Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Saturday, 30th of January 2010

I stood in front of my mirror in the bathroom, brushing at my straightened blue hair waiting for Jared to wake up from his sleep. I was nervous and I really had no idea what to expect on this ‘date’. Poison understood that I was being forced to go on this date and because he was curious he was going to be with Jared a few tables away watching to make sure this Chris guy didn’t do anything, or maybe they were making sure I wouldn’t kill him if he did do something.
I sighed, bored of doing the same, continuous motion. Placing my brush onto the table, I walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the guest room. Chris was going to be taking me out to lunch and would be here around midday and it was already eleven thirty. There was no way Jared would be up and ready by twelve. Letting out a huff, I knocked several times onto the hard wooden door, waiting for some sort of reply.
When I heard no noise, I rattled the door knob to find it locked. Growing irritated fairly fast I knocked on the door heavily, the sound echoing throughout the house. A groan made its way from the room before swearing and shuffling was heard, soon enough the door opened to reveal a tired looking Jared, him still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he stood only in his grey batman boxers.
“You need to go get ready,” I said, smiling at his grumpy figure.
A groan made its way from his lips before he grabbed a clean pair of clothes and headed for the bathroom to have a morning shower. I smiled and shook my head at his laziness before the door bell echoed throughout the house, indicating that Poison had arrived. An excited squeak left my lips as I raced to the front door, flinging the wooden door open to reveal Poison.
A grin was portrayed on his face, it matching my grin equally. Grabbing his hand I tugged him into the house, feeling as if someone’s eyes were on me. Furrowing my eyebrows I skimmed a quick look around the neighbourhood before closing the door and turning to Poison.
“So, this is where you live...” Poison said, looking around the small path that parted off towards the kitchen.
“Yup,” I replied nodding my head as I grabbed his hand and tugged him through the kitchen.
“Good morning Fury, why aren’t you looking cute this morning!” I heard Jared say chirpily before running into view with Fury behind him, Fury trying to swipe at his heels. “Good Morning Alisa and Aiden! Where is my breakfast?”
“In the cupboard,” I replied, smirking at his happy figure that quickly deflated.
“You love to ruin my day don’t you? Couldn’t you just be like a proper woman and make me a god damn sandwich!” Jared complained before moving over towards the fridge.
I smiled at this Jared. This was the Jared I loved most. I loved the Jared that was spontaneous and completely random, even if he is more energetic today than usual but that’s because he’s now Ezra’s boyfriend. I chuckled a bit at Poison’s shocked face before drawing myself to his chest to wrap my arms around his torso.
“You’ll have to get use to this Jared, this is what he’s really like under the ‘no smile’ Jared,” I said, placing head against his chest making him wrap his arms around my lower back.
I closed my eyes as a smile made its way to my face. I heard a grunt come from Jared as he turned around, making me open my eyes to see Jared drinking straight from the two litre milk bottle. I grinned over at him making him roll his eyes and lower the milk away from his lips, the milk leaving a moustache.
“Can you stop that? You have a date soon and you can’t be seen hugging your adorable boyfriend,” Jared said with annoyance as he put his milk back into the fridge.
“You’re just annoyed that your boyfriend isn’t here,” I said as I pulled away with a huff, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Pretty much,” Jared agreed before jumping up to sit on the table top.
“Why don’t you invite him along?” Poison asked curiously.
“Do you want two guys making out around you the whole time and making the whole situation more awkward than what it already will be?” I asked, looking over at him watching as he shook his head and bit his lip.
I smiled before drawing myself towards him once again and reaching up onto my tippy toes to place a kiss onto his lips. His lips were cool against mine as our lips once again moulded together. My hands moved forwards to rest onto his chest, grasping his shirt underneath my palms. I felt him smile into the kiss while Jared just groaned and walked out of the room making vomiting noises.
I smiled at Jared’s reaction but that didn’t make me stop kissing Poison. Our lips moved together perfectly as Poison’s arms wrapped back around my lower back, pulling me closer to his cool body and deepening the kiss. A tap was felt on my shoulder when Jared walked back into the kitchen, a groan leaving my lips as I pulled away from Poison to look over at my best friend.
