Status: Finished

Love Is Worth the Fall


Jason glanced at his wife then at his stepdaughter. He couldn't believe that she was pregnant. Some part of him was excited about having a grandchild, but another part of him was disappointed that Holly didn't wait until she was out of college and married first. He scratched his temple as Holly sadly looked at him. He wasn't going to yell at her because he knew she was probably already upset about all of this. He just sighed to himself.

"Holly, do you want to keep the baby?" was the first thing Jason asked.

"I'm not going to get an abortion."

"Good." Jason sighed in relief. He was afraid that she would want to put an end to her pregnancy. "I guess Jacob doesn't know yet." he stated.

"We're going over to his house later to tell him and Billy." Sherri told her husband. "We'll get through this. Someone needs to get a job to start supporting the baby. Diapers and formula isn't cheap."

Holly nodded. "I'll get a job as a waitress. I think the diner is hiring. I'll apply tomorrow."

"We'll help out as much as we can, but you and Jacob need to be responsible."

"We will." Holly said.

In the back of her mind she was afraid of what Jacob's reaction would be. Later that night Jason drove his family over to the Black's house. She didn't tell Jacob what was going on yet, but he knew it was something major since her whole family was coming over. Billy said he would cook up some steaks and potatoes for them. When they got there Billy and Jason talked for the longest time about fishing and hunting. Holly didn't know that he liked those things. Sherri just listened to her husband with a smile on his face. As they were talking Holly looked over at Jacob who was staring over at her.

"Tell me what's going on." he whispered.

"Jake and I are going to go for a walk." she told them.

"Be careful." Sherri said.

Billy looked between Holly and Jacob. He had a feeling that something was going on by the way Holly was acting. She was rather nervous and afraid. He also noticed that she hadn't touched that much of her food. That's when it hit Billy. He remained calm and cool until they were ready to reveal the news to him.

Holly walked down the path with Jacob following after her. She finally stopped by his mailbox and just stood there staring up at the moon and the twinkling stars.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked.

"I know why I've been sick."

"Do you have the flu?"

"No, I went and saw Doctor Cullen today and he put me on prenatal vitamins."

Jacob scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion. "Why would he put you on those? Aren't they for pregnant women?"

Holly bit her lip. "Exactly. Jacob, I'm pregnant."

Jacob's heart almost lurched out of his body. He was going to be a daddy at seventeen? How could he raise a baby and Holly at the same time? How could he go to college in mechanics and open up his own shop? He knew he could probably still do those thing, but it would be harder now with a baby to raise. Holly stared up at him with fear in her eyes. He could sense that she was scared and vulnerable. She was afraid that Jacob would leave her. He wrapped his arms around Holly then kissed her softly.

"We have to get jobs to support this little one." he said while touching her stomach.

For some reason Holly felt calm when Jacob placed his hand over her lower abdomen.

"So you're okay with this?"

"I wanted to have a baby with you Holly. Just not so soon, but I guess these things happen. Are your parents pissed at me?"

"They are just disappointed."

Jacob nodded. "I can get a job at Rodney's mechanic shop. He's been begging me to work there. It will be ten bucks an hour plus tip money."

"And I'll get a job at the diner as a waitress. I won't get much, but tips will hopefully be good. I used to waitress in Seattle before we moved here."

Jacob and Holly talked for several more minutes about what they needed to do. They would both save up as much money as they could to stock up on diapers and formula for the baby. Then they would find a small rent house to live in after they graduated.

"I guess we better tell your dad." she sighed.

Jacob smiled. "I'm sure he already knows."

Jacob was right. When they walked back into the house Billy told them that he figured Holly was pregnant. He was also a little disappointed, but would do all he could to help raise his grandchild. Holly felt at ease with this pregnancy now. She had Jacob, Billy, Jason, and her mom to help. It didn't take long for Paul, Embry, and Quil to show up. They congratulated Holly and Jacob on the baby and said they would help out as much as they could. Holly thanked them all. She knew it would be hard to raise a baby, but with a little help she knew she could do it.