Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Tuesday, 26th of January 2010

I finished putting on my old school uniform as I buttoned up the green button on the side of the green plaid, pleated skirt that fell just below my knees. The skirt was rather long and most girls seemed to roll it so it’d reach a few inches above the knee just to get yelled at by a teacher. The girls not only had to wear these insanely long skirts but had to also wear a white, button up blouse along with a button on tie that had the same design as the skirt.
On our feet we had to wear plain white socks that had a simple green rim around the top along with polished black sneakers that seemed to break after the first month of owning them. If we were to wear our hair up or put any sort accessories into it we’d have to use either green or black and it couldn’t be too large.
The teachers at the school were fairly laid back aside from the principle, the vice principle, the secretary and my maths teacher. Running a brush through my bright blue hair I stared into the mirror at my reflection. I had the sort of eyes that seemed to change to different shades of blue due to my mood. I could never figure out which colours were which other than that light blue meant happy.
My blue hair seemed to fall a few inches past my shoulders. I had straightened my normally wavy hair and pulled my fringe to the side with a small black bow. Placing the brush onto the table I wandered back into my bedroom as I ran my fingers through my now knotless hair as I walked over to my bed where the rest of my uniform laid.
I pulled the brand new black blazer over top of my uniform, only year 11 and 12 being allowed to wear blazers due to ‘Senior Privileges’ as our principal says. The blazer wasn’t just black but was lined with a matching green material while on the pocket that seemed to rest above the heart on the left side sat the school logo along with ‘Riverside High’ written a bit below the school symbol.
Letting out a half hearted sigh I flicked my hair over my left shoulder before picking up my white cat collar and putting it around the upper, part of my left wrist. I never went anywhere without one of my cat collars, I had many different colours and types but today it was just a plain white one that had around 20 small, fake diamond studs along with a silver cat bell.
Smiling I headed towards the right side of my bed where my school bag had been placed. My school bag was a large dark green bag that had been sold at the school. These bags were compulsory for every student to have, the bags were all the same colour and all had the same logo on the pocket at the front.
Picking up the heavy bag that contained far too many books and unnecessary items for my concern, I chucked it over my shoulder, groaning when the bag put its full weight on my back. I was about to stand up when a small glint caught my eye. Furrowing my eyebrows I pushed back the sheets that were falling off of my unmade bed to reveal my old diary that I had abandoned when it had been filled.
The cover of the diary was a blotchy green that seemed to contain all shades of greens while on top of the green it seemed to have an abstract sort of golden vine growing from the bottom of the diary while the back of the diary remained the same blotchy green as the front. Picking up the diary I began to flick through the pages, my messy writing difficult to read.
“Alisa, your bus is here!” I heard my mother scream from below over the radio she played every morning.
“Thanks Ma!” I yelled back before stuffing the diary into my blazer pocket and racing down the staircase.
On the way out I waved a goodbye to Ma as I placed a quick kiss on her cheek before leaving the house all together. The bus driver opened the doors when he noticed me racing out of the house, him nodding in a way of a greeting as I hoped onto the filled bus. I grinned happily at him before moving to an empty seat at the front of the bus.
I sunk back into the empty seat before leaning my back against the wall of the bus and pulling out my old diary. Flipping to the last page in the diary I began to read the last entry that I had written almost three months ago.

Date: November 26th 2009, 9:00AM
The last day I’ll ever be in grade 10 is today. Today I'm sort of worrying due to the fact that I have 3 exams today and a speech with Poison, Aiden. I have to get rid of this nickname. I can’t keep using it—

Poison, ah a name I had created when I first saw the guy in year eight. I had given him the nickname due to the fact he was like a poison. Whenever I was around him he’d be smiling yet everyday he seemed to get beaten up. That smile was always contagious and whenever I saw it, I couldn’t help but to smile as well, but over the years that smile has seemed to falter and just become a small smile that’s barely noticeable.
Shaking my head at the thought I looked back down at the page that was filled. Blinking a few times I began to read again.