“In case you didn’t hear, the door bell rang so I’d straighten up your now messy clothes and go answer the door before the boy thinks you ditched him,” Jared said, placing his hands on his hips.
I scrunched up my nose in response before straightening my light blue shirt that had a dinosaur face on the front of it. With the shirt I wore a pair of purple skinny jeans and some black low top converses that had blue laces, the colour matching my shirt and blue bow tie that was in my hair. I had my silver studded belt resting on my hips as my unzipped, black Avenged Sevenfold hoodie was far too big on my small frame. The hoodie sleeves were pushed up to my elbows as I wore wristbands covering from my wrist to my elbow.
I let out an unwanted sigh before moving to the door and placing a fake smile onto my face, dreading this moment. I opened the door slowly, clenching my teeth together at who stood at the door. My hands balled into fists as I glared at Christian, a smirk was placed onto his cocky face.
“Hey babe,” Christian said, taking a step towards me.
“Move any closer and I will kick you in the balls,” I hissed, crossing my arms over my chest agitatedly.
“Come on babe, we have a date,” Christian said before turning on his heel and walking towards his old Ute.
I let out a groan before following him and hopping into the passenger side, my eyes flickering over to the kitchen window where Jared and Aiden were peeping out of. Drawing my seat belt across my body I clicked it into the holder before looking out the window, not bothering to say a word to Christian as he started up the car and pulled away from my house.
I could tell Christian was irritated by the fact that I wasn’t speaking to him, his anger radiating off of him as his hands were clenched around the wheel. I smirked at his reaction before pulling out my iPod and putting the buds into my ears. I set my iPod to shuffle before pressing play and just listening to the music.
After several songs one earphone was pulled out of my ears making me draw my attention to an infuriated Christian. I smiled innocently at him before cocking an eyebrow, waiting for him to speak.
“We’re here,” Christian hissed before climbing out of his vehicle and slamming the door shut making me wince.
I took my time in putting my iPod away before I unclipped my seatbelt and climbed out of the Ute, closing the door behind me watching as Christian waited impatiently. I smiled over to him making him sneer back before stomping into the café not bothering to check if I followed. I rolled my eyes at him before following him in, watching as he flirted with the waitress that just scanned over him before turning around and walking away.
He swore under his breath before walking to a random booth and sliding in one side. He glanced up at me before using his finger to indicate for me to come over. Grumbling under my breath I slid into the other side of the booth, having easy view of the door.
“Okay, listen here, I don’t want to be here either but I sort of have to be, my Step Mum thinks I need to have a proper relationship rather than just fucking random girls,” Christian said rolling his eyes.
“And why are you telling me this?” I asked, resting my chin onto my open palms as I noticed Poison and Jared walk in.
“Because I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my parents,” he confessed letting out a sigh.
“Well, I have two questions before I confirm anything,” I said biting the inside of my lip.
“And they are?”
“Okay firstly, why me?” I questioned, curious.
“I didn’t choose my Step Mum did,” he said, shrugged before leaning back into his chair.
“Alright and what do I get in return?” I asked making him let out a sigh and lean forwards again.
“I don’t know, what do you want?” he asked throwing his arms up in the air.
“I want you and your group to stop beating up Aiden with every chance you get,” I hissed with narrowed eyes.
“Fine but why do you care so much about him?” Christian asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Because he’s my boyfriend,” I murmured a smile making its way to my face.
“What? Why date someone like him? You’re hot and he’s not,” Christian stated before smirking at me making my smile quickly fade as a glare took its spot, my lips pressed together to form a hard line.
“And what makes you think he isn’t hot?” I asked lifelessly.
“Easy. He’s never had a girlfriend until now, he gets picked on, he’s a nerd and he’s probably just dating you to hide the fact that he’s gay,” Christian alleged thoughtfully.
“You know what? Fuck you, forget about me pretending to be your fucking girlfriend. Grow a personality because no one is going to date you with that personality,” I hissed, rising to my feet trying to shake off the fact that I still had the feeling of someone watching me.
