Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Thursday, 28th of January 2010

Brookelle quickly drove in and parked next to the hills hoist that was a few metres away from the house. She easily shut off the car and hoped out as I bit my lip and scrambled out of the car with my bag in my hand. Poison smiled at me as he wandered over to his mother’s car, opening the passenger door to grab out his school bag before closing the door and walking towards the front steps that lead up onto the veranda.
I blinked several times before jogging after Poison who had already left my sight. The red macaw that sat in a metal cage squawked at me as I walked past, as if to tell me I didn’t belong. As I continued to walk forwards I made my way to a sliding glass door where Poison was waiting with an old looking blue heeler at his side.
“This is Monty, she’s a bit feisty and tends to bite people she doesn’t know but otherwise she’s really friendly,” Poison stated as he bit his lip tenderly.
“She’s adorable,” I mumbled, as I nervously extended my arms forwards so I could scratch Monty behind her ears.
“She is indeed,” he replied, as he let go of Monty, realising that she wasn’t going to do anything. “Um do you want a tour?”
“Nah, I’ll figure things out as we go, let’s just get this over with,” I replied with dread in my voice.
“Not yet, I have to go feed the horses, we’ll just put our bags in my room,” Poison replied shyly as he turned on his heel and headed through the kitchen towards a small hallway that seemed to part of four times.
Poison wandered into the first room, the room was clean with everything in order. No mess was on the floor as his bed was pushed up against the wall where a window was. Next to the bed sat a small draw that had a small pile of books on it that couldn’t fit onto the large book shelf that was at the foot of his bed. Next to his bookshelf sat a studying desk, the chair that belonged with the desk was opposite to his closet.
Aiden chucked his bag carelessly onto his bed, watching as it bounced a bit from the springs. I copied his actions, my bag landing next to his. He smiled over at me before walking out of his bedroom as I trailed behind like some lost puppy.
“Aiden Nathaniel Crowling, get your skinny ass here!” I heard a female voice screech as a girl rounded the corner and stomped through the living room.
The girl stood around five foot nine and had her hands placed on her hips as she wore a scowl. She looked a lot like her mother, having the same chocolate coloured eyes and hair along with the dark tan. On her head she had her black sunglasses that seemed to be tinted a purple colour. The glasses held back her fringe as her eyes were thickly coated with make-up, her lips a shiny pink that matched her far too pink outfit.
She wore a velvet pink tube top that matched her plaid pink mini skirt that barely covered her thong. Covering her legs were fishnet stockings as she wore metallic pink shoes, holding her pink purse in her right hand. In her ears dangled pink tassel earrings while around her neck she wore a metallic pink ‘Justin Bieber’ necklace.
I blinked several times before mouthing ‘wow’. This girl was related to Poison? No, I don’t see it. She has to be... but, wow. I never thought this to be possible, sweet little Poison is related to something like... her, well I don’t really know what she’s like but she looks sluttish.
“What?” Aiden asked, speaking for the first time sounding sort of deflated.
“Your friend is a freak, who dyes their hair blue? And not any sort of blue but bright blue,” the girl said, getting distracted.
“Beige, I wouldn’t do that,” Poison warned nervously, his eyes flickering over to me.
“Do what? Insult her? Well if I don’t who else is going to tell her to get a fashion sense. I mean she would be such a cute blonde or maybe even a caramel blonde. Hmm, hey whatever your name is, can I give you a makeover?” ‘Beige’ asked, looking me over while my confused look turned to a scowl.
“No,” I hissed, almost instantly.
“Come on give me a chance, I bet you haven’t ever had a boyfriend,” Beige guessed with a fake smile.
“You’re right, but I’ve had a few girlfriends and they’ve all turned out like you, completely fake,” I admitted with a glare.
“Eww, you’re a lesbian? Eww, you might come onto me,” she squealed as she took a few steps backwards, not realising I had insulted her.
“I wouldn’t even take a step near you in that sort of way, I think I’d throw up before I even got close,” I muttered, rolling my eyes at how immature she was acting.
