Status: Complete! :D

Just Another Stupid Love Story

Saturday, 6th of March 2010

Two months have passed since dating Poison and truthfully nothing has changed. We are still going strong and nothing more than kissing or making out has happened. It was obvious that Aiden was a virgin and that he wasn’t ready. He would start to fidget nervously when things started to get heated, he would squirm and blush but really, I didn’t mind. It was sort of... cute.
Aiden and my relationship wasn’t the only relationship going well. Jared and Ezra were still together and were further along in their relationship than what we were. It was obvious that they were close to having sex and if it wasn’t for Jared telling me that they were yet to have sex I would’ve assumed they’d already had it. They were so into each other, and I don’t mean that in a gushy, romantic way. I mean that every time they’re around each other they seemed to be latched onto one another, their mouths attached to one another. I’m surprised that Jared has the effort to pull away to talk.
Kaige and Jonny were still in a strong relationship as well, although they were more secretive about their dating status unlike us. They preferred to have as little amount of people knowing about them as possible. I’ve never seen them kiss or hug, the closest thing I’ve seen is them doing in that sort of way is holding hands and that was only once. Jared confirmed that they were actually dating but it was still difficult to believe.
Although all of our relationships were working out wonderfully, Rayan and Gabby’s wasn’t. They kept arguing over the most stupid things, glaring at each other when they walked by. You couldn’t have a normal conversation with them around, they always tried to prove each other wrong even if they knew the other was right, but this didn’t form from nothing, this formed from Gabby refusing to let Rayan buy her a car for her birthday. She believed that they were too expensive to be a birthday present and that she would never believe that her gift to him would be good enough. It was completely ridiculous.
Even though that fight was going on, they were still together and when they could tolerate each other they were making out, so I sort of felt sorry for Gee. He was the only one that was still single, the only one that felt like a third wheel. The only one that had no one to hang out with when we were all with our dates and it made me feel bad. I felt like I needed to get a date for Gee but when I brought it up he told me to drop the subject and just walked away.
Gee wasn’t the only person on my mind, there was someone else... the person that kept watching me. I knew there was a person watching me, the feeling of being watched got past the point of just being my mind messing with me. I once saw a man staring at me in the shopping centre but I didn’t see his face.
He was wearing a large buttoned-up, light brown overcoat that fell to his ankles showing off a bit of his light blue jeans that covered the back of his old, torn white sneakers. The sleeves to the overcoat feel past his hands, making whatever he was holding not visible. Covering his hair he wore a beanie underneath his largely brimmed hat along with a pair of dark glasses that covered his eyes. Covering his mouth he wore a black bandana, making it difficult to tell what expression he wore.
This man never left my mind, I was always thinking about him, about his clothes about what he wanted with me and especially why he pointed at Poison before merging into the crowds of people. That happened a few weeks ago from this day and what happened was still perfect in my mind. Poison and I were waiting in the line of one of the fast food restaurants at the mall, the line was long and irritating but what was more irritating was the feeling on my back, the feeling of being watched. Every few minutes my eyes would scan the crowds to find no one looking at me but then one time I did see someone.
I saw that man standing in the middle of the path, staring right at me. The crowds of people seemed to just walk around him, ignoring the fact that he was there but to me it was hard to ignore. He seemed to hold my gaze for several moments until Poison touched my shoulder, asking if I was alright, that was when I removed my gaze to nod at Poison. He smiled down at me and placed a loving kiss on my forehead before turning around again to face the line while my eyes just flickered over to the man, expecting him not to be there but I expected wrong, in fact he was closer, now leaning against the donut shop counter.
He had raised his hand slowly to point at Aiden before waving and slowly slipping back into the crowd, a shutter had fallen through my body as I suddenly felt cold. The feeling of my heart beating faster than it should in my chest wasn’t a nice feeling.
I had tried to remove this man from my mind many times, I had tried to go back to only thinking of Poison but that was impossible since he kept relating to this man. It made me wonder once again, why point at Poison? I knew and still know I should’ve seen a police officer but wouldn’t they just call me paranoid? I mean I have no proof and it sort of makes me sound insane. Who would believe me? No one would, I mean I haven’t even told Poison or Jared, yet again I don’t really get a chance to tell Jared anymore he’s always with Ezra... not that, that is a bad thing, it’s just upsetting.
I mean, what if we eventually stop talking? What if he no longer cares for me? What if I’m just another person to him? What if Jared starts pushing all of his friends away? Who am I meant to go to with my problems, I mean I could go to Gabby but she isn’t too good at advice. I need Jared, I know it sounds selfish but it’s true. I do need him, I really do. He is my best friend, the person I’m supposed to turn to when I’m upset. I know I have Poison now, but that doesn’t mean anything, Poison isn’t Jared.
