Status: New

The Entertainment

Chapter 6-1: Weirdness and Determination

The Entertainment: Chapter 6 part 1

Weirdness and Determination

Salina tried not to ogle at the lights, wires, and dozens of cameras inside EDT's main building. She wandered through the shouting voices and crew, that always seemed just about to panic between the scenes of different sets. From the outside it was like watching someone build a city out of cardboard boxes, but from the angle of the camera each small set seemed larger, sturdy, and natural.

Gavin guided her through, pointing out certain equipment and explaining their uses in filming. It was sometimes hard to remember he was learning all this with her as Salina's manager. Still, she admired his determination and was grateful for his insight.

A very distracted Mr. Jackson greeted them outside the director's room. Gavin exchanged cell numbers and names before Jackson left him with a secretary to go over the upcoming film schedule.

Salina waited outside, watching with fascination as the crew built, took apart, and rearranged each set. In particular the wires seemed to be the biggest fuss as lights were constantly moving.

“First time seeing it from this end huh?” came a familiar voice behind her. The excitement died instantly as Salina glanced back to find Jordan Cruz sipping on a cup of coffee.

“Yes,” she answered simply, moving past him towards Gavin.

“Hey, wait-” This time she paused. “You did well at the auditions. I look forward to working with you.” Salina held back a laugh as she faced him again.

“You mean, I'm almost as adequate for the job as your girlfriend?” she returned with a faint smirk.

“Girlfriend.. who?”

As if on que the high pitched voice appeared.

“Jordan! Sweetie..”

Salina turned to leave, just catching the surprised look of recognition on Natalie's face as the girl raced past.

“What's she doing here?” Natalie hissed a little too loudly.

Ignoring any further conversation from both of them Salina moved further down the walkway between sets, where she bumped into Mrs. Peterson.

“Good. Save me from having to pass my instructions to your manager,” the blunt woman announced dumping a thick folder into Salina's hands. “That's the full manuscript, your part has been marked out for you.”

“Thank You,” Salina started to open it, then hesitated feeling the directors pointed gaze.

“I like you Miss White. You have focus, guts, and rare determination,” the tyrant huffed.

“Thank You-” Salina repeated

“Don't disappoint me,” the director cut in sharply. “If you can't produce a full believable character, there are plenty of other girls waiting for their shot.”

'3 seconds of motivation, followed by hours of doubt' This was the 'dream killer' she'd heard about.

Salina almost said, “I'll do my best!” but the words sounded too cliché. Instead she met Mrs. Peterson's pale blue eyes and said, “Understood director.”

The woman's nostrils flared, but before Salina could panic she recieved a faint smile.

“Keep that fire lit young lady.” With this parting, but strangely encouraging message, Mrs. Paterson marched off.

Gavin appeared and guided Salina to a small trailer outside where she could study and change between scenes filmed at EDT. The first scene shooting would take place at a near by school the following weekend. Salina couldn't wait to start.


'She was weird.' That's what Jordan had decided. And it wasn't because she didn't over react or try to flirt around him. Completely the opposite, she always appeared very 'alive' and vibrant when speaking to the directors and other actors. The moment he walked in that vibrancy instantly went dim and she clammed up, eyes always glued to her script.

It wasn't that he expected every girl to try, he wasn't that conceited. And it wasn't that he really wanted her too either. Something about her performance at the audition, even the directors had seen it. The way she feel so easily into another character, how real Tabitha had come across when staring at him with those pained and desperate blue eyes. She, Salina and Tabitha, had been mesmerizing.

It almost made him forget that he was acting.

Dylan had told him about actor's who could pull reactions from people with their over powering emotions. For once, Jordan had something to look forward too. He really wanted to see how far acting could take him, but ever since he'd broken up with that last piece of work 'actress'..

Sighing, he recalled the way Salina had laughed at his compliment. 'I look forward to working with you.' How cliché could he have been, no wonder she thought he was joking. And the way he'd acted the jerk before her audition, but then he had expected another half ass attempt from this unknown amateur.

He was just going to have to make it up to her, and prove he wasn't the jerk she thought him to be.


The following week before filming started went by quickly and with little change. Salina came and went each day, ignoring Jordan at every turn. She studied alone in her trailer, eyes always going over her script even while being fitted for Tabitha's uniforms and personal clothes.