“Um, Beige, what did you want me for?” Poison asked curiously.
“Oh yeah, I straightened my hair and I need you to help me,” she said, her eyes narrowing at Poison trying to scare him into it.
“I-I can’t, I have to feed t-the horses and help A-Alisa study,” Aiden stuttered as I almost let out a sigh in admiration when he stuttered on my name.
“Whatever, but when you want something from me, don’t expect it,” Beige hissed before turning on her heel and striding away.
“Well...” I muttered, staring at the back of the beautiful girl that had a bitter attitude.
“Yeah, um, sorry about her, she’s a bit moody but she is nice at times,” Poison mumbled, dipping his head.
“Somehow I doubt that,” I replied, glancing over at his face that was now hidden behind his hair.
“If I were you, I would too,” he answered before walking away as a giggle left my lips.
I jogged over towards Poison, following him as he went down the stairs and headed over towards the shed that was only several metres away. On his way he picked up a pile of plastic buckets before opening the small gate that lead into the shed’s area. I quickly followed, closing the gate behind me as I watched him open up the door of the tin shed, the door squeaking making cows glance up from the grass they were eating. Blinking several times, I glanced around at all of the cows that continued to stare at me, I was a bit intimidated by them.
“Don’t worry about them, they’re more scared of you than what you are of them,” Poison said as he tipped a scoopful of some sort of pellets into each bucket. “It’s more the horses you have to worry about. They like to trample people to get to their food, so it’s best to stay out of their way. Don’t get me wrong, they are nice horses, very tame, they just get a bit rowdy when it’s dinner time,” Poison said, trying to calm me as he tipped a bit of thick, dark coloured liquid into each bucket.
“Oh, alright then,” I replied, not sure on what to say.
I heard the sound of hooves beating against solid ground, the sound getting louder as the horses came closer. Neighs and snorts were heard when three horses galloped into view, a large foal following a few metres behind.
“I’ll feed them and then I’ll introduce you to the four of them,” Poison said as he came out of the shed with four buckets piled up on top of each other. “Um, do you mind getting the hay?”
“Uh, no,” I replied before I headed into the shed. The shed was packed full of hay, buckets, horse riding equipment and other stuff I couldn’t even name. “Wow,” I muttered as I looked around the large shed.
I headed over to the hay and grabbing four biscuits before giving the shed one more look around and leaving. I noticed that all of the horses were now eating as Poison stood next to the foal, stroking its neck. Poison glanced up when he heard the door of the shed squeak as I wandered over, the grass reaching my ankles.
Poison thanked me as I handed him the hay from the other side of the fence before climbing through the barbed wire. I looked around at the four horses before glancing over at Poison who just gave the last piece of hay the largest horse.
“Okay, we’ll start off with Buttercup,” Aiden said, peering over to where I stood from beneath his fringe. “Okay, this is Buttercup, she’s a Clydesdale and that’s her daughter Peanut,” Aiden said, patting the largest horse before pointing to the foal.
“Hello Buttercup,” I murmured as I moved to stroke Buttercup’s smooth black coat.
Buttercup was a black Clydesdale that had a white face and socks, the rest of her body remaining the midnight black. Her daughter looked pretty much the same, except shorter and having a small white patch on her side.
Buttercup didn’t move when I ran my hand over her stomach, she just continued to eat as she moved her ears backwards. Poison smiled over at me before moving over to a white horse.
“Well Buttercup is my Mum’s horse, Peanut will be Beige’s horse while this one is my Dad’s horse, her name is Elsie and she’s a Standardbred,” Poison said with a smile as he stroked the white coat.
“She’s pretty,” I replied as I wandered over to where Poison now stood, extending my hand to stroke Elsie’s neck, where her white mane covered.
“Yeah, she is,” Poison replied with a small smile watching as I peered around Elsie to look at the last horse.
The last horse had a black and white coat, sort of in splattered sort of fashion. It looked as if they had grabbed a black horse and some white paint and just started to splatter the white paint all over the horse, but that wasn’t the thing that made me intrigued towards her. She had amazing eyes; one was brown while the other was blue, not just blue but a pretty sort of crystal blue.
