Status: New

The Entertainment

Chapter 11-1: World of Power

The Entertainment Chapter 11 part 1

World of Power

Mr. Kennedy tapped his Rolex with an impatient look directed at Gavin. “We should be leaving already,” he muttered.

At Mr. Green's specific 'request', Kennedy had agreed to escort Salina at the charity party. The old director hadn't been to thrilled, but complied.

Relaxed at his desk, dressed in his own formal tuxedo, Gavin refrained from smiling. “It's her first formal party, I'm sure she's nervously taking her time. Why don't you make yourself comfortable,” he added nodded towards the couch. Mr. Kennedy scowled, straightening his posture in silent refusal. Fifteen minutes later he had slowly shifted closer to the couch. Clearing his throat slightly the old man stared at the lather cushions behind him, and finally succumbed to his tired knees.

Just as he sat a knock came at the door. Instantly back on his feet, Mr. Kennedy glanced between his watch and the door hopefully. Rising from his seat Gavin opened the door, stepping back as Salina walked in followed closely by the stylish Mr. Kennedy had brought to help her prepare.

Stepping forward to greet her guardian Salina apologized quickly for being late. “It is always a pleasure to wait for such a beautiful vision,” Mr. Kennedy assured her. Amused Gavin examined her transformation.

“She does look quite elegant,” he murmured. The heels and dress added to her height, and the elegant blond curls wrapped and loosened to flow around her neck and shoulders made her look older. “She looks nice,” he added lamely aware of Mr. Kennedy's amused gaze.

“Nice he says,” the stylist huffed placing a black jeweled bracelet around Salina's right wrist. “The young lady is a vision.” Salina beamed thanking the man who blushed and bowed.

“Wonderful work Samuel, your reputation is well deserved,” Mr. Kennedy pulled out his check book and started scribbling out an amount. “But we must” scribble, “be on our way”. Ripping the check free he passed it to the stylist and opened the door. Salina followed him eagerly.

Although the front dress had been shortened so that the front rested over her toes, the back had not. Snagging up the dress he held it off the floor until they got into the elevator. “Better hold onto that,” Gavin told Salina.

“Oh, but doesn't it look more elegant that way?” she asked curiously. Mentally promising himself he'd pick out the next dress, Gavin bit his tongue and pushed the button for the garage floor.


Salina's hand kept moving between her bracelet and the black gem necklace and earrings Mr. Kennedy had brought her to wear. Everything felt uncomfortable and fragile, she couldn't even begin to contemplate the worth of everything she wore. Originally she had been happy with just the dress and shoes, but Mr. Kennedy insisted she wear the jewelry.

“You're not popular enough yet. The more money these people think you have, the more they'll pay attention to you,” Mr. Kennedy explained. But Salina couldn't help but feel it was wrong. After all she was penniless in reality, all her income came from Mr. Kennedy's support as her guardian. Since he seemed so insistent she relented, the jewels were very pretty and she wanted to look her best.

The limo Gavin had arranged for drove them towards the party. Most of the ride passed by quietly. Mr. Kennedy slipped a cigar between his lips but didn't light it. Gavin kept checking his black berry between red lights. The driver announced when they were approaching their destination, and Gavin moved to sit beside Salina.

“Try to stay with Mr. Kennedy as much as you can,” he instructed. “He'll make sure you meet all the right people. Whatever happens with the Hughes, be polite.”

“Yes,” Salina nodded, feeling even more nervous as they pulled in front of a large building. The entrance was swarming with media. Nerves hit her, and she felt her teeth rattle slightly. Clenching them shut she drew a few deep breaths. Suddenly she regretted getting such tall heels. 'Please don't let me fall on my face in front of them,' she prayed.

Mr. Kennedy, seated beside the door turned to give her an encouraging smile. “Just take my arm and hold on till you feel comfortable enough to stand on your own.” Placing a hand timidly on his sleeve, Salina looked inquiringly at Gavin.

“I'll meet you both inside,” Gavin smiled and winked. “Knock them dead gorgeous.”

Before she could reply the limo driver had opened the door. Blinding flashes greeted them. Salina did her best to follow Mr. Kennedy out onto the carpeted entrance. He caught her hand, wrapping it around his arm before they walked slowly to the door.

