Don't you tell me if I can be happy

Don't you tell med if I can be happy - Chapter 2

Lucy walked out of the elevator on the sixth floor and stepped right into her beautiful bridal store. It was big, the walls were painted in a very light yellow, the ceiling was bright white and everything else was darer versions of white. One of her sleeping kids made a noise that made her look down at them. Amadeus wasn’t asleep anymore apparently. That meant two things, Michael would wake up any moment and it was time to feed them.

She walked through to the back and watched her dresses with a smile all the way. No dress was alike another because sometimes it seemed her imagination had no boundaries. ”Mama”. What the …? Amadeus just said mama! Tobias should have…, she almost started that old saying that Tobias should have been here but she couldn’t think like that.

Even though the boys had his last name they were hers. He had said no to them and abandoned both the boys and her so he had no right, no right at all to claim them. When Michael started crying, Lucy could hear that he was hungry by the high pitched scream he made. She was so lost in calming him when she walked in the door that she didn’t notice the tall man standing by the window in her office.

- Sorry, but can you please wait out in the store for another five minutes? I have to feed my sons. She wasn’t even done talking when she turned around to Michael again, but after starting the preparations of feeding, she noticed she didn’t hear him leave. She picked up the boy, held him tight and turned around slowly. Wasn’t there something familiar about that back?

The first thing Tobias noticed was the fear in Lucy’s eyes. Or he thought he saw fear because whatever was in her eyes disappeared to make room for anger before he had the time to interpret the fear.

- What the hell are you doing here? Who let you in here and how soon can you leave us? Tobias could feel the hate in the words and it hurt him. She used to speak so calmly, even when he had to cancel a dinner or something she never reacted with anger. He missed those polite words she had greeted him with when she didn’t know who he was.

He had no clue what to answer, so the silence went on for something that felt like hours. Staring into the hate in her eyes didn’t make it any easier to answer either, so he found something else to watch. His eyes trailed down to his sons who also had fallen silent when they heard Lucy scream.

- Oh don’t even think about it! It’s my sons, you have no right anymore! One of them is hungry and the other one will be soon, so please leave this office for at least ten minutes!
Tobias had lost his own power of will, so he just walked out without saying a word. He had gotten so lost in the eyes of one of his sons so he walked backwards out the door watching him. Lucy obviously didn’t like it, so she stepped in front of him to block his view and close the door.

’’I have one choice, I have to marry her’’ When he walked through the store the first time he hadn’t noticed anything. But when he turned around this time he noticed and he was hit by a large wave of shock. He was in the middle of a pool of wedding dresses.