Across Your Soul

From Your Earlobes to Your Ankles

“You're not so ugly when you're fucking me.”

Claudia smiles, her lips dripping of mud and small baby insects, she keeps on talking and Benny keeps on grinning, his back against the bed, and cigarette, lit, between his freckled fingertips. His eyes are slowly rolling up behind his eyelids to stare at the pale pink bits of his brain; Claudia's talking about Benny's pink dick which looks too much like his brain, then his shitty grunge music that has too much of the 90s and then how dirty the sheets are, to end, letting her fingers trail atop his stomach - the bones, the heart, the skin. Benny gives her a soft laugh, lets his fingers roll across hers and they almost feel like lovers – 'til the cd begins to skip over and over and Claudia digs her fringed nails near the pit of his stomach. The afternoon melts into night and night into morning, to weeks, to months, to years, it goes over and over and over until Benny's eyes fall out of his head and Claudia digs and burrows into his stomach, between the large and small intestine, sick and sticky with an animals entrails. Benny's elsewhere, though, and can't feel Claudia kicking his brains out the holes where his ears used to be and pulling his tongue down to his heart.

That's always Benny, though. He doesn't think. Not anymore. There's nothing to think with. So, when he brings the boy back to his and Claudia's room, he doesn't think what she'll do. When he digs his left hands and nails into the boy's spine, he's only minimally thinking about the cigarette in his right. When the door is opened and he hears Claudia screaming at him, he's not affected. The boy, though, he's scared. He's lying beside Benny, pleading, but Benny can't hear him(Claudia cut off his ears months ago). Benny does jump, though, when he hears the shotgun cock, the screaming come to a close and feels the bits and pieces pink brain on his torso.

Claudia's not sure if Benny is dumb. She's not sure if he's just touched. But he's fine. He accepts her as she crawls onto the bed and kisses his lips. He's fine and she's fine and she's made her way from his intestines between his two lungs.
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I just don't know, been like five months and boom, nothing, but this is a start.