Status: Finished

Love Is Worth the Fall

Boy or Girl

Several weeks had gone by and a lot was happening in Holly's life. Her stomach was starting to form a larger bump. She was also starting to feel a flutter from the baby moving. Bella and Edward almost had a battle with the Volturi over Renesmee. One of their vampire friends thought she was an immortal child. it took everyone to convince the Volturi that she was a half human half vampire.

Holly was slowly able to go over to the Cullen house. Bella was still the same except she was deathly pale, had red eyes, was very beautiful, ate blood, and was dead. Renesmee was growing up so fast. She was only a month old and was starting to crawl around. Holly enjoyed going over there.

She smiled at the thought of Renesmee before glancing up at the clock as it slowly ticked away. She was sitting in her last class of the day. She had an appointment after school with Dr. Cullen to find out the sex of the baby. Jacob was just as excited as she was. When the bell finally rang Holly quickly got up from her chair. Since La Push was such a small school everyone knew that she and Jacob were having a baby. No one seemed to make a big deal out of it which made Holly happy.

Jacob met Holy out in the hallway with a large grin plastered on his face. He took her bookbag away from her so she wouldn't have to carry the heavy load.

"I'm so excited!" he said as they pulled away from the school.

"So am I! Hey, can we stop at the diner so we can get some cheesesticks?"

Jacob glanced down at the clock. "Yeah, we got time."

Jacob headed to the diner where Holly worked at. George whipped her up some cheesesticks and a double cheeseburger and onion rings for Jacob. Linda told them that they better call her when they find out the sex. Holly said she would. Sherri patiently waited for them to show up at the hospital. She said she would meet them there after school.

"Where have you two been?" she asked.

"Holly needed her cheesesticks."

"Don't come between a pregnant girl and her cravings!" smirked Holly.

"Well come on your appointment is in five minutes."

The three of them heaed into the hospital. Holly checked in then left her urine sample before patiently waiting for her name to be called.

"Holly Carter." a nurse called.

Jacob helped Holly out of the chair. She excitedly followed the nurse into the room. She was weighed and her blood pressure was taken before Doctor Cullen came into the room.

"Are we ready to find out the sex?" Carlisle asked as he put the warm gel on her belly.

"Yes!" Jacob said.

Carlisle placed the camera on her belly. The baby had gotten so big since they last saw it. He printed out some pictures for them then cleared his throat.

"Say hello to your son!"

Holly smiled over at Jacob who was grinning from ear to ear. He was so happy that he would be having a son to raise. He had found the love of his life and even though they were starting a family earlier than expected he couldn't be happier.