— I mean I know he will never find out about it but he could find out even if Jared is the only one that knows I call sweet Aiden, Poison.
Moving on, I can’t worry about that matter at the moment, I have a speech next. I think I might have to do the talking no matter how much I don’t want to. Stupid Chemistry, why do we have to speak about a chemical reaction and show it to the class? I think Aiden should be the one doing the experimentation due to the fact he’s less likely to stuff it up.
The first test is complete and it was freaking difficult! Shit, I hate maths... Yet again that’s only because I suck at it. Why can’t I be smart? What does life have against me? I have the speech next and I’m really worried about it, speaking in front of the class is just a pain. I talked to Poi Aiden earlier about this and he seemed to agree with me, which is good. At least he understands that I’m not too good at Chemistry. Well the test period time is finally over which means I’m off to Chemistry, Jesus I’m nervous.

A small smile had made my way to my face as I remembered that year. Shaking my head I turned the page to the last page in my diary.

DONE! And I didn’t stuff up and neither did Aiden! Woo! Aiden got an A, which is good. Plus I got a B+ because I ‘wasn’t standing still and I was fidgeting too much', but it’s still good since it’s that’s the best grade I’ve gotten since... I have no idea but Ma is going to be so happy! Maybe we could have a movie night as a celebration.
I finally finished the last day of grade 10 and now I have to go on to be a senior but I suppose it doesn't really count since it’s not really a senior because its only grade 11 rather than grade 12. Well I have no more to write and I’m running out of room since this is the last page in my diary. I probably won’t get a new one due to the fact that too many people try to read it.
♥ Alisa♥

