Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Wednesday, 27th of January 2010

I stared up at the dark, cloudy yet grey sky above me. The lightening seemed to flash but made no noise as not even a drop of rain fell from the sky. I heard the loud stomping footsteps as the people continued to run around the large oval that was placed at the back of the school. No one seemed to care that I laid dazed on the ground actually no one seemed to notice. Looking to the side I noticed an angry coach walking, wait, stomping in my direction with a scowl easily placed on his face.
A lopsided grin appeared on my face as I sat up to face the pissed off coach, making his scowl deepen and his eyes narrow into a hard-edged glare. I waved teasingly in his direction as he finally reached me, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Why aren’t you running?”
“Why aren’t you running?” I mocked with a sly smile.
“Don’t be smart with me, now get your ass up and run with the others!” he screamed making me wince from the loudness of his voice.
“A please would be nice,” I smiled, his face going a darker red from what I assumed was anger.
The intercom let out a loud beep, indicating that the principal had something to say. Everyone stopped in their tracks and waited for the principal to speak.
“Alisa Moore please make your way to the principal’s office, Alisa Moore,” the principal said before shutting off the intercom as a loud squeak echoed through the school making people flinch.
“Well, goodbye coach, I have to go,” I said, a smirk making its way to my face as I climbed to my feet.
The coach glared at me as I walked away from him, having a skip in my step as I walked inside the large, school building. The hallways were large and free, having no one mucking around in them, which was a surprise, even if it was class time.
I walked into the small cramped up office, nodding a bit in regards to the secretary that just seemed sneer back at me in response. With an eye roll I walked over the cream door that was located next to the office desk before knocking lightly.
“Come in,” I heard Mr. Crowling say before he spoke lightly to whomever else was in the principal’s office.
I pushed the door open slowly before stepping into the small office and closing the door quietly behind me. The awkward atmosphere instantly hit me as I noticed Poison’s annoyed yet embarrassed look while his father seemed to wear a determined, concerned look.
“Ah, Miss Moore, it’s good to see you again,” Mr. Crowling said, facing me as I raised a confused eyebrow.
“Um, sir, Is everything alright?” I asked a bit concerned.
“Yes, of course why do you ask?”
“Um, no reason sir but why am I here?”
“Well, Miss Moore—”
“Dad, please don’t, I swear I’m fine. They’ll be leaving at the end of the year and then I won’t have to deal with them,” Poison interrupted with a huff.
“Aiden, she hasn’t even agreed or heard about the deal yet, she might say no,” Mr. Crowling tried to persuade his son.
“Whatever,” Poison muttered before slumping back into a red, cushioned chair that sat to the side of Mr. Crowling’s desk.
“Aiden, please understand, it’s for your own good,” Mr. Crowling said, trying to comfort Poison.
I shifted awkwardly where I stood, watching the disagreement happen in front of me. I pulled a single blue strand of hair forwards, letting my fingers roll over it, tangling it up. Poison seemed to notice the awkwardness of me standing here with a single glance before shoving his face into his hands from embarrassment.
“Just tell Alisa,” Aiden mumbled into his hands making Mr. Crowling let out a disappointed sigh and turn to face me once again.
“Miss Moore, please take a seat,” Mr. Crowling said before moving around his desk to sit at the green swivel chair behind it.
Staring at him oddly I moved forwards slowly and sat down at one of the red chairs that sat in front of Mr. Crowling’s desk. Mr. Crowling let out a shaky breath as he stared at his folded hands in thought of what he was going to say. Glancing sideways I noticed Poison staring at his father through his fringe as he bit his lip in concern. His neat hair seemed to sweep over his face like a curtain, covering most of his features. Looking back at Mr. Crowling, I heard him clear his throat before looking back up at me.
“Miss Moore, you aren’t in trouble and you can treat me like you usually do, I don’t know why you’re being so polite all of a sudden.”
“I’m only polite when someone feels down or when it looks as if someone has enough shit going on that I shouldn’t interfere with and at the moment both you and Poi—Aiden seem to look as if you have enough shit to sink a battle ship, so I feel no need to ruin your day anymore,” I stated with a concerned smile.