“That horse has amazing eyes,” I murmured, before walking around Elsie towards that horse.
“That’s Shelby, she’s my horse. She’s a Paint or well Quarter-horse, either way, it doesn’t matter,” Poison said as he walked over to me, his hands stuffed into his school pants pockets.
“She’s beautiful,” I said, trying to extend my hand towards her but she just seemed to shy away, keeping a close eye on me.
“We only got her a few weeks ago, she’s not really that tame,” Poison said, biting his lip nervously.
“Oh,” I mumbled, looking down at the grassy ground.
“She does that to everyone, don’t feel bad,” Poison comforted before letting out a sigh and running a hand through his tussled hair, “Come on let’s go study.”
“Sure,” I replied, looking up to follow his retreating figure.
The afternoon went faster than expected. We studied for almost an hour before giving up and just mucking around. At the moment he had gone to talk to his Dad who had only just gotten home, while I just laid lazily on his bed with my eyes closed.
Poison was a lot of fun when he wasn’t intimidated, he was crazy, random and his attitude was very unexpected. He didn’t care what I thought, although I think most of the time he was doing things without thinking because he would freeze afterwards and think about what he had just did, watching my grinning or laughing expression. At one point we had even started to wrestle and that was very amusing although that increased when Beige walked in to ask Poison something.
I mentally shook my head before sitting up, a smile rising to my face at the thought of all the fun that we had this afternoon. I looked sideways at his alarm clock that sat on his bedside table next to his pile of books. I knew Ma would be here soon and truthfully I didn’t want her to come here, I wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon with Poison but I knew if I asked Ma that or even Poison’s parent’s that they’d get suspicious.
I was glad that I got to spend every week day with Poison but I was kind of bummed that it was only weekdays, I sort of wished that it was weekends too. It didn’t matter that I would be learning most of the time, it was just the fact I was able to spend quality time with Poison.
“What are you thinking ‘bout?” Poison asked as he entered the room with a plate of triple chocolate chip cookies.
“You,” I answered without thinking before inwardly cursing and placing my hands over my face.
“W-what do you mean?” Poison asked as I heard him move closer to me.
I rubbed my face before removing my hands from my face and looking at him. He stood next to his desk as he placed the cookies onto his study desk. A sigh left my lips as I wished I could go back in time for just a few seconds but I knew that was impossible.
“I-I, uh, ImeanI’velikedyousinceeighthgrade,” I said speaking rather quickly to get it over and done with.
“I seen I’ve Mike moos since faith made, huh?” Poison asked, tipping his head to one side making his fringe fall downwards to reveal his flawless face.
I let out a heartfelt sigh. At least now I knew how hard it was for all those people in the books I’ve read. I ran my hands through my blue hair as I stared at his cream, carpeted floor.
“I really like you Poison, I know you’ve heard that name leave my lips before. I know you’ve seen ‘I ♥ Poison’ on my arms before, I know a lot of people have and a lot of people have asked me who the hell ‘Poison’ was but I never told anyone other than Jared because I didn’t want people to know. I thought that you were too perfect for me, that I had to go after someone with a lower standard to make people think I wasn’t straight so they’d assume it was a girl I was crushing on that’s why I dated Ruby. It’s just that I’ve liked you since eighth grade Aiden and I know you probably don’t like me the same way and I also know that I have made this whole new friendship between us awkward,” I answered, I knew I was babbling but that was mainly because I didn’t know what Poison was thinking.
There was a moment of silence before Poison spoke again. His voice strong, something I really wasn’t expecting. I was expecting more like the stories told the voice weak and flimsy as the guy hears what they’ve always wanted to hear. I knew I shouldn’t have been expecting something positive and I sort of deflated without even concentrating on what he was saying until he asked ‘did you hear what I said?’
“What?” I asked, looking up from my fiddling fingers.
“I’ll take that as a no. I said that you are wrong. I like you the same way, why else do you think I volunteered to be your tutor, with anyone else I would’ve tried to get as little time as possible with them especially if they have to watch me twenty-four seven at school,” Poison said with a grin, his eyes were bright with joy.
