Status: Finishedd !

I Hate My Life

Fightin' Fo My Custody.!

~Sha'Keeyah's P.O.V.~

It's been a couple of months since I officially left my 'mother's' house.I've been livin' with my dad and he moved down here so I wouldn't be away from Alana.And guess what?!Alana's mom and my dad are dating.So now me and Lana are basically sisters.Oh and my mom calls every now and then,but not to say hi or anything.She leaves threatening voicemails on me and my dad's phone saying that she gone find me and break all my f*ckin bones and stuff like that.

"Keeyah let's go!We gotta get to the lawyer's office in ten minutes."he yelled from his room."Ok!I'm comin'..."I said while grabbing my stuff.I got in my dad's car and we were on our way.Exactly 10 minutes later,we arrived at Dr.Phillips' (our lawyer) office."Hello Sha'Keeyah.Hello Mr.Reed."Dr.Phillips said with a smile and a wave.We sat down in our chairs as he began to ask some questions."So,she has been leaving you some really gruesome messages?"he asked me."Yes.And I have them all saved on my phone in case you need them for evidence.""Ok,I think that's it for today!I will check back with you when the judge approves your court hearing and you'll let he or she know about everything that she has been doing.""Thanks."I said as we got our stuff and left.