“Well, that’s considerate of you, in a weird way but also irrelevant to what I’m about to ask you. I know you will probably say yes due to the fact I’m a principal but I want you to answer truthfully. I want to know if this is what you want, do you understand?” he asked, staring at me with his large blue orbs humans call eyes.
“Yes, I understand,” I wearily answered while Mr. Crowling nodded as he threaded his fingers through his hair.
“Good, that’s good, um, okay, I’ll get straight to the point. Since you and your friends have a reputation around here that most people don’t want to mess with I was wondering if you could keep an eye on Aiden,” Mr. Crowling said, as he dropped his hands to the table.
“What do you mean by ‘an eye on Aiden’?” I asked, tipping my head to one side so my hair fell out of my face.
“Well I was thinking that maybe I would switch him and your friends so you all have the same timetable. I know your special activities will be difficult since you take Photography while some of your friends take Soccer, Tennis, Art and other subjects while young Aiden takes study but it could work.”
“Wait, are you saying that because you want Aiden to be safe that you’d be willing to put Aiden underneath our care so no one could try and mess with him and not only that but you’re willing to put me and my friends all in the same class?”
“Yes, that’s correct. What do you think?” he asked with an anxious expression as he watched me bite my lip and look over to Aiden who was staring at me through his hair.
“Well as much as I want to agree, I can’t. It’s not my choice or any of my friend’s choice because I know they’d agree. It’s your son’s choice, the boy who’s sitting over there. I would like to keep an eye on Aiden mainly for the fact I have a reason to beat kids up,” I joked before going back to my sobered state. “But in all seriousness, you should ask your son. If he doesn’t agree then there isn’t much we can do. I mean I’d hate to be trapped under the gaze of someone for six hours, five days a week. You know how irritating it would be if you were forced to hang out with someone you didn’t want to, that’s why I won’t accept. I won’t accept unless Aiden wants to do it out of his free will, not someone else’s orders.”
Mr. Crowling let out a huff of air before turning to his shocked son that seemed to be staring at me like I’m an alien that had come down to space to steal his chocolate bar. Aiden blinked a few times before snapping his mouth shut and turning towards his father who was staring at him expectantly waiting for an answer.
“Um, I don’t know. I suppose it’d be fine, I mean it’s not like Alisa or her friends are mean and they don’t seem to be doing any harm other than disrupting teachers. So yeah, why not?” he mumbled, looking down at his hands that were fiddling with the end of his tie.
“Great!” Mr. Crowling exclaimed happily as he clapped his hands together. “For today go to your normal classes but tomorrow you will have a different timetable and so will your friends, so please inform them. Moving on to another subject Ms. Moore,” I looked at him wearily before making a hand signal telling him to continued telling me whatever he was about to inform me. “Well, last year you didn’t have too great of grades and since you flunked all of those tests we got you to do we’re going to have to get you another tutor.”
“Please tell me you’re joking sir,” I muttered running my warm palms over my face.
“No, I’m entirely serious Ms. Moore. You are failing and since your teachers and I are deeply concerned about your grades we think it’s for your own good.”
“But sir, I had a tutor last year and that didn’t turn out too good,” I said with a grin as the memory ran through my mind.
“Yes, but whose fault was that?”
“Hey, don’t pin this on me sir, it was clearly his fault. It’s not my fault that no matter what I said was wrong and when I finally gave up he’d try and prove how I was wrong when I had it in right the first place! Seriously, I think he deserved those spiders in his car.”
“He almost had a heart attack Miss Moore, that isn’t a laughing matter.”
“Dude, he shouldn’t have told me he had a major fear of spiders,” I muttered, slouched back into the chair with crossed arms.
“Yes, but anyway enough of the past, now I still have to find you a tutor and no one wants to due to your behaviour and reputation,” he said shaking his head as he leaned back in his chair.
“I’ll do it,” I heard Poison mumble from underneath his fringe.
“You will?” Mr. Crowling asked shocked, looking over at his son.