I stared at him, completely speechless. My mouth seemed to be ajar while I continued to stare at his absolutely ecstatic face. I had no clue on what to say or do and for once in my life I felt weak, as if I had no control and that was what scared me. This boy had no idea what he was doing to me and all he had said was a few word that made my day completely.
“Is the infamous Alisa Moore speechless?” Poison asked, speaking more cockily than what I expected.
“Most definitely,” I managed to say before closing my mouth and shaking my head as a grin reached my face, the news finally sinking in.
A chuckle left Poison’s lips before he walked over to me, sitting beside me making the bed dip. I stared up at his face, a small, healing cut barely visible on his cheek as he still had a light appearance of a black eye. I continued to study his face, making a smirk rise up on my own lips a small chuckle leaving my lips as I fell backwards into a laying position.
“What?” Poison asked, peering down at me in confusion.
“I owe Jared some money,” I replied, looking up at him.
“I’m still confused,” Poison stated, not moving his eyes away from mine.
“I made a bet with Jared saying that I’d owe him fifty bucks if I ever told you that I liked you but only if you liked me back,” I said watching as Poison’s face went from confusion to understanding just as footsteps were heard in the hall.
The door opened to reveal Mr. Crowling looking at us suspiciously before turning his full attention towards me.
“Your mother is here,” he said, his eyes flickering between the two of us curiously.
“Oh, thanks. Well, I guess I should be leaving, see you tomorrow Aiden, bye Mr. Crowling I hope you guys have a good night,” I said before grabbing my school bag and walking out of their house, trying to keep down my grin.
I jogged over to Ma’s car which was idling in the driveway. I noticed my Ma looking in my direction, her rolling her eyes when she saw me jump the stainless steel, damaged fence. I grinned at her before opening up the back of the car and throwing in my school bag lazily. I closed the back door and made my way to the passenger seat, feeling eyes on my back the whole time.
Looking over my shoulder I noticed Beige standing outside with a glare on her face, while I just grinned and waved to her happily before pulling on my seatbelt.
“You’re a pain sometimes Alisa, you know that?” Ma asked before turning around the car and driving away from the house that I was hoping I’d visit more often than just weekdays.
“Yup, but you love me that way,” I replied, winking at her.
“Yeah, love. That’s it,” Ma said playfully, diverting her eyes.
The conversation with Ma continued on playfully, I knew she was curious to why I was so cheerful but she wasn’t going to ask, I knew that for a fact. The car ride didn’t seem long and before I knew it I was at my house. Ma and I climbed out of the now idle car and walked into the house, me pulling my bag onto my shoulders as I made my way to my room.
I placed my bag onto my bed before a white piece of paper caught my eye as I was making my way out of my room. I looked over at it before stopping and sitting down at my desk to write a reply to my brother.

Dear Coal,
I could never hate you, EVER! I just miss you so much. You are correct I am now 16 but please don’t say ‘woman’ that makes me feel old. I understand Coal, I don’t know why you can’t tell me but I’m not going to pressure you into telling me because that isn’t right, I think someone should have a choice in whether or not they want to say something.
I am absolutely amazing, how are you? I haven’t been up to much. I’ve just been studying with my tutor. My grades aren’t too great since my best mark last year by myself was a D but with the help of a smart person I managed to get a B for a speech. What have you been up to? I can’t really put everything about me in this letter so you’ll have to ask questions... sorry. I see but why risk everything you have to talk to me then?
If you really want to come back then come back, we can get a restraining order on him. Ma and I love you so much and we both miss you. We both can’t go a day without thinking about you. I really wish I could see you again, I really don’t know what to expect. Is it possible for you to send a picture with your next letter? I promise I’ll stay as safe as possible.
Love from Alisa,
P.S. I promise I won’t although I must ask, why the pot plant?

I finished my letter off quickly before stuffing it into and envelope and placing it back down onto my desk, hoping he gets the letter.
♠ ♠ ♠
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