Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Friday, 29th of January 2010

I took my first step onto the cement path as I exited the bus, school students piling out from behind me, avoiding where I stood. I could feel my stomach clench with butterflies as a nervous breath left through my lips. My thoughts were stuck on Aiden and Coal, a toss between which I should be thinking about. My fingers continued to fiddle with my blazer’s button as I kept my head down. I could hear the bus door close from behind me before the bus pulled out from its parking spot and drove away.
Pulling my hands away from my blazer I threaded my fingers through my hair like a comb before starting to walk along the path towards the school where I knew Jared, Rayan and Gabby would be waiting for me, next to the flag poles like usual. My bag hung loosely on one shoulder, one of my hands had reached up to hold it from falling off of my shoulder while the other hand continued to fiddle with my clothes and hair.
I felt Mrs. Lyle’s glare on my back as I walked past her, her eyes gliding over my body to make sure my uniform was one-hundred percent correct. She let out a huff in disappointment when she realised it was and just continued to scan over the other students. I walked through the masses of people before making my way to the flag pole, noticing that only Jared stood there this morning. I noticed that the edge of his lips pulled up a bit when he saw me, it was barely noticeable but it was still there.
A smile started to form on my face, the nervous look fading away but the feeling still remaining. My arms easily made their way around Jared’s waist when I finally reached him instantly knowing why he was happy. As I pulled back I placed a good morning kiss on his cheek before putting my hand into his.
“So is someone excited for their date this afternoon?” I asked nudging Jared lightly.
“Yes,” Jared replied as he tried to keep down a smile.
“You do know it’s not illegal to smile, right?” I asked playfully.
“I’m just practising, so when it does become illegal I don’t go to jail,” Jared answered before pulling his hand from mine so he could mess up my hair.
I gasped light-heartedly as I watched his retreating figure. I pulled my bag further up my arm before bolting after him with a determined expression, my eyes narrowed on his running figure. Jared continued to look back as he ran, avoiding the students as he made his way to the front entrance doors.
I let out a huff before stopping and collapsing onto the cold grass, the grass bringing goose-bumps to my skin. I heard a chuckle from a distance as the sound of footsteps continued to walk past, murmurs rising up as they talked about me lying face down on the grass.
“Good Morning Poison,” I said, my voice being muffled a bit by the ground.
“Morning Alisa,” Poison said as he offered a hand out to help me up.
I smiled up at him, Jared catching my eye as I noticed him, Gabby and Rayan standing by the school entrance. I sneered at Jared before grasping a hold of Poison’s hand and hoisting myself up onto my feet. I thanked Poison with a smile and a nod of my head before walking over to where Jared, Gabby and Rayan stood.
Gabby wore her normal energetic smile as Rayan had his arm loosely wrapped around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder as he hugged her from behind. Next to those lovebirds stood Jared who had his arms crossed over his chest with the same expression worn on his face as this morning except with a hint of cockiness.
Jared raised his eye brow automatically knowing something was different even though we didn’t act differently. He used his index finger to tell me to come over to him, his blank expression back onto his face.
“I’m coming over to your house this afternoon, Ezra can pick me up from there because you will be explaining and even though there may look like nothing is different, there is something different,” Jared whispered into my ear, determination leaking into his hard edged voice.
“And how do you know that something is different?” I whispered back before taking a step back and tipping my head to one side so my fringe could fall out of my face.
“I’ve known you since kindergarten, not much gets past me,” Jared said with a wink whilst I just rolled my eyes.
“True,” I murmured in reply, diverting my eyes to the floor, “Damn, so if I went and became a prostitute behind your back, you’d know?”
“Of course,” Jared said watching as I looked back up at him and snapped my fingers playfully.
“Why do you ask? Do you want AIDS?” Gabby asked with a grin.
“Well, duh, who doesn’t want AIDS?” I asked sarcastically, the bell ringing, the loud, screeching noise echoing throughout the corridor.
The school day passed fast, me sitting next to Poison in most classes while the rest of my friends sat close by. Gabby and Rayan were never put in the same class unless it was in a different class that Poison wasn’t in. Ezra and Jared had almost every class together, yet again they had barely any classes with Poison, so that could be the reason for that.
