Status: Work in Progress

Holding Someone's Hair Back



The drizzle of the rain filled my ears as it's breeze swept over my exposed skin. I closed my eyes and sighed, feeling it go around my neck, across my arms and making it's way down my legs. When it was over, I opened my eyes and turned around to stare back into the darkness that was my bedroom. The ambient light from outside were bent in some areas as it traveled up the corner's of walls and onto the ceiling. Insignificant objects like the tiny flower pot of Orchids were half lit. A picture of Vic and I from a long time ago sat next to it. I stared at it, remembering exactly what happened that day. And now that I look at it, I wonder why I had never noticed. From what I had found out, he'd been on them for almost five weeks, nearing a month. So something about him had to have changed and I should have noticed sooner. But it wasn't just me. No one knew, well... someone did.

I looked away from the picture and gave my eyes time to focus into the darker side of the room. I walked around the bed and knelt beside Vic. He was sound asleep. Very calm and steady. I visualized the picture in my mind and started to compare the two. I touched his face, running my hand over his cheek and touching his lips. They were both fuller than what they appeared to be in that picture. I swept my index finger under his eyes. They weren't sunken in anymore. I smiled, and slid the back of my hand over his forehead and down his cheek again, moving his hair behind his ear as I did so. I stopped and rested my head on my arms and continued to watch him sleep until I could see his eyes. It was dark, but I know they've changed too.

"Was that you?" he asked in whispered. I smiled and replied, "Yes." just as quietly as he asked. A chuckle escaped his lips and he rolled onto his back, letting out a big stretch as he did so. As he exhaled, I climbed on top of him and lied my head on his chest.

"Sing to me." I said and moved over so that my head was still on his chest and my right leg hung across his waist. He turned into my body and kissed the top of my head.

"I haven't worked on anything-"

"Yes you have," I interrupted. He laughed.

"Have you been spying on me?"

"No," I giggled. "But I've heard you when you can't sleep some nights. Or when you're up earlier than I am."

"Mm, well, none of them are finished but, I guess I'll sing something. Just for you."

I smiled and stayed still until he began to sing and I went back to sleep.


I was woken up again from a buzzing noise on the nightstand. I lifted my head and did my best to see what could be making that noise. Through my squinted eyes was a glow and that's when I realized that it was coming from either mine or Vic's phone. I sighed, climbing out from under Vic's arm and walking over to the nightstand.

"Cadence?" Vic groaned, still asleep for the most part.

"I just have to use the restroom." I said. He didn't respond, so I assumed that he heard me or that he was just too tired to talk anymore, which I could understand. It was after four in the morning. We were only up two hours ago because I was restless. And now that I did actually want some sleep, I just had to be interrupted by, Mom?

I snatched the phone from the surface and proceeded to the bathroom down the hall.

"Yes?" I said with annoyance and frustration.

"Good morning to you too. Comment vas-tu?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Je suis désolé. Je suis fatigué. English please?" I was too tired and it was too early to rack through all the french in my mind. I spoke it fluently but I've never needed to use it. Even as I was being raised around Creoles in Louisiana. But I had to speak french and only french when I was home or speaking to the elders on my mothers' side. But for now, I wasn't speaking to any of them and I wasn't home.

"If you'd like to. I'm just making sure you still know where you came from."

"I was raised in the states mom."

"But raised in Lyon until you were five." she argued.

"And lived out the rest of my childhood until I was 15 in a predominately English-speaking country." I countered. I smirked to myself, hearing the silence on the other end. I win. I let out a small laugh and continued with the conversation.

"Why are you calling so early anyways? It's," I looked at the time on my phone and put it back to my ear. "It's barely past 5." I whined.

"I'm sorry. I forget the time difference sometimes. Pardon moi. I called because Lilith wanted to speak to you. We hadn't heard from you in a few days. Are you all alright?"

I sighed. "Yeah mom. Everything is fine." I lied, obviously. But I don't need anyone else in my business. My mother already knew too much as it is. I hate having my family involved in all of my problems. Let alone a few. "Let me speak to Lilith."

"Alright. Attendre une minute."

I opened the door to the bathroom and poked my head back into the room. Vic was still asleep. Instead of going back to the bathroom, I went downstairs and sat in the front room.

"Bonjour ma mère!"

A big smile formed across my face and I couldn't hide the laugh that left my mouth.

"Bonjour ma petite fille. Êtes-vous d'être bon pour la grand-maman et grand-papa?"

"Oui maman."

"Est-ce que vous faites du bon à l'école?"


"Alright." I replied. She was only going to preschool, but I'm pretty sure that the one my parents had her in was already getting her started with her one's and two's and ABC's. I wonder how much of that a four year old could actually understand. I didn't even start talking until I was her age. I wasn't slow or anything. I just never had much to say to anyone outside of my family and didn't want to.

"Oui maman. Is daddy home yet?"

"Ye-" I stopped myself from answering and frowned. As much as I wanted to tell her that Vic was home, I couldn't. Things were still a mess here and I didn't want her around it. " No sweetheart. Daddy isn't home yet." Fuck this is going to bother me all day.

"Okay maman. Je t'aime!" she said without any further hint of sadness.

"Je t'aime aussi!" I smiled.

"Au revoir!"

"Adieu. Let me speak to grandma."

"Okay!" I waited patiently for my mother and listened once I heard Lilith speaking.

"Here you go granny." She said and giggled after my mother gasped. I chuckled and continued to wait for my mom to speak.

"Did you tell her to say that?" she asked.

"No." I laughed. "It was all her."

"Mm, I guess. She's just like you anyways."

I laughed again and sighed. I looked at the wall clock and cursed.


"I'm sorry mom. Pardon moi. I have to start getting ready for work soon and I hadn't really slept that great."

"Oh. Well I apologize for that. Call me when ever you're done alright?"

"Ouais maman. Adieu."

"Adieu." she replied and hung up the phone. I sighed and trudged back upstairs and into my room. Vic was still sleeping as I put my phone on its charger and got ready for work.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been longer than forever. I know. But there's a new character...obviously. Don't lose hope on this story. I'm doing the best I can...

Jai Paul & Fornication,

-Tommiliyn V-