Status: Finishedd !

What Iz a G?!?

At Dinner with Her

I came dwnstairz dressed in mah red baby phat dress wit mah gold heelz.I had on gold accesoriez and mah gold tongue piercin in.I did mah hair wit tight curlz wit a side bang in the front.I got dwnstairz n both of them had red n gold on tew."D*mn yall tryin to jock mah colorz i see.""Guh u jockin mah colorz,nw letz go wit all dat."I laughed n followed them out to mah dadz candy apple red range rover.A coupl minutez lata we arrived at thiz fancy restaraunt.We sat dwn n ordered our drinkz.It waz quiet til my "mother" said,"So..Breesha,tell me bout urself dear.""First off dnt call me Breesha 'less i say so k!!Second dnt eva call me no d*mn dear.Datz n animal.N third u should kno.Oh wait,u werent ther so u wudnt kno!!"It got real quiet til da waiter asked fo our orderz.

Mah dad ordered steak wit gravy n mash potatoez on da side,i ordered some fried shrimp wit a salad on da side,n she ordered a salad wit dressin on da side."You sho u related tew me 'mother'??""Yea...y dear uh..i mean Ra'Breesha."Ha i got dat lady in check n she mah own momma."Cuz we ova here orderin meatz in stuff whil u jst orderin a stupid lil salad.""Well im tryin to keep mah weight dwn."I jst nodded n whil we wer eatin, we waz crackin jokez lik no tomorrow.

Afta we finished eatin we went tew walk on da beach sinc it waz only 7:30.The beach waz so beautiful at night.N u cud see da sun goin dwn.I wish yall cud see diz beautiful plac.We stayed ther til 8 cuz it waz startin tew get dark.We got back in da car n went home.I got out da car n went to tak off mah clothes.I hopped in da showa n went straight tew sleep.When i wok uhp,i brushd mah teeth n went dwnstairz tew make breakfast fo evryone.I made bacon,sausag,egg,croisantz,n sum homeade biscuitz.Mah dad n "mother" cam dwnstairz once da food waz ready.

We talked fo a bit n then he got a call.He went in da otha room n my mom waz lik,"I kno i havent been here fo u lik i shud hav bt im reali srry fo all da pain i cause u ova da yearz."I lookd into ha eyez n saw sincerety in them.I gave her a hug n waz lik,"Ok.I fogiv u momma."She started cryin tearz of joy n said,"I lov u."I lookd at ha n said,"I lov u tew."