Status: Work in Progress

Holding Someone's Hair Back



I left the room as Cadence showered and prepared for her day. She was due for work in an hour and a half and had no time to waist. She woke up late this morning ;). I smiled to myself and headed downstairs to fix her a small breakfast before she was to leave. I looked into the almost empty fridge and grabbed the rest of the milk and the last two eggs. I'd have to go shopping later. I closed the fridge and walked across the kitchen for the loaf of Texas Toast. I threw the milk and eggs together along with some vanilla and cinnamon and prepared the pan.

While it was heating, I leaned on the counter with my arms crossed over my chest. I could hear the cooking spray in the pan begin to sizzle and decided that it was best if I started making the French toast now. I dipped both sides of the bread in the batter and put two pieces down. Just as I had flipped the first one, the phone began to ring. I starred at it, debating on whether or not I should answer it. I really wasn't in the mood to have yet another argument with my brother. What if it wasn't him though. It's not like there's anyone else I'm ready to talk to. It could be one of her colleagues. Or it could me one of my friends. Old friends.

I looked upstairs and saw that the bathroom door was still closed. I could still hear the shower running. I sighed and took my chances with answering the phone. Who ever this is would've heard from me soon anyways.

"H-hello?" I said clearing my throat. I didn't receive an answer on the other end. I repeated myself. "Hello?"

"Yeah uh, who is this?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes at the annoyance of my luck in this situation. But I sucked it up anyways. I had to if I wanted to get by.

"Vic." I answered slowly. I closed my eyes and waited for either the pity, the yelling, or the dial tone. But it seemed as if my luck had changed. Instead of recieving any of the three, my answer was returned with a nervous, surprised laugh and a "Hey, it's Jaime." I smiled, but I couldn't get my hopes up yet. People can smile and sound nice to you all the time. That doesn't mean that they'll be completely comfortable with you at the drop of hat.

""I didn't expect you to pick up,"

"You don't say." I mumbled to myself. Why has everyone come to the conclusion that I'd be anywhere else except for being with Cadence? Was I really- yes. Yes I was. I went back to the kitchen and continued cooking.

"I mean, I knew you were back in town but, I just-"

"No. No I get it." I said saving him the trouble. There was a few seconds of silence. I broke it by asking Jaime why he called.

"I just felt that I should call Cadence again."

"Again?" It was funny. I hadn't heard the phone the ring this morning. Any other day it rang, it sure as hell wasn't Jaime who called to yell at me. Turned the stove off and sat in the living room.

"Yeah. I would call every now and then but she never answered her phone. She hadn't talked to anyone after you... left."

I frowned. I was the reason she withdrew herself from everyone. It broke my heart that I had changed her to that extent. She was always so happy and outgoing before all of this shit. She was always talking to somebody and wanting to go out. She loved to do things. But I stopped her. I deprived her of everything that made her happy.

I sighed and scratched my head. "Yeah... I guess." was all I could say. Jaime sighed on the other end and began to speak.

"So uh, is she home?"

"Yeah," I almost forgot why he called. "She's in the shower actually."

"Oh, she working today?"

"Yeah. She'll be back around 5 if you want to call back then." I suggested. Jaime thought that would be good and bid me a good day. I returned his comment with an equally polite one. Before I was able to hang up, I heard my name being shouted on the other end. Quickly, I put it back up to my ear. "What?" I said.

"I just, I just wanted to know if, if you were available. I mean, I know it's kinda last minute, I guess. But if you don't want to then that's, that's totally fine. You don't have-"

"Jaime," I said with a small chuckle. He was beginning to ramble like he always did when he was nervous. It was like he hadn't changed. It brought a smile to my face. Jaime wasn't like my brother or his pathetic girlfriend. He knew what I'd been through but he wasn't shallow enough to judge me for it. Maybe I could finally forgive him. It should be the other way around actually. I treated him like shit along with everyone else. I understand why I was thrown out then and I can't say that I blame him. I drained him and everyone else of their empathy, money, and comfort. They all hate me for it. But Jaime, he's still Jaime. Never really changed.

"It's fine," I continued. "I'm not really doing anything. I have to get food but, sure."

"Alright," Jamie chuckled. "Alright cool. What time is good for-"

"Six." I interupted.

"Just like practice." I heard him mumble. I agreed with him but kept it to myself. It was just like practice. The guys and I always met up at six. "Yeah well, six it is."

"Yeah. Are we going to meet somewhere or..."

"I was thinking that I could just, I could come by there, see Cadence too since I, kind of called for her." he answered, chuckling nervously with the last few words of his sentence.

"That's fine." I said. Jaime chuckled another "Yeah." before we said our goodbye's and I hung up the phone. I sighed and shook my head. Is it too soon for me to start going out again? What if we run into someone else and they treat me with the opposite amount of kindness Jaime is giving me? I know that I'd probably deserve it but, I can only handle being humiliated with a clean conscience for so long.

I shook my head again and huffed. I need to stop being so fucking hard on myself.

"Hi." Cadence said from behind me. I turned around and admired how wonderful she looked in ordinary clothing. She always looked so beautiful. It was the innocence in her beauty that made her so lovely. But I could still see that she had scars. Her innocence was shattered and it was because of me.

"Hi." I said with a smile.

"Someone call?"

"Oh, yeah. It was just, Jaime."

"Oh." she responded. I nodded and suddenly remembered that I had made her breakfast. I looked at the clock. She had 10 more minutes before she had to leave.

"Come here and sit." I said grabbing her hand. she began to protest but I planted a kiss on her lips. I would've left them there but neither of us had the time. I pulled away and helped her into her seat. I made her plate and came back into the dining room along with it, a fork, and some syrup. I placed everything infront of her and watched as a smile spread across her face. She stood up and wrapped her arms around me to give me the biggest hug. I could feel my shirt becoming wet and realized that she was crying.


I was held infront of him and a warm smile appeared on his face. I could see how proud and sincere he was in those eyes of his. I threw my arms around him again, this time, holding him even tighter. He laughed and wrapped his arms back around my waist.

"You don't have to cry." he cooed. I couldn't stop myself. I was so overwhelmed with happiness. It hit me again that he was finally home.He'd never made me breakfast. Not even after the first time he went away. He really was home.

"I love you." he said afterwards. He kissed the top of my head and pulled me back. He sat me back down and the both of us laughed. I picked up the fork and cut off a corner of toast. I could feel him watching as I lifted the bread to my lips and ate it. It was very, very good compared to the fruits and nothing that I've had for days. I still went grocery shopping at that time, but it was all a waste. I barely touched any of it and most of it would just go bad.

I took another bite and smiled at Vic.

"I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is kind of a filler. School started and senior year is SOOOO difficult and it's only been four weeks now :P. I'm trying to find the time to update. I'm sorry if I'm being to slow. But keep reading and commenting and start subscribing. Thanks to those who show thier support and commenting. You guys are way rad.

Confide Reunion and Cute Bunny's,
-Tommiliyn V.-