I sighed as I snapped the diary shut and slipped it back into my pocket. Shaking my head I pulled myself off of the bus seat and made my way off of the now stationary bus. I pushed through the masses of people looking for the familiar faces I knew best. A grin made its way onto my face when I saw Gabby, Rayan and Jared standing in a clump as Gabby seemed to jump up and down with a giant grin spread across her face as she waved towards me furiously.
I ran towards her, jumping from side to side to avoid the students before tackling Gabby into a giant hug making her squeal in protest. I released Gabby before moving onto Rayan and Jared. I left my right arm wrapped around Jared’s waist as I placed a light kiss on his blank face making him glare down at me jokingly in response.
“No public display of affection Miss Moore,” I heard Mr. Crowling, the principal say warningly.
Releasing Jared I turned around to look at the man. He wore an annoyed expression as he looked at the four of us with distaste, especially Jared and I. The man stood around five foot ten and had his short cut brown hair combed back off of his face. His hair was neat and his eyes seemed to contain the same glow they always did. Mr. Crowling looked as if was in his early thirties but everyone knew that he really was in his mid forties.
Mr. Crowling wore his usually black suit with his normal green tie that matched the uniform in a way. His shoes were polished to a point where you could practically see the sun rays bouncing off of the shoe while his slacks covered his socks and shoelaces.
“Hey Daniel, how was your holidays?” I asked with a grin while Poison, who stood behind him, waved shyly.
Poison stood around five foot eleven but was easily mistaken for being shorter. He had dark brown hair that was easily mistaken as black as it swept over his amazing blue eyes that seemed to always make me melt. Poison had the most adorable smile and could’ve won any smiling contest that I was a judge of. Poison wore the boy’s school uniform correctly since he was the principal’s son. He wore the white button up dress shirt done up to the top button while his tie was done as tight as it could go without choking him. He also wore a pair of black slacks along with the school shoes and the black blazer that we were forced to wear.
“It’s Mr. Crowling to you,” he seethed unhappily.
“Well that’s unfair you know, you can call us by our first name but we can’t call you by your first name.”
“Yes, that is correct Miss Moore. Now please stop harassing me, I have important business to attend to.”
“What? Looking good for the new students,” I asked sarcastically with an eye roll.
“Truthfully I don’t think anyone cares if you’re there or not,” Jared joined in, in a monotone voice.
“Mr. Vassalless and Miss Moore please make your way to my office and we’ll talk about it when I return. If I find one thing broken you will pay to buy me a new one,” he threatened before storming off.
“Well, see you guys in whatever classes we have together,” I said waving, winking to Poison as Jared and I walked past him to the principal’s office.
The first half of the day seemed to pass by fast, mainly involving introductions from the new people which really only were Ezra, Gee, Kaige, Jonny and Kenny and truthfully they didn’t care about introductions. Jared and I had scored ourselves a detention already for being ‘disrespectful’ and for drawing random scribbles over important documents.
I waited by Jared’s locker for the rest of the guys to come since they all had the same class for that period aside from me. In the corner of my eye I saw Poison’s brown hair flicker as he ran away from the three seniors that were chasing after him with highly amused expressions. It was obvious that this running took no effort for the three jocks but it was easily wearing Poison out.
Poison huffed before looking over his right shoulder stumbling a bit and falling to the ground. Poison’s eyes went wide as he scrambled off of the ground just to be slammed into the locker while the jocks let out an amused laugh. A loud noise was created when Poison made contact with the hard metal.
The first jock that seemed to be pinning Poison to the locker by Poison’s neck had short cut blonde hair that was sort of spiked up a bit at the front but combed down neatly at the back. He would’ve stood about six foot three and had a bit of stubble growing on his chin. His eyes were a glowing sort of blue that seemed to look dazzling in the light as well as having a well built frame and a tanned skin tone. On the right of stood another jock with very short cut red hair.
The red-head would’ve stood about six foot five and towered over everyone in the small circle. His hair was cut so short it almost looked as if he was bald while his face looked as if he hadn’t shaved in a few days. His eyes were also blue but seemed to have no dazzling effect and looked sort of plain. He also had a well built figure but had pale sort of skin, as if he never tanned.
The last guy had short cut black hair with brown eyes. He stood around six foot and had the same sort of figure as the other two along with a darker sort of tan. His hair looked as if it hadn’t been brushed in a while, while his face had no facial hair apart from a small goatee underneath his bottom lip.
Pushing myself off of Jared’s locker I made my way over to where Poison and the three seniors stood. I heard shuffling behind me as I was positive that Jared and the rest had finally arrived. To confirm this I looked back over my shoulder to see Jared slamming his books into his locker before walking over to where I stood.
I turned my attention back to the jocks just in time to see the blonde punch Poison in the stomach, winding him. A glare formed on my face as I walked closer to the seniors.
“What the fuck is going on here?” I interjected, venom leaking into my voice.
“Oh, we were just having fun with this retard here,” the red-head said with a smirk as he shoved Poison into the locker making him groan just as my eyes narrowed further into a menacing glare.
“What sort of fun?” Jared asked from behind me, making my eyes flicker back as a smirk rose to my lips when I saw he wasn’t too happy either.
“We were planning on beating him to a pulp before giving him a swirly,” the black haired guy stated, his eyes lighting up at the thought while the blonde punched Poison in the stomach as if to prove a point.
A growl escaped from between my lips as Jared placed a hand on my shoulder as if to calm me down. I glared at the three jocks that seemed to smirk from all of the dissatisfaction from the group.
“Hit him again, I dare you,” Rayan hissed through gritted teeth.
“Alright,” blonde shrugged as two of them pinned Poison down once again while blonde punched Poison in the face.
“Fucking leave him alone!” I screeched as I lunged forwards, my fist instantly colliding with the third guy nose as a crack was heard from the force.
The jock seemed stumble back from surprised as he grasped his nose in pain, a cough echoing from his throat.
“Bitch,” he spat before taking a step towards me as if he was trying to scare me away.
I acted as if I was about to punch his face again before I lifted my foot up and kicked him in the balls. He groaned in pain as he clutched his crotch from the pain I had just caused him. Spinning around quickly, I lifted my leg up once again as my heel came in contact with his face making him slam into the lockers with a groan.
“Does it feel good?” I asked, clutching onto his hair as I waited for a reply. He spat onto the floor, his saliva mixed in with his own blood before he looked up at me, wincing a bit when he reached his hand up to touch his cheek as blood seemed to dibble down from his nose. Grabbing his hair tighter I slammed his head into the locker once again waiting for a reply. “I asked you a fucking question, I expect you to answer me!”
“N-no,” the jock coughed before I let go if him, letting him use the locker as a support.
I shook my head in disgust as I looked back at the two other jocks that lay groaning on the ground in pain. Stepping away I moved over to Gabby who was rubbing soothing circles on Poison’s back as Poison cried into Gabby’s shoulder. I looked around at the crowd that had formed, my glare turning onto them as they hesitated before moving away and returning to what they were originally doing. I looked back at my friends who all stood around with clenched fists and death stares, only Gabby holding the kind, caring expression.
My face softened as I knelt down beside Gabby and Poison, placing a concerned hand on his shaking shoulder. A small smile appeared on my face when he looked up at me with a tear stained face. I moved to reach forwards before hesitating a bit as I bit the inside of my cheek thinking if this was the right thing to do or not. Mentally shaking away those thoughts I completed the distance and wiped away those few stray tears.
“Does anything hurt badly?” I asked, tipping my head to one side in concern.
Poison shook his head before burying his head back into the crook of Gabby’s neck. I jumped a bit when I heard Mr. Crowling’s voice boomed through the halls as he stomped towards us.
“What happened here?” Mr. Crowling demanded as he looked at his crying son and the beaten up figures.
“Aiden was getting beaten up so we helped him, is that a problem?” I asked, rising to my feet.
“Yes! You should have come to me,” he said with narrowed eyes.
“And let him get beaten up? I don’t think so. I know you think I’m a careless person that cares about no one other than myself but you are wrong there Mr. Crowling. I do care about others I just have a different way of showing it. If I were to leave Aiden here he would’ve gotten beaten up and sent to the nurse’s office once again. Are you aware that they are practically best friends now due to the fact he has to go to the nurse’s office almost every day? Don’t you think it’s their turn to have a beating and to be shown that they don’t run the school and that they aren’t better than the rest of us? What we did wasn’t just to have fun beating some kids up it was to protect one of your students which just happens to be your son!” I fumed, as Jared pulled me back away from the shocked principal.
“Miss Moore, I am not that shocked by your sudden outburst but what I am shocked about is the fact that I let a judgement get in front of the truth. Violence is still wrong but I understand why you did what you did.”
A small smile rose to my face as I nodded watching as Mr. Crowling bent down to his son’s level to talk to him quietly.