I’ve known Jared since I was little and I can’t lose him now, I just can’t. He knows about everything that has happened in my life. From Ruby, my first and most likely last girlfriend to when I stopped using a night light at the age of twelve. The only thing he doesn’t know about me is about this man and for once in my life, I don’t feel the need to tell him, instead I feel the need to hang out with him, yet I also feel that, that would be impossible.
“Alisa Evelyn Moore!” Ma shouted at my dazed face.
“Alisa, honey, are you sure you’re alright?” Ma asked curiously, her face staring at me as a worried line obvious on her forehead.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Stop worrying,” I replied, smiling lightly at her.
“It’s just that you keep spacing out and then your eyes seem to get watery, I’m not the only one that is worried about you honey, Aiden is too. He was telling me about it the other day. He says that you aren’t getting good grades like you were for these past two months. He says that you no longer pay attention when he tutors you. He’s starting to think you don’t like him but I don’t think that’s it. What’s wrong Alisa? Please tell me, I hate seeing you like this.”
“I-I can’t say Ma, you won’t believe me,” I murmured as I stared down at the pasta that was made for dinner.
“I promise I will hone, just believe in me,” Ma said, placing her warm hand over my cool hand that was bald into a fist on the table.
“Well, um—No! I- I can’t, I’m sorry Ma but I can’t,” I mumbled, rising to my feet.
I lowered my head in shame before tucking my chair back under the table. I picked up my cold plate of pasta before heading towards the kitchen, placing the plate onto the table before heading towards my room.
“Alisa, wait, you have mail. It’s on the table in the kitchen,” Ma said, smiling at me before rising to her feet, grabbing her plate and moving towards the kitchen.
I furrowed my eyebrows, completely clueless to who is could be. It couldn’t be Coal because Coal always left his mail in the pot plant next to the bird bath just in case. Although other than Coal I couldn’t think of anyone else who would send me a letter. Shrugging my shoulders I followed Ma into the kitchen, trailing behind her until I stood next to the table, my eyes locked onto the white envelope that sat on the table.
Written on the front of the envelope in an unfamiliar sort of writing was ‘Alisa Moore’. The writing seemed to be very close together rather than being fairly placed apart but that wasn’t the main thing I noticed, the first thing I noticed was the fact instead of it being running writing it was writing that didn’t even seem to flow. I looked down at the envelope suspiciously, not sure if I wanted to open it.
“I’ll be up in my room if you want me,” I mumbled, not bothering to check if Ma heard me as I picked up the envelope and started to walk towards my room, never taking my eyes off of the envelope.
Once I had opened my door, it squeaking in protest I simply walked in, placing the envelope onto the desk before closing the door behind me. Curiosity was ringing through my mind, it yelling at me, shouting for me to open the envelope but I was scared, I didn’t know why but the thought of this envelope made my mouth dry. Letting out a shaky breath I grabbed my pyjamas before leaving the room to take a warm shower.
The cream coloured carpet that led towards the bathroom was cool against my skin, the fabric feeling soft and more cushion-like than carpet. I pushed the plain white door open before stepping into the bathroom, the cool tiles instantly freezing my toes. Placing my clothes onto the table top I closed the door behind me and stripped down until I was naked. I stood in the bathroom awkwardly for a few minutes, staring over my body that most guys found ‘hot’, but I didn’t see it.
I was pale as scars were obvious along my wrists from when I had gone through my depression stage, cutting being my cure. I had known it was bad at the time but cutting seemed to be the least of my worries, Ruby cheating on me being my first. Although I have always loved Poison, I did love Ruby when I dated her, she was wonderful to me but I was just a fuck buddy to her. It affected me when I found out. I didn’t know what to do. My heart was broken yet it was still begging me to stay with her while my brain was telling me to dump her, to remove her from my life. That war had gone on throughout my mind for weeks until I had a mental breakdown, Jared finding me curled up in a ball, makeup running down my face from crying.
At the time I had only just glanced up to see him marching away with clenched fists, after that Ruby was weary of me, her flinching away when Jared was around. I was curious to why so I eventually asked Jared and he just told me she had gotten what she deserved. To this day I have no clue what he meant by that, and back then I was glad but now. Now she’s back to harassing me, trying to get me into bed.
I ran my hands through my bright blue hair before letting out a sorrowful sigh and hopping into the shower, turning on the taps to let the warm water sooth my body. The shower was quick and I was out far too early, still dreading the fact that I was going to have to open the envelope to see what was inside. I took my time with changing, brushing out my wet hair before leaving the room and going back to mine.
My eyes were instantly on the envelope when I entered my room. I released a breath of air before sitting down at my desk after closing my door. I carefully flipped over the envelope before slowly peeling at the back, opening the envelope before sliding out the lined piece of paper that had been roughly put into the envelope. Unfolding it quickly I began to let my eyes skim over the letter before actually starting to read.