Shouts came from beyond the ropes that created a barrier on each side.

“Logan Kennedy, whose your date?”

“What movies are you working on?”

“Is it true you signed a deal with Connar Murray for the next movie of the Renegade Series?”

“How much are you paying him?”

“How is the Ex wife? Do you still talk?”

“Do you think giving money to people who can apply for government help reasonable?”

Each step from the limo to the door made her feel like Alice falling head over heals into another world. Grateful for Mr. Kennedy presence Salina kept a friendly smile on her face, while she avoided looking directly at the cameras. The glass doors were opened by two door men inside, the front room well furnished and adorned by several signed pictures of celebrities. Doors closed behind them, muffling the sound of the rebel outside.

Trying to slow the nervous racing of her heart, she clung to Mr. Kennedy's arm as they were greeted by a man in uniform. His badge pronounced him as security, in his ear the very viable communication. After greeting Mr. Kennedy formally, he checked both their invitations before guiding them up the elevator to the third floor. Four other security guards waited outside open doors leading to a wide and spacious room. Their guide inclined his head and returned to the elevator.

Once they had passed the guards Salina whispered to her guardian, “They have security for a charity party?”

“'Be Prepared.' That's the Hughes motto. You don't become a powerful family owned company without making some enemies along the line,” Mr. Kennedy explained.

“What kind of company is it?” Salina whispered back curiously.

“They have their hand in just about everything: Automobiles, Airlines, High end Malls, even weapons manufacturing for the government.”

“Wow,” was all Salina could muster, eyes widening. A handsome couple in their late Forties wondered over to greet them, Salina recognized the woman from one of the pictures at the entrance. 'Had she been an actress too?' she wondered curiously.

“Logan, good to see you again,” the men shook hands with matching business like smiles.

“Thank you for having me Arthur. Always a pleasure,” Mr. Kennedy returned with a polite node to the woman sipping her glass of wine. “Let me introduce you to Salina White, my ward.”

“Well, this is a pleasure!” Arthur beamed at her. Smiling back nervously, Salina turned to the still silent woman. Cold blue eyes cut through her with familiar intense dislike. “My son Xavier has told us so much about you, Miss White. So happy you could come on such short notice.”

Breaking contact with the woman, Salina's brain quickly registered what Arthur was saying. 'They were the Hughes? Xavier and Arianna's parents?'

“Thank you for inviting me,” she manged to force out with a smile, careful to avoid Mrs. Hughes eyes. 'So both mother and daughter hate me?' Gavin's warnings from before replayed behind her careful smile and Arthur and Mr. Kennedy rattled on about a golf match. 'Why did he have to always be right?'

The Hughes moved onto other guests, but Salina could still feel those cold blue eyes burning after her. It took all her stubbornness not bolt and run. Mr. Kennedy did as promised, introducing Salina to several directors and even quite a few popular actors. They all smiled kindly but she could feel their eyes analyzing her from head to toe.

Salina's wrist was starting to throb again after shaking yet another set of hands with a friendly smile cremated to her face. The heels were starting to feel uncomfortable, and if one more person stepped on the hem of her dress she just might scream.

Someone whistled loudly to her left. Turning towards the sound she saw Xavier walking – no, strutting? - towards her. The young man smiled as he eyed her from head to toe before nodding to Mr. Kennedy.

The arm beneath her hand pulled away. Startled, Salina watched as Kennedy turned his back on her and walked away. Not fully grasping what was going on, and suddenly anxious to know where Gavin was, she reluctantly turned back to find Xavier extending a glass of white wine towards her.

She accepted it, offering a polite smile. Something about the look in his eyes unnerved her.

“T-thank you,” Salina stammered, eyes dropping to the glass.

“I wasn't sure you'd come, but I'm so glad you did,” he spoke with added warmth.

Glancing up uncertainly, Salina stiffed at the amused expression on he wore. Before she could come up with anything to wipe that look of his face, he leaned in closer.

“You're very sexy in that dress. I think I want a taste,” he whispered huskily.
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The Entertainment Chapter 11 part 1 © 2011 by SheaRyhai