I sat back in the plastic, yellow chair that seemed to feel as if it were about to break underneath my weight. I stared agitated at the clock, watching as the hands ticked away slowly. Letting out an annoyed sigh, I glanced sideways at Jared who sat on the other side of the room. He had also finished the stupid piece of paper that we were told to fill out and now Jared sat hunched over with his hand placed onto his cheek in an attempt to hide the earphone cord that was no doubt attached to his iPod.
He bobbed his head slightly to the music as he hand drew pointless drawings over the table top before quickly erasing the drawing and starting again. Rolling my eyes I looked away from my best friend and drew my attention to outside the door where Mrs. Lyle, my maths teacher looked in admiration. About a metre away from the threshold stood Mr. Crowling, Mr. Crawford and Poison, they seemed to be engaged in a very important conversation that only Poison seemed to disagree to. Poison wore a frown on his face as he listened to his Dad tell him something. I saw Poison let out a sigh as he removed the icepack that he had been holding to his cheek.
Below the icepack was a large bruise circling his eyes while a fresh cut was noticeable on his cheek along with his previously white shirt having drops of dried up blood stained onto it. Those fucking bastards, why can’t they leave Poison alone? A growl escaped from my lips as I stood up abruptly and left the room, catching Jared’s attention as I walked out. I ignored Mrs. Lyle’s protests as I heard Jared stand as well and scurry to catch up with me.
I ignored Mr. Crawford, the school nurse and Mr. Crowling as I stared at Poison’s face. Reaching my hand up, I brushed some of his brown locks out of his face so I could see the black eye better. My eyes traced over his beautiful, bruised face before travelling down to the base of his neck where I could see a small amount of bruises forming.
Looking back up into Poison’s eyes I noticed that he was staring at me confused while I continued to look at him with a hard-edged expression.
“Take off your shirt,” I spoke, in a hard voice.
“Just follow the orders,” Jared snapped not caring that he interrupted Mr. Crowling.
Poison’s eyes had gone wide before he swallowed and peeled off of his blazer as a blush reached his cheeks. A smile tried to tug its way onto my face but I kept it down, trying to keep my face as straight as possible. Poison began to unbutton his school shirt before peeling that off of his shoulders as well. A gasp escaped from everyone’s lips once Poison had peeled off of his undershirt. Covering his stomach and chest were blotchy coloured bruises that seemed to range from a light purple to a blackish colour.
Poison chewed at his lip nervously as he stared at the white, lino floor ashamed that he had been caught. My teeth clenched together as I glared past Poison at the lockers behind him. My hands lay clenched beside me as I tried to calm myself down.
“Aiden... why didn’t you tell me that it was this bad? I could exchange you to the boarding school if you would like,” Mr. Crowling said, staring at his son.
“Dad, can we go home?” Poison asked, ignoring his father’s question.
“Sure, son, sure,” Mr. Crowling muttered as he nodded to Jared, Mr. Crawford and me in response before backing away as a half naked Poison followed with his shirts in his arms.