The day finished with maths like always the class always dragging on as Mrs. Lyle continues to blab on and on about crap that isn’t really necessary. Like always I barely pay attention while Poison has his eyes glued to the front of the room, taking down as many notes as possible, most things written on his page was very difficult to read, not because of his messy hand writing but because none of the numbers or words seemed to make any sense.
I twirled at the end of my hair as Poison, Gabby, Ezra and I retreated from the maths room, our bags strung over our shoulders as we continued to walk. I made a pit stop at my locker along with Poison while Ezra and Gabby continued to walk, engrossed in the conversation they were having. Poison fiddle nervously with his bag strap as I started to unlock the locker, waiting for Poison to start speaking.
When I finally got the locker open, it rattled and squeaked like it always does, threatening to fall off while Poison behind me was continuing to struggle with words. I knew he was shy and I knew it was taking him a lot of effort just to speak to me about what he was going to speak to me about.
When I placed the unnecessary books into my locker and took the necessary ones out and placed them into my bag I slowly closed my bag and turned to Poison who was opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water, a very cute fish out of water I must add. I smiled softly at his thinking figure before placing a soft hand on his shoulder and reaching up on my tippy-toes to place a soft kiss onto his warm cheek making my lips tingle with delight.
When I pulled back I grinned up at him, watching his shocked face change to a giddy expression. I could almost imagine him skipping with joy. My face brightened up at the thought of spending another afternoon with him, his eyes staring down at mine.
“So, you ready for me to be at your house Alisa Evelyn Moore?” I heard Jared ask as he came closer.
I cursed under my breath, remembering that he wanted to come over to talk about Poison and I’s ‘relationship’. I scratched nervously behind my neck before turning to face Jared who was still walking towards us, sending an evil look at a freshman who wasn’t paying attention to where he was going.
“Um, Jared, you do remember that I now have tutoring every afternoon, right?” I asked when he had stopped in front of me.
“No I did not remember that detail,” Jared replied, running a hand through his tussled hair.
“U-um, I’m sure Mum and Dad won’t mind having Jared over as long as he doesn’t disturb us studying,” Poison said softly making me smile at his offer while Jared just raised an eye brow at him.
“That would be lovely but Jared wouldn’t be able to keep his mouth shut for more than five minutes,” I said, rolling my eyes when Jared nudged me, “I’ll just meet him at my house a bit after five.”
“A-alright,” Poison stuttered, looking down at his feet away from Jared’s intimidating stare.
“Jared, cut that out, he hasn’t done anything, now march your ass out to your car and get your ass home. If I see you following Aiden’s car I will beat you down with the end of a broomstick until your back breaks and you are unconscious,” I threatened, pointing at him.
“You’re killing fairies,” he said, sounding completely serious.
I placed a hand over my mouth to cover the smile and snicker that was rising, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Poison smiling as well. Jared reached up to pull my hand away from my face before leaning forwards to whisper into my ear.
“I will be over at your house at five thirty to get information, have fun at Aiden’s house.”
“I will,” I whispered back before taking a step back winking in Jared direction before grabbing Poison’s hand and making my way away from Jared and towards Poison’s locker.
Poison smiled over at me, trying to ignore the blush that had formed on his cheeks. I smiled back at him as he gathered his books, putting everything into his bag before zipping it up and putting the heavy bag onto his shoulders. We made our way out to the car easily, the cool air against my skin making goose bumps rise.
The ride was fast and the studying was boring but the time with him was amazing. At the moment were laying outside on the grass with an open textbook between us as we stared up at the perfect blue sky that had not a single cloud in sight. The leaves brushed against each other as the wind blew, making a rustling noise that both Poison and I chose to ignore, the silence was peaceful but I sort of wished for him to speak.
In the corner of my eye I noticed him fiddling with the bottom of his loosened tie as he looked deep in thought. His eyes kept flickering over to me every now and then before a determined look was placed onto his face after a nervous breath of air was released. He sat up slowly, closing the textbook that was in between us before moving it to his other side.
I sat up, a confused look on my face as he moved closer to me, a hand placed behind me so he could keep himself sitting upright. Poison moved his other hand closer to my cheek to brush my blue hair out of my face. He placed his hand gently onto my warm cheek before drawing himself closer, his warm breath blowing onto my face. I smiled in recognition before moving forwards and pressing my lips to his.