“Yeah, I mean. She’s already done so much for me and she’ll be doing more in the future, I’m sure tutoring her won’t be that hard.”
“You’ll be surprised,” I replied with a smile.
“Thank you Aiden, I really do appreciate it,” Mr. Crowling smiled.
“As do I, at least I know I get a pretty awesome tutor,” I told him with a wink making a blush form on his cheeks.
“Yes enough, I have a lot of things to do. You two may return to class,” Mr. Crowling stated before turning to the laptop that sat on top of his desk.
Stretching a bit I stood up from the red seat and made my way towards the door with Poison on my tail. Poison seemed to stare at his feet as we left the room, his face looking as if he was thinking about something important.
I stopped in my tracks when I saw the three jocks from yesterday sitting in the seats, a glare forming on my face when they looked up at me. All three of them seemed to be fairly bruised from yesterday and they all seem to scowl when they saw me and Aiden.
“What, did you need your Daddy?” The blonde sneered while the others chuckled.
“Shut the fuck up Blondie,” I hissed with narrowed eyes.
“It’s Christian,” the blonde guy snapped back.
“Sorry Christian, I really don’t give a shit about any of your crappy names.”
“Our names aren’t crappy! My name is James and it’s probably the best name in the world,” the black hair guy exclaimed standing up.
“Well obviously you haven’t heard many names,” I muttered before walking out of the room with Poison following me.
Before I got too far away I managed to hear Mr. Crowling call the three of them forwards, the last guys name being Mackey. I rolled my eyes before glancing over at Poison who never once looked up from his feet.
I had my ankles crossed as they rested on the table top. I leaned back in the plastic chair staring at the equation that was written across the white board. Mrs. Lyle seemed to continue to blab on about the Maths that I could never understand no matter how much she tried. She pushed a lock of hair behind her ear before letting her eyes skim over the classroom. Her eyes hesitated over me before she held her head high.
“Miss Moore, please remove your feet from the table and answer this equation,” Mrs. Lyle Muttered, rolling her eyes when she heard me sigh in dissatisfaction.
“Miss, you really expect me to get that equation right?” I asked, tipping my head to one side as I removed my feet from the table.
“Maybe if you tried, you would actually get it right,” Mrs. Lyle snapped.
“Maybe if I actually knew how to do that crap, I would actually attempt it,” I sneered back before resting my chin onto my open palms since my elbows were now resting on top of the table top that seemed to be covered in graffiti.
“No swearing in my class room Miss Moore and please stay after class, I have to speak with you,” she replied agitatedly with an eye roll.
“Whatever,” I muttered before leaning back in my chair, grabbing my iPod out of my pocket and shoving the earphones into my ears, the cat bell that was attached to my white cat collar chimed as I turned my silver iPod Classic on.
I switched my iPod to shuffle before pressing play, letting Almost Easy by Avenged Sevenfold cloud my mind, my lips moving in sync with the lyrics that matched the beat of the music. Sliding my iPod down my shirt, I placed it into my pocket before flicking my hair forwards to cover the earphone cord.
I smirked at Mrs. Lyle’s agitated expression while the rest of the class seemed to stare forwards with bored expressions. Rolling my eyes I turned my attention to outside, the window showing the empty oval that only had the coach sitting down at the beachers as he filled in some sort of paper, a scowl spreading across his face.
A few songs had passed before a tap was felt on my shoulder. Yanking an earphone out I looked up at Mrs. Lyle before glancing over at the clock that hung on the wall that read three o’clock. Pulling my iPod out I turned it off before putting it back into my pocket and looking up at Mrs. Lyle’s impatient expression.
“Yes?” I asked with a smirk while she seemed to look at me with gritted teeth.
“We need to speak about your behaviour Miss Moore,” she sighed as she rested against one of the tables next to me.
“What about it?” I asked, as I jammed my maths books into my bag.
“You need to pay more attention in class rather than goofing off.”
“Yeah, I’m getting a tutor to fix that, now if you don’t mind I have to go before I miss my bus,” I said as I rose from my seat, pulling my bag with me before slinging it over my shoulder and brushing past her with an eye roll.
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