Status: I dont have a life, so I update all the time.

If our eyes were diamonds, we'd be rich

Make yourself comfortable, this could take a while.

Meeting other bands never bothered me. Already knowing that whoever the guys were, I had to bear with them for the next months. No need to be hating on anyone. And probably, not caring about anyone besides myself and the guys. Trying to make it out alive of this wild Zoo.

I had been awake for the last two hours, Danny still sleeping besides me. Sam and Ben were awake, playing some game and laughing loud. I took my phone, it read 9 AM. I don't know how this animals get the energy to be so cheerful, laughing and pushing each other, like they have ants up their asses.

I lightly kissed Danny's nose, trying to wake him up. Failing.

" Danny, wake the fuck up. "

" Two more minutes. "

" Now, Danny, we have to meet the other bands, you need to shower, yeh stink. "

" I don't wanna shower. " He said, his eyes still closed, his lips pouting.

" Yeh have to, yeh don't want to scare them away. "

" Maybe I want to. "

" You only making this up so you can stay in bed, get yer lazy ass up. " I said, while rolling out of the small bunk that could barely fit the two of us in.

The guys were exited to meet up with their old friends from Bring Me the Horizon. They talked and joked about random stories from the past with them. Danny kept rambling, saying that I will love them to bits. Not really caring, I nodded now and then, trying to remember names without faces as we made our way to the place we'd be meeting.

So far, this guy Matt Nicholls, a weird kind of animal, extremely energetic, with a thick accent has been talking to me about Star Wars and how much he loved that movie. I smiled, replying that nothing could ever match The Lord of the Rings. He promised me he would prove me wrong and that I was stuck with him for a movie marathon. I already love this guy, probably my soon to be best friend. Suddenly, Danny came up to me with this guy. When I say tattoos, I mean a load shit of them. Longish brown hair, with a pair of hazel eyes, a smirk down his pierced lips. Skinny and tall.

" Oi Alice, I want yeh to meet your new best mate, after me, of course. "

" He'o, love, I'm Oliver. Danny 'ere as talked none stop about yeh since yeh guys got 'ere. "

" Nice to meet yeh Oliver. "

Two hours later, I was on Matt Nicholls back with Jona by my side, running away from the other guys to go to Starbucks. The guys were right, I already adored Matt so much, with him being so stupid and nice at the same time. Random but serious when needed, always making faces, a perfect mate. I know you're all thinking, you cant become so close to a guy you've known for three hours, but that's because you've never met Matteh.

" So Ali, yeh tell me yer Asking's merch girl ? "

" Yepp, that's me Matteh. "

" Well that's ace, yeh all right up ther' ? I don't wan' tha' kill yeh. "

" I don't want to kill yeh if Im heavy, put me down. "

" Love, I don't think you weight more than one hundred pounds. " Said Jona, while poking my sides.

" Actually, mister Weinhofen, I weight one hundred and twenty pounds. " I said smirking at him.

" Yeh sure don't look like love. "

" That's cause you're so tall, yeh see me tinny, when I'm actually normal. " I said laughing.

" We'll leav' it at tha'. "

It felt nice to be around other people. The only guys I usually hang out with a lot is either Danny or Ben. Not that I'm complaining. To be around nice guys who carried me on their back all the way to Starbucks, who payed for me and offered to carry me again all the way back. I loved them ,I already did.

I smiled, this couldn't go bad.
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That's only cause Oli isn't in her life yet haha. Thanks for the ones reading so far, I love yeh.