th of March, 2010

I spent hours watching Aiden and Jared sleep. Jared had yet to wake up and I knew Aiden was exhausted and in pain. I shook my head sadly, before glancing over at James. James had replaced Mackey about half an hour ago... or what felt like half an hour ago. I had no idea how long I had been trapped in this dull, lifeless place. It was cruel and was definitely inhumane to keep us here.
A groan made its way out of Jared’s lips, as he tried to sub-consciously move away from the rope that was tying him to the wall. I noticed as he tugged against the thickness of the rope, trying to get out of its tight grasp that it was tearing at his skin. A sigh made its way from Jared’s lips before he slowly opened his eyes, peering around the empty room, completely sweeping over both Aiden and I, not noticing that we were here too, him instantly spotting James standing at the door.
Jared blinked a few times, obviously trying to gain his vision before staring at James through angry eyes. His teeth were clenched as his hands were balled above his head.
“What the fuck do you want? Why am I here? Where are Alisa and Aiden?” Jared questioned with a growl, his voice sounding sort of scary.
James shook his head sadly, an amused smile fixated on his face as he stared at the unamused, pissed off Jared, concern visible through the hatred in his eyes. I looked at Jared pitifully, ashamed by the fact that I had dragged him here too. I had dragged everyone I loved into this mess and now if they didn’t escape they were going to die with me.
“Ryan killed the both of them, they’re dead,” James said, shrugging his shoulders thoughtlessly.
I looked at James, shocked by what he had just said. I shook my head blinking several times before staring at him again, my eyes flickering over to Jared who had sorrow filling his face as tears rose to the corners of his eyes.
“You fucking bastard, you don’t just fucking tell my best friend that me and my boyfriend are dead! Where is your conscience?” I hissed through narrow eyes.
“Alisa, where are you?” I heard Jared asked, looking around where my voice came from as absolutely no light entered the room.
“I’m chained to the roof,” I growled before my voice turned soft, “How badly hurt are you?”
“I’m fine. I was just hit over the head with a shovel, fuck that hurt,” Jared muttered.
“I know what you mean,” I muttered, thinking of the back of my head.
“You were hit over the head with a shovel as well?” Jared asked, concerned.
“I think so, I don’t know but whatever I was hit with hurt,” I replied, trying to draw my attention away from my aching head, my aching wrists and my aching ankles.
“You father is a fucking asshole,” Jared hissed through gritted teeth.
“Oh, thank you Jared, that is so sweet of you,” Ryan said, as he entered the dark warehouse.
“You’re a monster and that is no compliment,” Jared hissed back, scowling at my ‘father’.
“Oh, but it is Jared. Don’t you see, when you live away from everyone for so long insults become compliments,” Ryan replied, smiling smugly.
“If you acted human you wouldn’t have to live away from everyone,” I growled.
“I don’t get that saying, I am human. Just because I act differently to everyone else means nothing,” Ryan said, thoughtfully. “Anyway, I just thought I should come in to inform Alisa that her mother is next on the list. I miss her you know Alisa? She was such a kind woman, so lovely. Well that was until she suddenly started screaming at me and kicked me out.”
“You stabbed her in the stomach because you didn’t want another child,” I hissed through gritted teeth.
“Exactly, I had every right to remove that child. I was its father, just like I am Jared and your father,” Ryan said, making me freeze and stare at him.
“What?” Jared screamed at the man, wide eyed.
“You are my son. Didn’t you always want to meet your father?”
“No, no, no! You cannot be my father! You are horrid, cruel, evil, satanic, and soulless!” Jared screamed.
“Oh, well that’s flattering but I must be on my way, you see, I have one more person to add to this room,” Ryan said, smiling before glancing over at me.
“Who?” I snarled back, my eyes as sharp as daggers.
“Someone who kicked me out and placed a restraining order on me around fifteen years ago,” my ‘father’ said innocently.
“Leave Ma the fuck alone!” I hissed through clenched teeth.
“Hm, no,” Ryan said with a dark chuckle before leaving the room, the door closing behind him making the door rattle from impact.
“That fucking asshole,” I hissed, glancing around the room frantically as James watched curiously.
I needed a plan and I needed one now. I really didn’t give a shit about myself it was more Jared and Aiden, plus I wanted Ryan caught before he caught Ma. I continued to glance around the room as thoughts continued to race through my mind, many escape plans coming to mind, but none of them were perfect. All of them had a flaw. I couldn’t think of one plan that involved us getting out correctly without getting caught, well that was until I spotted Jared using all of his muscles to curl up into a ball, using his teeth to grab a hold of his knife that was situated on his right hip.