When she wasn't with the director's or in her trailer, her manager – Gavin as he heard her call him, was constantly at her side. The manager seemed weirdly protective of her too. He was always pushing sunglasses on her, and held an umbrella for her when they left the building and headed to the parking lot.

'Was she some kinda of vampire or something? Or did she really hate the thought of having a tan?'

An even more annoying question was the one Natalie kept hissing in his ear every day when they saw 'little miss vampire'. The model was pissed her first shot at acting had landed Salina in the support role, and Natalie as a 'nobody' class mate who later 'steals' Daniel from Tammy.

“I'm barely on camera for more then two scenes, with no lines, and I look like a slut,” Natalie wailed from her dramatic 'half fallen' pose in his chair.

“Earlier you were complaining that Tabitha's role wasn't good enough,” Jordan reminded her, pushing her limp body and the chair back so he could reach his book bag.

“Well it's expected for Arianna to get Tammy's role. She is more popular than me, and she's been in movies with you. But that Salina bitch is a nobody. It doesn't make sense.”

'You didn't see her act at the auditions..'

“It's not about popularity, its about acting,” Jordan answered shortly, kicking the trailer door open and jumping out. He was just going to have to find another place to study his script since Natalie had invited herself into his trailer. Even more important then studying was crushing the apparent rumors they were 'dating' now.

'As if I'd head down that road again after last time...'

Girls were fun to flirt with, sure. What guy his age wouldn't think that, but actually falling in love with one. Not models, or actresses, he'd learned his lesson.

Behind him he could hear Natalie pouting and calling his name. Ducking behind the nearest trailer, he gritted his teeth. Asking his agent to get her on the roster for the audition was the biggest mistake he'd made this summer. How was he supposed to know she'd go overboard and become so annoying?

Nanjing his way to the main building he headed for the cafeteria. Tossing a cold drink and wrapped BLT onto his tray he swiped his EDT card to pay, before looking for a safe place to sit. He spotted Salina, alone for once, nibbling on some tuna fish and crackers. Deciding to risk another mute conversation he took the seat across from her, setting down his tray and script loudly.

With the skills of a master she kept her eyes glue to the script. He was about to give up and leave when he noticed the look of uncertainty on her face as her blue eyes scanned the page.

“How's it coming?” Jordan asked casually.

“Huh?” Salina mumbled looking. Blue eyes narrowed instantly and returned to the safety of her script.

'WTH? Was she still passed at him?'

Taking a bite from his BLT, with extra B and mayo, he flipped open his own script to study.


Salina wiped her fingers on the napkins after finishing her tuna. Tomorrow the movie shots would begin. She didn't have a lot of lines to worry about over all, most of it was just silent acting with Tammy and Daniel's relationship as the main focus. Most of Tabitha's dialog was with Tammy, the actress she hadn't seen yet.

Inwardly Salina was struggling to understand the point of this film. Was it really just focused on relationships and breakups? Felt rather weak. But it was her first film, so she fully intended to give it her best. Future jobs depended on her performance.

With a determined sigh she closed the folder, looking up to see Jordan deeply engrossed in his script. That was another puzzle. Who would want to play Daniel? The insensitive jerk who broke up a friendship, only to dump Tammy for another classmate in the same school year. Wasn't it going to make him lose some fans?

“Is there something on my face?” Jordan asked amused. Blushing, Salina looked away.

“No, sorry – was just – thinking.”

'It wasn't her fault he decided to sit across from her..'

“Tell me then,” Jordan tilted his head, resting it on his right hand as he waited expectantly. “What's bugging you?”

“It's – Nothing.” Salina opened her cell phone, wondering where Gavin was now of all times.

“If you're having problems with the script you don't have to keep bugging the directors about it. Tell me, I can probably give you some advise.” Jordan added looking faintly annoyed.

“No – I – It's not the script,” Salina blurted out.

Jordan stared at her, clearly puzzled.

“Than what-”

“Jordan!” Natalie's triumphant voice cut in loudly. Salina tried not to laugh as the teen boy almost seemed to curl behind his script, as if it were a shell he could crawl into. Natalie launched herself into the seat beside him, so focused on glaring at Salina she almost pushed him off.

Spotting Gavin across the cafeteria Salina made her excuses.

“Thanks for the help. See you guys tomorrow,” she smiled picking her her tray and folder as she left.

Jordan could only star after her perplexed.

'She really was weird.'
♠ ♠ ♠
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