“No, please don’t. I need you Alisa, please, I’m sorry,” Christian begged.
“No, fuck off Christian,” I snapped before moving out of the booth and heading over to where Poison and Jared sat eating a bowl of hot chips.
“Oh, someone isn’t happy,” Jared stated with a smile as he ate another chip.
“Can we just go?” I muttered my voice as hard as ice.
“Sure,” Jared replied with a smile before rising to his feet.
Poison also stood while I glanced over my shoulder to see Christian glaring over at me from where he sat. I sneered at him, jumping a bit when Poison wrapped an arm around my waist. My angered expression faded away before I turned to Poison with a soft smile, my hands playing with the zipper of his zipped up hoodie.
Under his plain grey hoodie he wore a long sleeve black shirt with a pair of baggy jeans and plain white sneakers. His hair cascaded over his face like usual as he stared down at me with his beautiful blue eyes. Smiling up at him I moved my hands to behind his neck, pulling his head down so his lips would meet mine.
“Ugh, gross, I’ll meet you in the car,” Jared muttered before walking around us to leave the café.
The kiss was short but I loved every minute of it, my face lighting up like a light bulb when he pulled away. My smile grew as I pecked his lips once more before grabbing his hand and towing him out of the café not even bothering to look back at Christian who I knew was even more pissed off than before.
A shutter ran down my back as I continued to have the feeling of being watched. My skin seemed to prickle as I felt the hair stand up on the base of my neck, swallowing nervously I shook off the feeling once again before hopping into the back of Jared’s car whilst Aiden hopped into the passenger side. I watched as Jared walked around the car to get to the driver’s side, climbing in happily before pulling his belt over his body and starting up the idle car.
“I hope you guys don’t mind going to Ezra’s house,” Jared said as we put on our seatbelts, him waiting for the traffic to drive past.
“Nah, I’m sure you and Ezra will try to make us even,” I said smirking.
“Shut it Moore,” Jared hissed as he pulled out, glaring at me through the mirror.
“What? I said nothing inappropriate,” I replied innocently.
“Yeah and usually when that’s the case you bombard my boyfriend with questions,” Jared muttered as he pulled into a round-a-bout.
“Only to make sure they can handle you.”
“Asking someone if they hide a druggie in their toilet has nothing to do with me,” Jared exclaimed.
“Pfft, whatever,” I muttered, rolling my eyes playfully while Poison just stared between us.
“Um...” Poison mumbled, looking confused.
“Don’t ask, just wait and see,” Jared warned as he pulled into a random driveway, turning off his black Lamborghini.
Jared, Poison and I easily climbed out of the car, closing the doors behind us before Poison and I followed Jared towards the front door. Jared reached up to pressed the doorbell but the door swung open just as he pressed it, the chime ringing. Ezra stood at the door with a six year old latched onto his leg. The kid looked just like Ezra except minus the piercings and purple hair.
“Aiden, Alisa, Jared, welcome to my home!” Ezra said before stepping aside with the kid still latched onto his foot.
I stared weirdly at the kid as I entered, Jared nudging me accusingly making me lower my head further, my fringe falling more onto my face. Poison followed behind me, his fringe covering all of his face as he entered, and his eyes flickering over to the kid just like me.
“Guys this is my neighbour’s child, Jayson, I’m babysitting. Um, well this is my house and Gee, Kaige, Kenny and Jonny are in the lounge room,” he said while everyone just stared at him waiting for him to explain where the lounge room was, “right, um, down the hall on the right.”
As we wandered down the hall the song ‘You Give Love A Bad Name’ by Bon Jovi grew louder. I could hear someone singing as music played, furrowing my eyebrows I watched as Jared stopped in the doorway. I peered around Jared’s smirking figure to see Gee, Kaige, Kenny and Jonny playing Guitar Hero five making a smile reach my face.
“Jared, Aiden, Alisa! Welcome to Ezra’s house!” Gee welcomed as he continued to play the drums.