I glanced over at James, James paying no attention to us as he continued to text on his phone, a small smile on his lips. Shaking my head I looked back over at Jared, him now having the knife in his left hand as he easily cut at the rope. The rope broke after several attempts, Jared dropping to the ground with a thud and a groan making James look up, shock written on his face.
Jared quickly scurried up from the ground to face James who had made his way over to Jared, his expression irritated.
“How did you get out?” James asked moving closer.
“Fuck you,” Jared hissed before walking over to move below me, him pegging the knife as hard a he could, the knife landing a few centimetres away from my finger tips.
A sigh in relief left Jared’s lips as the knife missed me before he wandered over to Aiden, reaching up to untie his hands. Glancing backwards I noticed James charge at Jared and shove him to one side before Jared could undo the rope making Jared let out a grunt as James swung at his face. The contact made Jared stumble back before straightening up to continue the fight as I tried to reach for the knife in front of me.
I knew that the knife might not be able to break the chains and I also knew that trying was better than being stuck up here for the rest of my life. The knife was difficult to reach, my wrists having to turn in odd angles, to try and grab the rubbery end. The chains seemed to feel tight against my wrists when I finally grabbed the knife, trying to position it in a way so I could jam the end of the knife into one of the links. It was definitely difficult due to the fact it was behind my back as I tried my best to put all of my focus on the chains and not on the fight that was occurring.
Even though I had complete faith in Jared I still couldn’t watch him fight. He was a brother to me, someone I deeply cared about, someone I’d jump in front of a car for. I know I had seen him beat this exact kid up before but this was different. This was life or death fighting. They were both fighting until the other one was dead, that was something I couldn’t bear to watch, not even when the door opened making the two of them freeze and look towards the door before sighing in relief.
Glancing upwards, I saw my brother with the normal tray of food in his hands, his jaw dropped as he watched Jared and James go back to fighting. Coal glanced up at me as I winced at the sound of Jared groaning in pain making James chuckle in delight. Coal looked at me closely, easily identifying the knife that I had in my hands.
Glancing over his shoulder he placed the food by the door before closing it and trying to get to the stool as fast as he could. He climbed onto it, the shackles making it difficult for him to make what he was doing quick and easy. He made his way up to me, him drawing the knife out of my hands easily.
He wrapped his frail hands around the end of the knife before placing the blade in the middle of a link before turning sharply, the link breaking easily making one hand fall free. I grinned up at Coal as he quickly broke the rest of the links, watching apologetically as I fell to the floor, my left arm breaking my fall as it let out a loud crack, immense pain running throughout my arm making my eyes water. A painful scream came from my mouth as I climbed up to my feet, my now broken arm hanging uselessly at my side.
I grunted in pain before taking the knife off of Coal and repeating what he did to me with his shackles only the rings remaining around his ankles and wrists as a few links of the chain dangled from them.
“Untie Aiden, I’ll do this,” I sighed before turning on my heel to face the two boys wrestling on the ground.
Jared continued to grunt underneath of James, who had obviously been training with Ryan. Jared seemed weak and looked as if was about to give in, his arms shaking as he tried to hold back James’s attacks. I tried my best to block out all of the pain that my body was giving me before charging at James, stabbing the knife directly into his neck, hitting the spinal cord.
James’s head seemed to move towards me before he slumped forwards onto Jared, the blood spewing out of his neck, dribbling onto the both of them as I removed the now blood stained knife. Jared shoved James off quickly, repulsed by him as I looked away my brain racing through what had just happened.
I killed someone. I had just killed James Mellow. I shook the thoughts away before turning on my heel to face Aiden, Coal and Jared. I swallowed as I began to shake, shock over taking fear.
“W-we should go,” I mumbled watching as the three of them nodded before turning towards the door.
I watched as they jogged over towards the closed door, shaking my head before throwing the knife on to the ground as I sunk into the blood puddle. The three guys paused as they opened the door, looking back at me with worry, as I kept my head down, my dry, clumped up bloody hair covering my face.
“Go, guys, just go! I need to do something before I leave. When you get home, call the cops and please, please don’t get caught,” I said looking at them through my hair.
“But, what if you get hurt?” Coal asked his eyes diverting to my arm.
“I’ll deal with it, just fucking go!” I hissed, snapping my head up to look at me watching as they thought about it before sighing and sprinting away. “Goodbye Jared... Aiden... Coal, I hope you have a good life without me,” I murmured silently to myself, sitting in the blood as I listened to the footsteps recede away from me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Also, I know it's shorter than the others but I didn't have much time. I have assignments and exams to deal with so it's very difficult to update at the moment. I AM deeply sorry for the wait, but thank you to those who stayed with me!
I love you guys!