His lips were cool as they moulded against mine, his lips moving perfectly with mine as my eyes automatically closed. I shifted to a kneeling position without breaking the kiss as I brought my hands up to his neck, my fingers automatically playing with his dark coloured hair. His hair was smooth and felt nice beneath my fingers while Poison removed his hand from my cheek, slowly moving it around to the base of my neck to draw me closer to his body.
I smiled beneath the kiss before slowly pulling away and opening my eyes to stare into his dazzling blue eyes that were filled with joy. I placed another soft peck onto his lips before drawing my hands through his hair, my eyes soft as I noticed Ma’s car driving down the driveway.
“So what does this make us?” Poison asked, watching as Ma’s car came closer.
“Whatever you want us to be,” I replied, pulling my hands out of his hair before running them down his chest and wrapping them around his torso to pull him into a hug.
“W-would you like to be my g-girlfriend Alisa?” he questioned, pulling back a bit to look into my eyes.
“I would love to be your girlfriend,” I replied before kissing his cheek and climbing up from the ground, pulling him up with me.
He smiled down at me happily before we turned and made our way back to the house to grab my bag and to say goodbye to the Crowling family. Excitement ran through my body the entire car trip, Ma giving me curious glances the whole time before parking in front of our house, ignoring Jared who sat at our front doorstep.
“Who are you thinking about?” Ma asked, curiosity beating being polite.
“Aiden,” I mumbled, before looking over at her and grinning.
“Is he your boyfriend?” she asked, looking at me curiously while I just watched Jared walk around the car and open my door.
“Yes, Aiden’s my boyfriend,” I finally replied, so I wouldn’t have to mention it twice.
“Does Aiden know that you have a date tomorrow?”
“Shit, I forgot about that,” I muttered, my happiness deflating, “Do I have to go?”
“Yes you do, I’ve already confirmed it with his mother,” Ma said, looking at me strictly.
“But we only started dating today, I don’t want to screw it up, I am not going on the date. Ma you know I try my best to follow every rule you give me but I can’t follow this one. Can someone else go on this date?” I begged, clasping my hands together.
“If you can find someone,” Ma concluded before grabbing her bag and climbing out of the car while I just sunk back into the seat.
“Who do I get to go on the date?” I asked, staring straight ahead even though I was talking to Jared.
“Um, you could always tell Aiden that you have a date tomorrow,” Jared stated, shrugging after he thought of no other options.
“I don’t have his number,” I mumbled.
“Come on, we’ll go to your room and talk about this,” Jared said grabbing my bag as I climbed out of the car and wandered towards the house, Jared walking not too far behind me.
It didn’t take long to reach my room, Ma was already in the kitchen cooking dinner while Jared and I sat on my bed discussing over this issue. Eventually I got so desperate I called up Ruby.
“Hello?” Ruby asked with fake sweetness.
“Hey, it’s Alisa,” I said, trying not to cringe at her high pitched voice.
“Who’s Alisa?” she wondered, speaking allowed.
“It’s Allie,” I said, gritting my teeth at the name.
“Allie, baby! I’ve missed you so much, have you finally realised you miss me?” Ruby squealed happily making me flinch away from the phone.
“Um, not exactly, but I do have a date for you tomorrow with a guy that’s older than you and he’s completely hot,” I said, biting my lip.
“No thanks, I’m not into guys. I’m more of a girl person. You should know that Allie,” Ruby said flirtatiously making me groan and hang up the phone.
“No luck?” Jared asked as he started to grab out his clothes from my cupboards and walk towards the hallway door.
“None, wait, I’m such an idiot,” I muttered, slapping myself on the forehead before walking out of my bedroom while Jared just stared at me weirdly.
I made my way to the kitchen and over to where the home phone sat on top of a pile of phonebooks. I shook my head sadly before grabbing this year’s phonebook and flipping through the pages until I found D and B Crowling. Letting out a sigh in relief I dialled the number and pressed the phone to my ear, letting the phone make its odd noises before it started to ring.
“Hello?” a deep voice asked when the person picked up the phone.
“Um, is Aiden there?” I inquired curiously.
“Yes he is, may I ask who this is?”
“It’s Alisa, sir,” I replied, smiling when he went quiet.
After the long pause he called out Aiden’s name and moments later I heard a soft ‘hello’ being asked into the phone.
“Hey Aiden,” I said, with a smile as the conversation grew from there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment! I need to know if people are actually reading this or if I should just stop writing...