Status: Work in Progress

Holding Someone's Hair Back


Nothing between the two of us had been solved yet. After a couple more minutes of yelling at each other, I hung up the phone and put it back on the end table. I sat myself back into the recliner and let my head fall back. 'What's the problem between those two?' I asked myself. 'Why do they have to continue to argue so much?' Is it me.?Could be, but there has to be something more. It feels like it's gotten worse between them. And I just can't be the root of that problem. Not me by myself at least.

I sighed and picked up my guitar as I headed upstairs to check on Cadence. I pushed the bedroom door open and leaned on it's frame. She looked up from whatever she which ever book she was reading and her face visibly softened.

"I'm sorry I-"

"It's fine," I interrupted. "I know you guys aren't the best of friends." I put on a small smile to hide the bothered expression I felt was starting to show. She returned my smile and set her book to the side. Leaving my guitar by the drawer, I climbed into the bed and rested my head on her thigh. I looked up and gazed at the pink of her lips and thought about how long it's been since I've really kissed them. God knows that I want to so badly. Oddly enough, I just haven't been able to since I've been home.

Maybe it's the shame that won't go away. Or could it be the possibility that she doesn't want to kiss me like she used to again. Have me touch her like I used to. Or to hold her like I did and have her tell me that she loved me more than she does now. Has she stopped loving me? Did she move on since I've been gone? I hope not, with all of my being I hope not. What more would I have without the woman that's helped me and stayed with me through everything? I'd have nothing. Just another painful loss that I'd have to carry on my heart. Fuck she can't leave me. But who can blame her.

I sighed yet again and sat up, leaning next to her on the headboard. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I put my arms around her waist. I kissed her forehead and moved down to kiss both her cheeks. I brought my lips away from her face and she looked up at me, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. Seeing it made me smile. I knew what she was disappointed about.

Without making her wait any longer, I brought her lips to mine. I could hear her sigh and felt her smile while we kissed. It made me smile back and she giggled, pulling me closer to her. Our lips moved together, in synch. Our tongues danced around in each others' mouths' and thats when I knew that if I didn't take her now, I'd be miserable for god knows how long.

Slowly, I began to lean her back on to the bed and climbed on top of her. Then she stopped. A puzzled look fell upon my face. Why did she stop? I knew it, I should've never let it get this far. She doesn't want me like she used too. I started to remove myself from my position above her but was stopped when she grabbed my arm. My eyes met hers and she could see the disappointment and confusion in them.

"I just needed to breathe is all." she said. I smiled at my ignorance and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Cadence."

"I love you too Victor." she replied and kisssed me again. We broke apart only once more so that she could remove my shirt and to have me do the same to hers. Then came the removal of my shorts and her sweat pants and everything else until we were both left in nothing. The feel of her uncovered skin alone made me go crazy inside. Another thing I missed is this. Having her body so close to mine. The warmth I can feel radiating off of her. Her legs wrapping themselves around my waist. The hold she'd have on my shoulders. The soft moans that came from her lips and from mine. The feelings I get from being inside her. The moments when she'd say my name with pleasure. I missed all of it.

I put my lips against hers once again, but with more lust and passion. I pulled apart for more air and put a hand on her waist to keep her with me. I pushed farther and harder into her. She squeezed my shoulders and moaned loudly with pleasure. I smiled a little, becoming proud that I can still make her do this. I did it again, and again, and again, all at the same pace, until she wanted me to go faster. I did as she wanted and went a little faster for myself.

"Victor." she moaned. I love the sound of her voice.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that I've been lagging hella bad with these updates, but I've been doing some reading of my own and my big bro was in town for a short period of time, not to mention that I had gotten into some trouble and my computer was down... but it's all good now.

And thank you bunches to:

You are all fucking ace and thanks for keeping up with this story. To tonyperryeatsturtles, I dig your writings and the same to you ivxiimmx. You know what, all three of you are way rad.

Pleased as Punch,
-Tommiliyn V.-