Dear Alisa,
I know you have no clue who is writing this and I know you probably are wondering who the hell is writing this but don’t panic my beautiful angel I promise I won’t hurt you yet. Please excuse my messy writing but I’m sure you don’t mind, I mean after all you don’t care for Coal’s writing. Ah, Coal, what do you think of him? I think of him as a horrible person, he is far too slow with the tasks I give him and he doesn’t find what we do pleasurable like I do.
You are probably thinking I am some sort of monster but that isn’t true, I am just another human being like you. I have a heart, a soul and a conscious, whether I use them correctly is a different story. Now enough about me, how are you? I know Coal has been getting updated but you don’t seem to care about me, huh? I know you know that I’m here and I know you are probably wondering how I figured out that you were writing to Coal, but I did, didn’t I? I’m smarter than what you think.
Now, let me think, the last time I saw you was when you were two years old. You were so young, I wonder how you look. Did you keep your beautiful blonde locks or did they change to your mothers horrid dark brown colour? Are you still failing every class or have you started to pay attention? Are you still as innocent as you were or have you lost your virginity? Hmm, how are you, you beautiful girl?
Love from ‘Him’.
P.S. Next time think of something more creative, ‘Him’ is very boring.

I stared at the piece of paper in horror, my hands grasped it tightly as I continued to read it over and over again while questions raced through my mind. Was Coal alright? How did he find out? What’s going to happen to Coal? Oh god, what did he mean by ‘he doesn’t find it pleasurable like I do’?
I continued to think like that, my mind not straying from the topic once, not even when my phone started to ring and vibrate indicating that Poison was calling me. I blinked a few times before glancing down at my now silent phone before sighing and dialling Poison’s number before pressing ‘call’. The tone dialled and continued to ring, before it instantly stopping, a small ‘hello’ being heard.
“Hey Poison,” I murmured into my phone softly.
“Alisa, how are you?” Poison asked, curiosity and excitement leaking into his voice.
“Poison just cut it with the small talk. I know you have good news. Just spill it,” I said, rolling my eyes with a smile.
“Well, how would you like it if we went on a lunch date tomorrow?”
“I would love it,” I replied, a grin making its way to my face.
“Then I’ll pick you up at eleven, wear something casual,” he replied, I could hear the grin in his voice.
“Okay, I’ll see you then,” I murmured happily.
“Yes you will bye Alisa.”
“Good-bye Poison,” I replied, curiosity in my tone as the dial tone rung through.
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Also thank you for the comment sunnymeadows I really appreciate it!